Maybe a silly question but speaking as someone who has never used twitter: if someone that I'm following boosts a post and I see that and boost it as well, will someone that is following both me and the person that originally boosted it see the post twice in their feed? I assume so right?
I feel like with the naturally smaller communities on Mastodon due to the nature of federation on top of the naturally small nature of vegan communities, many people all follow each other in one big circle basically. If you see repeat posts due to boosts I worry about using the boost feature at all since I figure if I'm seeing it then pretty much everyone that I could possibly share it to has already seen it and I don't want to flood their timeline with the same post over and over. Of course there will be some reach outside of the main vegan circle here, but certainly there would be quite a lot of overlap too.
6.6.2023 18:55Maybe a silly question but speaking as someone who has never used twitter: if someone that I'm following boosts a post and I see that...Discovering Vanguard earlier got me in the mood to listen to some more metal and it had been a while since I've listened to one of my favorite bands, #Jinjer. If you've never heard of them they are an amazing band from Ukraine that have made so much excellent music! Everyone in the band is top notch, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Tatiana, the singer and front person who is just... perfection.
6.6.2023 00:19Discovering Vanguard earlier got me in the mood to listen to some more metal and it had been a while since I've listened to one of my...Vegan metal music - graphic album cover
Lyrics for those who wish to read along:
5.6.2023 13:45Vegan metal music - graphic album cover for those who wish to read along:...I've been vegan for a few years now. I've largely avoided conflict my entire life and unless I am in a comfortable environment or the opportunity seems particularly obvious I have generally carried that non-confrontational attitude into my veganism as well. I would still use logic and dispute things as I saw fit, but I've also certainly held back at times for my own mental health and to save myself the hassle of dealing with all of the headache that comes with speaking up. I'm now realizing that living in a constant state of feeling like an outcast is just as bad for my mental health over the long run. I'm done holding my tongue even if it means people view me as a preachy vegan or whatever.
5.6.2023 13:42I've been vegan for a few years now. I've largely avoided conflict my entire life and unless I am in a comfortable environment or...I often struggle with the difficulty of living in a non-vegan world as a vegan. Recently while looking around to find what other people had to say about the topic so that I didn't feel quite as alone, I found some recommendations for this book called Vystopia written by a psychologist that covers the very topic. I haven't read it yet, but it seems very good from what I can tell and I only heard good things about it from other vegans so plan to buy it as soon as I have the extra cash.
Just thought I'd share in case anyone else finds it useful. I'd also love to hear what you thought if you've already read it!
2.6.2023 21:19I often struggle with the difficulty of living in a non-vegan world as a vegan. Recently while looking around to find what other people had...