Hmm... New train smell!
24 spaces for bicycles! 12 in the front of the set, 12 in the rear!
To all the swimmer rail fans out there. There's an hotel where you can swim and admire trains at the same time in Nuremberg.
Stay railaxed
Lucky to have a @diningcar on EC458 Canopus! A rarity! Therefore took the Autumn menu (without it's proper dessert)
-Pumpkin soup with pumpkin seeds and orange juice
-Duck leg, red cabbage with cranberries and beetroot, potato gnocchi
-Apple strudel with pudding
Vienna main station, from the 19th floor
14.7.2024 13:34Vienna main station, from the 19th floor20000km
There's no better place to celebrate than Vienna
Trilex announces a summer weekend train to the beach in Doksy, but makes a useless detour via Liberec.
Taking into account the stretch Ebersbach-Rumburk, with both lines operated by them, why it's not in a regular timetable? Look at the time wasted that could be saved:
Right @jon ? Perfect for a #crossborderrail "reopen" (line is officially active, just no one operates there)
The traditional delay on the Berliner and the @diningcar ČD summer menu. Don't know why the dessert arrived before the main dish. It happens sometimes
14.6.2024 16:04The traditional delay on the Berliner and the @diningcar ČD summer menu. Don't know why the dessert arrived before the main dish. It...Flashy brand new wheels!
24.5.2024 16:04Flashy brand new wheels!Enjoying the classic Eurocity Berliner České Dráhy @diningcar classic while it lasts!
It guarantees that the schnitzel is on point!
The couple in front of me got jealous of my strudel, so they asked for a strudel too.
Dresden trainspotting before surgery
17.5.2024 19:02Dresden trainspotting before surgeryHockey menu from ČD @diningcar
Improves your vision after 6 beers
10.5.2024 16:37Dresden@diningcar a train inside a train
7.5.2024 18:24@diningcar a train inside a trainSummer menu from České dráhy @diningcar
Personal note. The space given for the restaurant is just too small. Hope comfortjet won't be this railjet type. It will be a huge Downgrade
Momento @diningcar where the spring menu was sold out:(
But got the 1st May free sekt :)
Spot the mistake
(Departure from Dresden hbf)
České dráhy summer menu from 2nd May.
To tease the @diningcar
Advertising done right. No ads on windows.
Right @seatsixtyone ?
Beers on rails. Choo choo
30.3.2024 20:33Beers on rails. Choo chooSteam train Löbau-Rumburk-Bad Schandau.
Perfect evidence that a regular passenger service between Löbau and Rumburk could easily be done (possibly by Trilex)
Right @Jon?
After all, this line is still showing as active on open railway map