Oh "good", now #CNN is getting into the act by openly shilling #Bolsonaro partisan talking points in their "news" headlines! This isn't "both-sidesing", this focusing on just ONE side -- that of the fascists.
This goes far beyond just irresponsible, it's downright #complicity in these wannabe #fascist #coup attempts. Which, seeing as CNN is now owned by noted Trump backer John Malone, is hardly surprising.
Maybe it's time to #BoycottCNN at the very least until they #FireChrisLicht?
9.1.2023 05:28Oh "good", now #CNN is getting into the act by openly shilling #Bolsonaro partisan talking points in their "news"...Credit where it's due... CNN has now uh, sorta, kinda fixed that egregious headline mess from earlier today.
Just... y'know... ignore that ridiculous banner ad at the top.
8.1.2023 23:32Credit where it's due... CNN has now uh, sorta, kinda fixed that egregious headline mess from earlier today.Just... y'know... ignore...Holy shit... this NY Times tweet I screencapped just a few minutes ago is EASILY orders of magnitude worse than anything else I've seen about the #Brazil #coup attempt I've seen from the "mainstream" press in the West so far:
8.1.2023 22:44Holy shit... this NY Times tweet I screencapped just a few minutes ago is EASILY orders of magnitude worse than anything else I've seen...But in fairness to CNN, they're not alone in this journalistic failure by any means -- shockingly, even @TheGuardian_us@newsrelay.org , who really ought to do better, is currently running this as some "minor" side story on their site instead of as the main headline:
8.1.2023 20:36But in fairness to CNN, they're not alone in this journalistic failure by any means -- shockingly, even @TheGuardian_us@newsrelay.org ,...Meanwhile, this is how the new John Malone-owned and Chris Licht-run #CNN is currently reacting to this obvious fascist #coup attempt -- by burying it off to the side of a fluff piece about GOP #HouseSpeaker and Trump/Bolsonaro bootlicker Kevin McCarthy:
8.1.2023 20:28Meanwhile, this is how the new John Malone-owned and Chris Licht-run #CNN is currently reacting to this obvious fascist #coup attempt -- by...I cannot believe that I'm *not* seeing dozens of posts about this #coup attempt in #Brazil on Mastodon rn -- this seems like precisely the kind of news that should be spreading rapidly and widely across the Fediverse as it's happening!
8.1.2023 20:01I cannot believe that I'm *not* seeing dozens of posts about this #coup attempt in #Brazil on Mastodon rn -- this seems like precisely...The idea that AIs can now whip up believable-sounding nonsense -- or even reasonably-"real"-looking deepfake images -- in mere seconds is honestly the worst thing imaginable from the standpoint of maintaining the kind of fact-based consensual reality which is the foundations of a modern #democracy.
Like, if people can't even agree on a basic understanding of what our world is like because of waves of bullshit misinformation that sow doubt about everything from #physics to #medicine to #history, how the hell can they be expected to peacefully reach some sort of consensus (or at least compromise) on complicated and/or emotionally-charged issues?
3.1.2023 17:27The idea that AIs can now whip up believable-sounding nonsense -- or even reasonably-"real"-looking deepfake images -- in mere...I honestly have NO idea why so many people seem excited about all this AI-generated garbage. As this article explains, now that bad actors can generate #misinformation out of thin air more easily than ever with #chatbots, we will now be constantly shoveling AI-created #propaganda bullshit forever that has been produced by malefactors seeking to sow chaos to the advantage of themselves or whatever ideology they support (or almost as dangerously, just "for the lulz"): https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/12/20/1065667/how-ai-generated-text-is-poisoning-the-internet/
3.1.2023 17:25I honestly have NO idea why so many people seem excited about all this AI-generated garbage. As this article explains, now that bad actors...Also, the instructions are free to download if you're curious about how insane the construction process would be to complete it.
2.1.2023 17:50Also, the instructions are free to download if you're curious about how insane the construction process would be to complete it.Holy shit, this Rebrickable #Lego #GreatPyramid scene seems like it'd be an absolute monster to build, but the end result looks *incredible*: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-116457/peme/21058-building-of-the-great-pyramid/#details
2.1.2023 17:49Holy shit, this Rebrickable #Lego #GreatPyramid scene seems like it'd be an absolute monster to build, but the end result looks...Okay, fellow #gamer #nerds, here's a #NewYearsResolution question for you all: what games you've owned for a long time but haven't actually finished are you going to target to FINALLY complete in 2023?
