So in the UK the whole push to minimize and outright ignore COVID and delegitimize prevention is to break doctors' unions.
Makes it clear why right-wingers have all the same COVID talking points. The worldwide path that many professionals are doing now starting to make a bit of sense.
full video: https://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/a39c07c5-ae73-4f4e-9134-0dc484516baf?in=11:37:17
#Covid #TradeUnion #Covid19
#UKpol #UK
Here's an alteration I made of a FANTASTIC flowchart by (found it!) "Your Local Epidemiologist", on Substack:
I amended it with TRG's COVID clan nicknames and added an arm (or whatever it's called) for BA.5.
LMK if any errors!
#COVID #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver #Covidclans #Variant
17.10.2023 14:44Here's an alteration I made of a FANTASTIC flowchart by (found it!) "Your Local Epidemiologist", on...Dengue helps COVID infiltrate macrophages, and vice versa.
Particularily important as global warming/climate change affects cooler climates and continues to drive equatorial heat further northward.
12.10.2023 13:56Dengue helps COVID infiltrate macrophages, and vice versa.Particularily important as global warming/climate change affects cooler climates...5/
Sorry for all the edits on this, the more I do write the more I see I didn't write 💀
1.10.2023 17:545/Sorry for all the edits on this, the more I do write the more I see I didn't write 💀4/🧵
> = already here in the US
>EG.6.1.1 (Hyp)
FL.30 (Hyp)
No 486P
>FW.1.1 (XBB.1.28)
CK.1.1.1 (BA.5.2.24 extension)
>JH* (BA.5.3.1 extension)
#COVID #COVID19 #COVIDvariants #COVIDclans
#Hyperion #Centaurus #EG516 #Kraken #XBB
3/ 🧵
aaaand then we'll have:
>HK.3 (Hyp)
>JG.3 (Hyp)
>DV.7.1 (Cent)
>EG.5.1.6* (Hyp, but Eris on its own)
>HV.1 (Hyp/now Eris)
Recombo FLip:
>XCH (Kraken+Hyp?Arc?)
>XCM (Arx+Cent)
>XCL (Krak?+XBB.1.22)
>GA.4.1 (XBB.1.17)
>GS.4.1 (Arx)
>JE.1 (Arx)
FL.1.5.2 (Hyp)
XBB.1.16.24 (Arc)
>XBB.1.16.15 (Arc)
>GL1* (XAY.1.1.1)
>GJ.1.2 (Arx)
#COVID #COVID19 #COVIDvariants #COVIDclans
#Hyperion #Centaurus #HV1 #EG516 #Kraken
2/ 🧵
Upcoming concerning COVID variants (as per Federico Gueli on the bird app) and decoding lineages.
If any of this is wrong pls to let me know, I'm not officially anything sciencey 😵
(Gosh, these variant hunters are gonna need secretaries 👀)
Greater-than (>) designates variants already found in the USA.
Most immediate:
BA.2.86* (Pirola)
Me adding: JN.1* (BA.*)
#COVID #COVID19 #COVIDvariants #COVIDclans
#BA286 #Pirola
COVID variant tracking is getting...complicated, so I wrote out a thing to help myself keep all this straight.
A short 🧵, going to keep all this searchable/public.
Informal kicknames:
BQ.1–Typhon (BA.5.3.1, BA>BE>BQ)
EG.5–Eris (from Hyp)
FL.1.5.1 -- Fornax
In the coming posts these will be pretty darn useful as you'll see!
#COVID #COVID19 #COVIDvariants #Covidclans
1.10.2023 16:48COVID variant tracking is getting...complicated, so I wrote out a thing to help myself keep all this straight.A short 🧵, going to keep...9/29/2023
Many counties are experiencing new hospital admits. Pretty much in three "corners" of the state...Erie, Philly, Susquehanna.: https://ibb.co/zfTMsyb
inpatient Occupied Beds increasing along the norther tier and down by Greene County.: https://ibb.co/vLFjS0z
ICU beds seeing increases in Adams, York, and along the northern tier.: https://ibb.co/dGvNLkV
Have a great Fall and winter. Get those shots, USPS test kits. STAY HOME IF SICK. Test repeatedly!
Stay safe! 🍁
29.9.2023 19:029/29/20236/Many counties are experiencing new hospital admits. Pretty much in three "corners" of the state...Erie, Philly,...9/29/2023
Regionally, all regions are turning downwards BUT we in the NE still very high. Keep air clean! STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK to prevent this statistic from rising: https://ibb.co/f1P5zX5
In PA, strong downturns in every station except Westmoreland. Get a hold of this NOW before the winter and we get flooded with variants that are too different from the current vaccine.: https://ibb.co/2Wvzjyy
Be like Erie and MontCo. Erie and MontCo are SMASHING IT!! 🏆
29.9.2023 19:009/29/20235/WASTEWATER pt2Regionally, all regions are turning downwards BUT we in the NE still very high. Keep air clean! STAY HOME IF YOU...9/29/2023
BA.2.86 has (already!!) spawned a fourth iteration, BA. is now PANGO JN.1.
