Alexandre Vialatte : tristesse croissante des guerres mondiales.
29.12.2024 23:31Alexandre Vialatte : tristesse croissante des guerres mondiales.Quand tu es Pascal, c'est le Père Noël qui t'écrit.
15.12.2024 16:45Quand tu es Pascal, c'est le Père Noël qui t'écrit.J'ai appris à construire des cadres. Un cadre pour une image, un dessin pour un cadre.
3.10.2024 20:21J'ai appris à construire des cadres. Un cadre pour une image, un dessin pour un cadre....My oldest son spun out a simple blog for me, dedicated to my woodworking notes : I will still post short notes and headlines here on Mastodon, but the long content will be on the blog. (My son set up Jekyll, Prose, GitHub Pages and a Python script for importing the Mastodon threads, all by himself, the little rascal.)
5.8.2024 22:48My oldest son spun out a simple blog for me, dedicated to my woodworking notes : I will still post short notes and...Make an igloo, smooth everything with the plane, scrapers and a bit of sandpaper, and put some Mauler oil on it. Once dry tidy the kid's bedroom and install. I am happy, this looks better than I imagined it. Fin.
2.4.2024 20:15Make an igloo, smooth everything with the plane, scrapers and a bit of sandpaper, and put some Mauler oil on it. Once dry tidy the kid's...Now the last thing is the drawer. While the cat watches over the neighborhood, cut the four sides of the drawer, and a fir bottom. The sides and the bottom are resawn, because otherwise they would be too thick (that means they are a board cut in two in its width). Cut half blind dovetails (a first for me, simpler than I thought). Make runners, think a bit and attach them to the top using screws.
2.4.2024 20:10Now the last thing is the drawer. While the cat watches over the neighborhood, cut the four sides of the drawer, and a fir bottom. The sides...That weekend my daughter was eleven. I glued the legs to the rails (using wedges), and the rails to the top (just a bit of glue on the front side, so that the top can expand and contract freely), and I had a table.
2.4.2024 20:02That weekend my daughter was eleven. I glued the legs to the rails (using wedges), and the rails to the top (just a bit of glue on the front...It was a Friday, the first of December and with my second son we watched Die Hard 2. When the film was over, I looked through the window and snow was falling. This may be insignificant to you but we were happy.
2.4.2024 19:18It was a Friday, the first of December and with my second son we watched Die Hard 2. When the film was over, I looked through the window and...I made the leg blanks parallelepipedic (am I spelling that right ?) by flattening one face, then an adjacent one at a right angle, then drawing the remaining lines and planing to them. I cut the tenons using the saw and chisel, and trying them repeatedly in one of my rails. I tapered the legs, thinner at the bottom, using my plane, and finished by making them heptagonal (that is like octogonal but you forget one face).
2.4.2024 19:13I made the leg blanks parallelepipedic (am I spelling that right ?) by flattening one face, then an adjacent one at a right angle, then...Then I made the legs. This time I tried splitting my board instead of sawing it (I had bought an old thingy that looked appropriate to be banged with my mallet). It was a pleasure and ten minutes later I had four leg blanks. Splitting is my new favourite thing to do.
2.4.2024 19:07Then I made the legs. This time I tried splitting my board instead of sawing it (I had bought an old thingy that looked appropriate to be...I bored the round mortises on the rails, using a sliding bevel and a construction laser as guides. Ash is hard and my cordless drill is weak for this ; like most parts of woodworking by hand this is a (welcome) lesson in patience.
2.4.2024 19:00I bored the round mortises on the rails, using a sliding bevel and a construction laser as guides. Ash is hard and my cordless drill is weak...I planed chamfers on the underside of the top, and plowed two dovetailed dadoes. The sides are sawn using the rails as a guide. It required a large amount of trial and error adjustment, in the form of planing the rails. My daughter made bread in the form of a butterfly (not shown but I assure you she was happy).
2.4.2024 18:54I planed chamfers on the underside of the top, and plowed two dovetailed dadoes. The sides are sawn using the rails as a guide. It required...On Sunday afternoon I looked at the big slab of ash, and eight hours later I had made one rail from it. I must have sawed it painfully. I made the other rail on wednesday. That night I found the cat sleeping in the clean clothes on top of the washing machine.
2.4.2024 18:47On Sunday afternoon I looked at the big slab of ash, and eight hours later I had made one rail from it. I must have sawed it painfully. I...On Tuesday night I left the top to glue for the night. Then I flattened one face (the bottom, where joinery needs geometric precision) and thicknessed the other. This ash looked stunning to me, even though its wavery grain was tougher to smooth than beech, and sometimes tore out deeply under my plane.
2.4.2024 18:32On Tuesday night I left the top to glue for the night. Then I flattened one face (the bottom, where joinery needs geometric precision) and...On the next Sunday I started preparing the desk top : sawing boards, making them roughly flat on one side, and straight on one edge.
2.4.2024 18:21On the next Sunday I started preparing the desk top : sawing boards, making them roughly flat on one side, and straight on one edge.It was Halloween, the kids made vegetable characters and we paid a visit to this guy in Milan (best graveyard I've seen).
2.4.2024 18:19It was Halloween, the kids made vegetable characters and we paid a visit to this guy in Milan (best graveyard I've seen).I had three projects in my head on the last day of October : a second bookcase, a door for my second son, and a desk for my his little brother. I felt that I understood beech, and I wanted to try ash. I wanted to build the worktable from Christopher Schwarz's Anarchist's Design Book. It has four big legs staked into rails. The rails fit in sliding dovetails, which was new and exciting. It also has a drawer, and I had never made one. So I made a shopping list and went to Machot.
2.4.2024 17:52I had three projects in my head on the last day of October : a second bookcase, a door for my second son, and a desk for my his little...The green hills of Burgundy are once again drifting through the train window, the low sun makes them bright and yellow. In the fields, zigzagging streams are satisfyingly fat. It is time to tell the story of how I built a desk for my son, at the end of 2023.
2.4.2024 17:44The green hills of Burgundy are once again drifting through the train window, the low sun makes them bright and yellow. In the fields,...@Libon_ merci pour le tome 4 des Cavaliers de l'Apocadispe qui nous a bien fait rire mes 4 enfants et moi. L'histoire page 17 (le délégué de classe) est identique à celle page 27 du tome 3 (les responsabilités) c'est étrange non ?
28.1.2024 20:30@Libon_ merci pour le tome 4 des Cavaliers de l'Apocadispe qui nous a bien fait rire mes 4 enfants et moi. L'histoire page 17 (le...I glued together the top and the not-top, inserted and leveled the legs, put on 2 or 3 coats of Mauler oil and that was it. This table now sits in our bedroom, where I can work looking at the Belledonne mountains behind the curtains. To me it is a mountain table rather than a drinking one, I suppose.
25.1.2024 17:27I glued together the top and the not-top, inserted and leveled the legs, put on 2 or 3 coats of Mauler oil and that was it. This table now...