RealClimate: We need NOAA now more than ever
14.3.2025 07:38RealClimate: We need NOAA now more than ever wary of what you read in the headlines.
27.2.2025 15:06Be wary of what you read in the...DOGE is pronounced "dodgy".
21.2.2025 11:13DOGE is pronounced "dodgy".Yesss!
6.2.2025 14:07Yesss! letter: There are more than just trees and forests to be conserved and restored.
19.1.2025 15:08Open letter: There are more than just trees and forests to be conserved and restored.#SavannasMatter @ecology...The 5th paragraph is an example of debunking a myth with another myth framed as "Truth". Besides the FAO's fatally flawed definition of #forest possibly protecting #GrassyBiomes from agric expansion, how can conversion to agric not be human-induced? #SavannasMatter
17.12.2024 15:40The 5th paragraph is an example of debunking a myth with another myth framed as "Truth". Besides the FAO's fatally flawed...
11.10.2024 08:00#climatechange #ClimateCrisis of the myth that savannas are "barren" and forests are "fertile".
"This model shows two stable states, one being a fertile forest state and the other being a barren savanna state."
29.8.2024 10:27Perpetuation of the myth that savannas are "barren" and forests are "fertile"."This model shows two stable states,...The webinar by Land & Carbon Lab on 18th July on mapping the world's trees should be interesting, especially for those doing #SavannaScience who know that tree height and cover are not sufficient metrics for defining forests. #SavannasMatter
1.7.2024 15:17The webinar by Land & Carbon Lab on 18th July on mapping the world's trees should be interesting, especially for those doing...C4 vegetation covers 17.5% of global land surface. C4 natural grass cover decreased from 2001-2019 (due to elevated CO2) and C4 crop cover increased (because of maize expansion).
C4 photosynthesis accounts for ~19% of global photosynthesis (~3% from C4 crops and ~16% from C4 natural grasses).
Planting trees in the name of #reforestation is BAD for #TropicalGrassyBiomes.
23.2.2024 08:32C4 vegetation covers 17.5% of global land surface. C4 natural grass cover decreased from 2001-2019 (due to elevated CO2) and C4 crop cover...“…vegetation definitions that only consider tree cover are problematic for tropical grassy biomes…”
#forests #reforestation
A short analysis of the ICJ ruling.
26.1.2024 14:05A short analysis of the ICJ ruling. & Non-forest can't be defined by tree cover alone.
The WRI's Trees Outside Forests Indicator of forest extent is based on defining land that has trees outside forests as "all human-managed urban and agricultural land with tree cover and all other land with greater than zero percent and less than 10 percent tree cover".
The definition misclassifies #TropicalGrassyBiomes that have >10% tree cover as 'forest'.
Millions of USD going into planting trees in Africa.
All based on arbitrary structural definitions of trees and forests.
No inclusion of plant functional traits to distinguish #TropicalGrassyBiomes with fire-tolerant, shade-intolerant trees and shrubs from #forests with fire-intolerant, shade-intolerant trees.
24.1.2024 09:08Millions of USD going into planting trees in...
The authors provide evidence that vegetation changes in SE Asia during the Last Glacial Maximum involved "fluid" transitions between lowland rainforest, seasonally dry forest and tropical montane forest, not switches between forest and savanna. However, their depiction of the alternative stable state model of forests and savannas is flawed. It doesn't consider recent insights and is based on erroneous interpretation of earlier studies in #SavannaScience.
#ClimateCrisis #climatechange #livestockmatter
Interesting opinion here:
Makes #Netanyahu sound just like the proverbial "3rd World" dictator, or leader of any country that the "1st World" loves to label as a failed state.
11.10.2023 16:40#Gaza #Israel Interesting opinion here: and the exclusion of #GlobalSouth by #GlobalNorth.
Ironically "...previous analyses of scientific authorship in the Global South were predominantly conducted by authors based in the Global North..."
"African authors were significantly underrepresented in large, multicountry studies, accounting for only 6% of primary authors and 66% of these publications contained no African author."
Why is it wrong to monitor global #forests using only vegetation structure?
"Monitoring global forests using only structural metrics – problems and solutions from a savanna viewpoint"