GM - Glory of The Snow popped up a little earlier than usual here in the Chicago area.
18.3.2025 12:46GM - Glory of The Snow popped up a little earlier than usual here in the Chicago area.GM - All You Leprechauns - A while back I was at the Chicago plumbers union hall where I noticed this booklet on Stephen Bailey and his prominent history with dying the river green.
17.3.2025 13:07GM - All You Leprechauns - A while back I was at the Chicago plumbers union hall where I noticed this booklet on Stephen Bailey and his...GM - Winters icy hand clawed back Chicago's week of false spring.
16.3.2025 15:20GM - Winters icy hand clawed back Chicago's week of false spring.GM - Going to be running errands today. Have fun #NAOC
15.3.2025 14:38GM - Going to be running errands today. Have fun #NAOCGM - Happy Friday - PI Day!
14.3.2025 12:43GM - Happy Friday - PI Day!GM - The American Robins are out bouncing around the lawns.
13.3.2025 12:52GM - The American Robins are out bouncing around the lawns.Thanks for the Blues @PNS
Little Sonny - New King of The Blue Harmonica
GM - Crocus from March of Twenty-Twenty.
12.3.2025 12:34GM - Crocus from March of Twenty-Twenty.GM - From the prairie state #NAOC
11.3.2025 12:37GM - From the prairie state #NAOCWinter Melting Away
AI pool table Rant ... How hard can it be to draw some chump chalking a cue stick while smoking and having a glass of beer on the side table.
1. Anyone who ever put a beer on the felt was an asshole and usually got tossed from the hall.
2. Lighting the queue on fire and smoking it is just plain wrong.
3. What the fuck is so difficult about drawing a striped ball.
4. Ratio of size compared to distance from camera is shockingly off.
5. There should be only one cue ball (white)
GM - Moving a little slow this morning?
10.3.2025 12:33GM - Moving a little slow this morning?GM - Make sure your dirt bikes are tuned up
9.3.2025 13:39GM - Make sure your dirt bikes are tuned upGM - Last day of CST for the Chicago area. #NAOC
8.3.2025 12:26GM - Last day of CST for the Chicago area. #NAOCGM - Make way, headed to Lake Coffee.
7.3.2025 12:10GM - Make way, headed to Lake Coffee.GM - Coffee and Sunrises go together.
GM ... Parkour over the old bridge, past the geese, to the coffee on the otherside of the river #NAOC
5.3.2025 13:29GM ... Parkour over the old bridge, past the geese, to the coffee on the otherside of the river #NAOCHang on it's gonna be a wild ride.
Winter Kills by DevilDriver