‘An animation built from road signs is a whirlwind study of flash communication’ a #psychogeography based short film published by Aeon: https://aeon.co/videos/an-animation-built-from-road-signs-is-a-whirlwind-study-of-flash-communication #roadsigns
1.8.2024 15:40‘An animation built from road signs is a whirlwind study of flash communication’ a #psychogeography based short film published by Aeon:...'Bringing back the high street ghost signs' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd1ddq06njwo #psychogeography #urbanspace
27.6.2024 16:00'Bringing back the high street ghost signs' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd1ddq06njwo #psychogeography #urbanspace'Right to roam: paths to 2,500 public areas are being blocked by landowners due to outdated laws' in #theconversation https://theconversation.com/right-to-roam-paths-to-2-500-public-areas-are-being-blocked-by-landowners-due-to-outdated-laws-224135 #publicaccess #psychogeography #righttoroam
29.3.2024 17:16'Right to roam: paths to 2,500 public areas are being blocked by landowners due to outdated laws' in #theconversation...There is an excellent video in Aeon about the ‘eco-modernist’ architecture of #emilioambasz It’s entitled: ‘I listen to the land’ – poetry and greenery intertwine in Emilio Ambasz’s architecture. You can watch it here: https://aeon.co/videos/i-listen-to-the-land-poetry-and-greenery-intertwine-in-emilio-ambaszs-architecture #modernism #modernistarchitecture #ecoarchitecture
2.3.2024 16:58There is an excellent video in Aeon about the ‘eco-modernist’ architecture of #emilioambasz It’s entitled: ‘I listen to the land’...The new architecture wars: an interesting article in Aeon by #owenhatherley https://aeon.co/essays/the-architectural-style-wars-have-started-all-over-again #modernism #brutalism #architecture
23.1.2024 16:36The new architecture wars: an interesting article in Aeon by #owenhatherley...The man turning potholes into works of art #potholes #psychogeography https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-london-65767401
1.7.2023 14:57The man turning potholes into works of art #potholes #psychogeography https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-london-65767401Urbanists and animal lovers may like this interesting film on urban architecture: 'Modern architecture should embrace – not ignore or repel – the nonhuman world' https://aeon.co/videos/modern-architecture-should-embrace-not-ignore-or-repel-the-nonhuman-world #posthumanarchitecture #urbanarchitecture #psychogeography
27.5.2023 16:07Urbanists and animal lovers may like this interesting film on urban architecture: 'Modern architecture should embrace – not ignore or...Colossive Press have kindly published a little schizocartography map of mine. It's a 'Schizocartography of a Seaside'! #schizocartography #cartography #mapping #maps #vernacularmapping #psychogeography
19.5.2023 10:51Colossive Press have kindly published a little schizocartography map of mine. It's a 'Schizocartography of a Seaside'!...There is a #psychogeography lecture on the #seaside on 14 June 2023 in Portsmouth for any interested parties: https://www.rgs.org/events/summer-2023/psychogeography/ #royalgeographicsociety
10.4.2023 15:31There is a #psychogeography lecture on the #seaside on 14 June 2023 in Portsmouth for any interested parties:...Having moved back to Norfolk, I went for a walk and checked out the house I lived in from the age of 5 to 15 in the suburbs of Kings Lynn, Norfolk. This is how it looks today! #psychogeography #urbanaesthetics #schizocartography
7.3.2023 17:20Having moved back to Norfolk, I went for a walk and checked out the house I lived in from the age of 5 to 15 in the suburbs of Kings Lynn,...'Pepper spray for the school run? The weaponised SUV set to terrify America’s streets' (The Guardian). I imagine my fellow American urbanists know about this 'car', but we don't have these in the UK. It's more like an armoured tank, not a 'people carrier' at all ... #RezvaniVengeance #SUV #takingthechildrentoschool https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/jan/25/pepper-spray-school-run-apocalyptic-suv-reznavi-vengeange
27.1.2023 09:02'Pepper spray for the school run? The weaponised SUV set to terrify America’s streets' (The Guardian). I imagine my fellow...#psychogeography proponents might like to hear about the new trainers that have been co-opted/commodified by #converse #patta and #experimentaljetset Guy Debord and the gang would be crying over their lovely maps if they were alive today! #urbanwalking #commodification
24.1.2023 09:57#psychogeography proponents might like to hear about the new trainers that have been co-opted/commodified by #converse #patta and...Those of you interested in brutalist architecture might like this article: 'Tearing Down Nakagin Capsule Tower' #brutalism #publichousing #nakagin #nagakincapsuletower https://daily.jstor.org/tearing-down-nakagin-capsule-tower/
15.12.2022 18:43Those of you interested in brutalist architecture might like this article: 'Tearing Down Nakagin Capsule Tower' #brutalism...UK folks may be interested in this recent BBC article : 'Postcode checker: how has your High Street changed since 2020?' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63799670 #bbcnews #thehighstreet #gentrification #thedeclineofthehighstreet
13.12.2022 09:37UK folks may be interested in this recent BBC article : 'Postcode checker: how has your High Street changed since 2020?'...US Urbanists, and cartographers in general, might like this recent article: 'Pictorial Maps of the United States' in JStor (some super maps): https://daily.jstor.org/pictorial-maps-of-the-united-states/ #cartography #maps #marktwain
9.12.2022 12:02US Urbanists, and cartographers in general, might like this recent article: 'Pictorial Maps of the United States' in JStor (some...Urbanists may be interested in this article in 'The Conversation': 'We found Britain’s greenest city centre – and its least green' #urbanscapes #thegreencity https://theconversation.com/we-found-britains-greenest-city-centre-and-its-least-green-195131
3.12.2022 08:45Urbanists may be interested in this article in 'The Conversation': 'We found Britain’s greenest city centre – and its least...Excellent article in #theguardian today, by Oliver Wainwright, about the #brutalist development of #Thamesmead in South London: 'What happened to the cockney riviera? The botched regeneration of brutalist utopia Thamesmead' https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/nov/30/cockney-riviera-botched-regeneration-brutalist-utopia-thamesmead?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other #urbanregeneration #concreteutopia
30.11.2022 12:43Excellent article in #theguardian today, by Oliver Wainwright, about the #brutalist development of #Thamesmead in South London: 'What...On the prom, first thing this morning... #hunstantonpromenade #norfolkcoast
26.11.2022 11:46On the prom, first thing this morning... #hunstantonpromenade #norfolkcoastI thought my follow urbanists might like this article in 'The Conversation' today: 'The era of the megalopolis: how the world’s cities are merging' https://theconversation.com/the-era-of-the-megalopolis-how-the-worlds-cities-are-merging-193424 #megalopolis #postmoderncities #cityscapes #urbanisim #culturalgeography
23.11.2022 09:54I thought my follow urbanists might like this article in 'The Conversation' today: 'The era of the megalopolis: how the...@lactol Thanks! : )
22.11.2022 13:11@lactol Thanks! : )