Here's some of mine:
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Bioshock 1+2
Bioshock Infinite
Danganronpa 1+2+3
Darkest Dungeon
Mass Effect
Paper Mario: The 1000-Year Door
Person 4 Golden
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Okay, here's a superstition/magical thinking question for my fellow #gaming nerds: how dangerous would it be to rock this particular #ChronoTrigger related t-shirt tonight as we transition into the #NewYear?
31.12.2022 22:22Okay, here's a superstition/magical thinking question for my fellow #gaming nerds: how dangerous would it be to rock this particular...Tonight’s #kitchenexperiment is a unique twist on my recent #okonomiyaki theme: swap out scallions for diced-up regular sweet onions, add some chopped up yellow plantain banana… and you get what I choose to call a Tico-nomiyaki! The Lizano sauce on top instead of “normal” okonomiyaki sauce is optional, but a fun #costarican addition to this Japanese-Tico fusion.
31.12.2022 01:06Tonight’s #kitchenexperiment is a unique twist on my recent #okonomiyaki theme: swap out scallions for diced-up regular sweet onions, add...@nataliemj@mastodon.social Hi, sorry to ping you out of the blue; just wanted to send you a quick message to thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with all of us here and over on the birdsite. Your comments have been really insightful and informative, and it's also refreshing to see a pollster who is unapologetic about their own ideological "biases" -- which I happen to share, in case you hadn't guessed -- while also being able to remain objective about polling data at the same time. I've learned a lot from your posts, and I'm sure I'm not the only one!
30.12.2022 17:09@nataliemj@mastodon.social Hi, sorry to ping you out of the blue; just wanted to send you a quick message to thank you for taking the time...Anniversary of the 2021 Marshall Fire
Today's the one-year anniversary of the #MarshallFire in #Colorado... and as one of the survivors I can tell you I'm STRUGGLING to process a flood of traumatic memories of that terrible event today. (And I was one of the lucky ones who didn't lose my home -- it's gotta be a thousand times WORSE for those who did.)
So if you happen to know anybody who lives in (or lived in) the areas affected by that disaster, please be gentle with them today. There's no way to sugar-coat how brutal it's going to be to "re-live" that day in our minds as the anniversary slowly crawls by.
30.12.2022 16:23Anniversary of the 2021 Marshall FireToday's the one-year anniversary of the #MarshallFire in #Colorado... and as one of the survivors I...I'll start things off with a partial list that has everything that comes immediately to mind (I'll edit this as I remember to add stuff to it):
*Aguirre, The Wrath of God
*Blade Runner (the original 1980s version)
*Bram Stoker's Dracula
*Children of the Revolution
*Clue (the 1980s version with Tim Curry)
*Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
*Knives Out
*Lord of the Rings (the Peter Jackson Trilogy -- extended version preferred)
*Nosferatu (both the original 1920s silent film and Werner Herzog's 1979 remake version)
*Raiders of the Lost Ark
*Shadow of the Vampire
*The Big Lebowski
*The Ninth Gate
*Tycoon: A New Russian
Just saw @rejectedjokes@Twitter.com ask this question over on the birdsite, so thought I'd have some fun and pose it for my fellow Mastodonians too:
#FavoriteMovies #Icebreakers #JustForFun
29.12.2022 19:50Just saw @rejectedjokes@Twitter.com ask this question over on the birdsite, so thought I'd have some fun and pose it for my fellow...Sure have been seeing a LOT of this over on the #birdsite tonight... I guess making all those cuts to the teams keeping #Twitter up and running wasn't as smart as Elon Musk thought it was, huh? #TwitterCollapse
29.12.2022 02:44Sure have been seeing a LOT of this over on the #birdsite tonight... I guess making all those cuts to the teams keeping #Twitter up and...Also, this graph from my #SteamReplay2022 shows just how broken my copy of Civilization 6 is when it comes to not triggering achievements. I lost a bunch -- everything from wins with several civs to having Stonehenge to become "Seahenge" due to sea-level rise -- that just wouldn't fire this year in either solo or MP games across multiple OSes.
I have no idea *why* the achievements won't trigger when I fulfill the conditions for them, but I'm kinda salty about it.
27.12.2022 15:29Also, this graph from my #SteamReplay2022 shows just how broken my copy of Civilization 6 is when it comes to not triggering achievements. I...If you're wondering about that weirdly substantial "Solitaire" component of my graph, it's driven almost entirely by my newfound and admittedly bizarre habit of playing Koi-Koi against a computer opponent as a way to wind down when I can't sleep at night.
27.12.2022 15:11If you're wondering about that weirdly substantial "Solitaire" component of my graph, it's driven almost entirely by my...