The latest biweekly CDC NOWCAST is out. A few mutations have been added. XBB.1.16.15, HF.1 (which is an XBB.1.16 descendant) and GK.2 (descendant of XBB.1.5.70) now on the graph. HV.1 👀 in olive green predicted to really expanding its reach....fast.: https://ibb.co/Pcq2xPR
Nationally, a good downturn in SARS2 levels: https://ibb.co/4Wz9JHj
29.9.2023 18:589/29/20234/BA.2.86 has (already!!) spawned a fourth iteration, BA. is now PANGO JN.1.NOWCASTThe latest biweekly CDC NOWCAST is out....9/29/2023
In PA, HV.1 👀 is at the top of random sequencing. Now at almost 13%. (This thing is SO fast.): https://ibb.co/p03nWcn
In NY/NJ, HV.1 👀 in 2nd place at 9%, only bested by FL.1.5.1 at over 21%!: https://ibb.co/4NPGBqM
Whole bunch of newest variants with concerning mutations: XCH, DV.7.1, JF.1. Some are in the US already. This DOES NOT MEAN they will take off, but they are worthy of monitoring for developments.
29.9.2023 18:569/29/20233/In PA, HV.1 👀 is at the top of random sequencing. Now at almost 13%. (This thing is SO fast.): https://ibb.co/p03nWcnIn...9/29/2023
Nationally, FL.1.5.1 at the top of the leaderboard now. HV.1 👀 and its parent, EG.5.1.6 continues to blaze through the ranks.: https://ibb.co/MDMSXSq
BA.2.86.1 is at 0.20%.
FLip variants (short green arrows) still working their way through the ranks.
(HV.1 is "EG.". Once mutations reach the fourth iteration, it is given another set of letters to shorten it in the PANGO naming system.)
29.9.2023 18:549/29/20232/VOCsNationally, FL.1.5.1 at the top of the leaderboard now. HV.1 👀 and its parent, EG.5.1.6 continues to blaze through the...Good Timezone Fedi! 🍵
Here's your 9/29/2023 update!
for the Uninsured and Underinsured to get the COVID19-XBB vaccination: https://ibb.co/jgHdzT2
Press release: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2023/p0914-uninsured-vaccination.html
Also it's prime time to get a FLU shot, it should be a very good match this year!
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #PA #Health #Vaccines #Booster!
#Vaccinessavelives #HV1 #FLIPvariants #BA2861
#COVID #covid19 #BA286 #BA2861 #FLipmutation #covidisnotover #COVIDISNOTFLU!!
28.9.2023 03:06Whelp. F♤♧k.#COVID #covid19 #BA286 #BA2861 #FLipmutation #covidisnotover #COVIDISNOTFLU!!Just was checking @tRAJectory 's awesome Tableau graphs and yikes, Pennsylvania...HV.1 is at the top here.
HV.1 is sooooooooo fast.
Also, nationally BA.2.86.1 is here now in multiple States (WA, OH, AZ, NY, MD) already.
I don't like this at all. HV.1 will be a force of nature if it gains FLip.
IMHO, winter is gonna be......something.
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #PA #Health #Vaccines #Booster!
#Vaccinessavelives #HV1 #HK3 #FLIPvariants #BA2861
In PA, sequencing reflects national numbers but concerning variants are here: BA.2.86, HV.1, EG.5.1.3.: https://ibb.co/djn4ZHq
In NY/NJ, FL.1.5.1 easily tops the variant chart at 15%, and here's HV.1 right in second place at over 9% of sequencing.: https://ibb.co/VY6HF4h
No other new data today.
PLEASE go and take advantage of all that is available to help us get through this fall and winter without massive life, work and learning loss!!
Have a great Fall 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁
25.9.2023 15:029/25/20235/In PA, sequencing reflects national numbers but concerning variants are here: BA.2.86, HV.1, EG.5.1.3.: https://ibb.co/djn4ZHqIn...9/25/2023
Nationally, XBB.1.16.6 in the lead at ~9%, EG.5.1.3 not far behind now at ~8%.: https://ibb.co/BnPqXck
FLips (short green arrows) still working their ways to the top of the leaderboard. Every day they gain more ground, collectively.
BA.2.86 still negligible at .07% of testing (but it's still being found in more places internationally).
The real problem is HV.1. This thing is moving VERY quickly. (Yikes.)
Other closly watched, fast-moving variants are long red arrows.
25.9.2023 15:019/25/20234/VOCsNationally, XBB.1.16.6 in the lead at ~9%, EG.5.1.3 not far behind now at ~8%.: https://ibb.co/BnPqXckFLips (short green...9/25/2023
The expiry dates of test kits have been extended by the FDA.: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices/home-otc-covid-19-diagnostic-tests#list
If you test positive with a Rapid Antigen test (RAT), you can report your results at MakeMyTestCount!: https://makemytestcount.com/#Step01
VACCINATE, MASK, TEST, TRACK, Pennsylvania! Let's smash this virus this Fall and Winter!!
25.9.2023 14:599/25/20233/ The expiry dates of test kits have been extended by the FDA.: ...9/25/2023
If you do not have insurance, there is the CDC's Bridge Program available to help you get a vaccination at no cost.
Here is a one page fact sheet on the CDC's Bridge Program.: https://ibb.co/jgHdzT2
You can get reasonbly priced KN95/N95 respirators at Project N95.org: https://www.projectn95.org/ or at BonaFideMasks.com.: https://bonafidemasks.com/
You can now order another round of test kits from the USPS!: https://special.usps.com/testkits
25.9.2023 14:579/25/20232/ If you do not have insurance, there is the CDC's Bridge Program available to help you get a vaccination at no cost.Here is...