I can't remember where I opened this link from and I haven't read it properly but this looks like a super interesting paper on collaboration, coordination, and cooperation. It's a sort of review of how these terms have been defined and used in orgs https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/0149206320901565
11.3.2025 01:13I can't remember where I opened this link from and I haven't read it properly but this looks like a super interesting paper on ...The architecture advice forum (In chapter 8 of the book ) you get a description of what is it like for each of the different type of participants. Which makes a lot of sense!
Want to know more? Join us tomorrow 7pm NZ time for book club https://ti.to/book-club-virtual-domain-driven-design/chapter-8-fsa
10.3.2025 08:26The architecture advice forum (In chapter 8 of the book ) you get a description of what is it like for each of the different type of...See a problem, fix it.... see another problem fix ... individual examples of this make sense but the end result can be ossifying
I'm paraphrasing this section of Chapter 7 of Facilitating Software Architecture. Want to discuss? Join us at the book club tomorrow at 7pm New Zealand time https://buff.ly/3Qo1WSK
17.2.2025 09:38See a problem, fix it.... see another problem fix ... individual examples of this make sense but the end result can be ossifyingI'm...Yesterday I tried tldraw for the book club,. as a place to collect ideas and thoughts
I liked:
* I sent a link and people were immediately able to access and edit
* Controls are minimal, which means it's intuitive to start making changes
* You can have pages!! 🥰 🥰
* it's free and you can read the code (not open source )
I don't like so far ( minimal)
* No frames, maybe I just don't know where they are?
* alignment options are in the top menu which I only found today
Much looking forward to the book club for Facilitating Software Architecture on Tuesday the 4th of Feb at 7pm New Zealand time!
Come and join us https://buff.ly/4hIgPuO
I've been meaning to write up about tools for Bytesize Architecture Sessions for a while.
In this post you can read about recommendations for in person and online and some top tips if you are using C4 ...
27.1.2025 06:47I've been meaning to write up about tools for Bytesize Architecture Sessions for a while. In this post you can read about...On the 21st Jan at 6.30 pm New Zealand I am hosting Hazel Weakly at Virtual DDD.
Hazel is going to be in a conversation with us about Abstractions (her blog has many gems and we are focusing on this https://hazelweakly.me/blog/home-baked-abstractions-store-bought-implementations/ )
So looking forward to what I hope is going to be an interactive session
Sign up: https://www.meetup.com/virtual-domain-driven-design-meetup/events/304652313
We had a fantastic Book Club yesterday! Thanks to all that came and participated.
This second part of chapter 6 was about ADRs, with the participants we discussed
* Patterns of how to deal with certain troublesome situations.
* Why the advice process can help unlock some of those situations
* How and when to record the advice into the ADR (this is super powerfull)
Join us for chapter 7
4th of Feb at 7pm
Morning walk before starting the day 😅
5.1.2025 22:18Morning walk before starting the day 😅Start the year as you mean to go, learning some stuff together
7th of Jan book club Online 7pm NZ time https://ti.to/book-club-virtual-domain-driven-design/chapter-6-p2-facilitating-software-architecture
See you there!
1.1.2025 23:55Start the year as you mean to go, learning some stuff together7th of Jan book club Online 7pm NZ time ...Dear Kiwi friends, where does one buy books ?
for example I'm trying to buy "A theory of semiotics" in Abe books its 5 USD, but delivery is 35USD... is this the way? Are there sites that help you buy in the US / EU and then you wait and ship a few books together but it takes a while?
Testing out the @birb for rss feeds
28.11.2024 18:52Testing out the @birb for rss feeds@birb https://feeds.feedburner.com/Roundcrisis
28.11.2024 18:51@birb https://feeds.feedburner.com/Roundcrisis@birb https://www.roundcrisis.com/
28.11.2024 08:16@birb https://www.roundcrisis.com/@birb roundcrisis.com
28.11.2024 08:16@birb roundcrisis.com@birb https://andrewharmellaw.github.io/rss.xml
28.11.2024 08:15@birb https://andrewharmellaw.github.io/rss.xmlthe slides are not going so well
23.11.2024 22:40the slides are not going so wellTrying to work on the slides for the workshop in a few days and the neighbour's cat came for a friendly visit. I dispensed the chin rubs requested 😹 and they ate a spider
Trialling https://anytype.io/ a local first place to store your "stuff" so much potential it's hard to think about it.
Absolutely love that it's decentralised and open source too.
Are you using it?