👃 Ancient Greek and Roman statues often smelled like roses, a new study says
March 25, 20251:09 PM ET
By James Doubek https://www.npr.org/2025/03/25/nx-s1-5332367/ancient-greece-rome-statues-smell-study-research?utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwY2xjawJP7ZZleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHdYKg-qGh75twM7xGo4X2wDzrBPAOyp6tEvSJU5-6eqSU78cxBz0O56aEg_aem_ZUfN_3HqDVu1LEtnAzSOwg
Awesome news about Richard Talbert's latest publication: The Kieperts’ Asia Minor Ancient and Ottoman: Capstones of Route-Based Cartography. By Richard J. A. Talbert 🗺️ 🌏 https://www.hcsjournal.org/ojs/index.php/hcs/announcement/view/58
25.3.2025 19:10Awesome news about Richard Talbert's latest publication: The Kieperts’ Asia Minor Ancient and Ottoman: Capstones of Route-Based...The human-driven ecological success of olive trees over the last 3700 years in the Central Mediterranean
We cannot continue in this manner.
11.3.2025 01:29We cannot continue in this manner.🚨 the targeting of universities seems well underway. IMHO it is high time for our higher education leaders - presidents, chancellors, deans, et al. - and advocates for higher education to begin speaking out forcefully. Their voices have been too quiet. This is not just a political coup but an attempt to disassemble our society.☠️
10.3.2025 22:11🚨 the targeting of universities seems well underway. IMHO it is high time for our higher education leaders - presidents, chancellors,...Sotto la ferrovia della Metromare spunta l’antico acquedotto romano https://roma.repubblica.it/cronaca/2025/03/10/news/ferrovia_metromare_antico_acquedotto_romano-424053263/?ref=fbppr
10.3.2025 14:04Sotto la ferrovia della Metromare spunta l’antico acquedotto romano...A massive bone pit hints at human sacrifice and fertility rituals when Romans ruled Britain https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/bones-britain-rome-human-dog-sacrifice-fertility-ritual?fbclid=IwY2xjawI4RQdleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHVBmMHJP7E7qucA5aciYvFTvgPCiUk81hcAlTNwoQAJA3e4YVy0pN0Oi-Q_aem_lWGaPv9_rzinxataEYvCaQ
7.3.2025 21:32A massive bone pit hints at human sacrifice and fertility rituals when Romans ruled Britain...ham-handed fascism is a danger to everyone, including to our collective cultural heritage https://www.sacurrent.com/news/trump-to-shut-down-san-antonio-missions-headquarters-facility-36912291?fbclid=IwY2xjawI1yglleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHXmB7EMuqQBwg2LqTKQOZqIBHiSDEAOtVQKEPv0OdiHzR7lR3LV95kf9KQ_aem_dc3Fo4UGHRYuDV5HHEiXeA
6.3.2025 00:24ham-handed fascism is a danger to everyone, including to our collective cultural heritage..."NZARA COUNTY, South Sudan (AP) — Catherine Bashiama runs her fingers along the branches of the coffee tree she’s raised from a seedling, searching anxiously for its first fruit buds since she planted it three years ago. When she grasps the small cherries, Bashiama beams."
Jotheri, Jaafar, Mohammed Rokan, Ali Al-Ghanim, Louise Rayne, Michelle de Gruchy, and Raheem Alabdan. “Identifying the Preserved Network of Irrigation Canals in the Eridu Region, Southern Mesopotamia.” Antiquity, 2025, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2025.19.
4.3.2025 01:01Jotheri, Jaafar, Mohammed Rokan, Ali Al-Ghanim, Louise Rayne, Michelle de Gruchy, and Raheem Alabdan. “Identifying the Preserved Network...La nuova megalografia di Pompei. Intervista a pomeriggio24 Rainews 26-2-2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIKo_N6ugZo
27.2.2025 03:53La nuova megalografia di Pompei. Intervista a pomeriggio24 Rainews 26-2-2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIKo_N6ugZoBMCR 2025.02.47
Livy: the fragments and Periochae. Volume I: fragments, citations, testimonia. Volume II: Periochae 1-45 https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2025/2025.02.47/
Who Owns the Past?: UTSA & SAMA Provenance Project https://www.samuseum.org/blog/utsa-sama-provenance-project/?fbclid=IwY2xjawIsn6ZleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHYOpyYgAHeclf51tJTmyJ4T8Nb2V_RW6JAnfnCGNAF5adl34eXPwRBxxSw_aem_8aMG16J13c4azAxkcz9IbA
27.2.2025 01:32Who Owns the Past?: UTSA & SAMA Provenance Project...26 Febbraio 2025
Lo sguardo della baccante. La nuova megalografia di II Stile a tema dionisiaco nella casa del Tiaso (IX 10 3) a Pompei https://pompeiisites.org/e-journal-degli-scavi-di-pompei/lo-sguardo-della-baccante-la-nuova-megalografia-di-ii-stile-a-tema-dionisiaco-nella-casa-del-tiaso-ix-10-3-a-pompei/
Ritrovato lo specchio etrusco di Cassandra, era dei Torlonia
E' il secondo identificato nell'ambito di un sequestro a Ostia https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cultura/arte/2025/02/22/ritrovato-lo-specchio-etrusco-di-cassandra-era-dei-torlonia_9025681f-b655-454d-ab4a-6bd77e92a46d.html
Experts push to restore Syria’s war-torn heritage sites, including renowned Roman ruins at Palmyra https://apnews.com/article/syria-heritage-sites-war-palmyra-assad-tourism-dbdf67015d91c6eb1cc0d19db992bf0a
20.2.2025 01:19Experts push to restore Syria’s war-torn heritage sites, including renowned Roman ruins at Palmyra...Morto il chimico della Nutella, collaboratore storico di Ferrero https://www.ansa.it/piemonte/notizie/2025/02/16/morto-il-chimico-della-nutella-collaboratore-storico-di-ferrero_da94de8c-424d-4f4f-aea9-c2944ef21ef1.html
17.2.2025 04:58Morto il chimico della Nutella, collaboratore storico di Ferrero...Nuova scossa di terremoto magnitudo 3.9 ai Campi Flegrei
Notte di paura nella zona, altri due sismi già ieri sera https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/topnews/2025/02/17/nuova-scossa-di-terremoto-magnitudo-3.9-ai-campi-flegrei_c2730cc2-36c4-41b4-9526-5ea5bda89563.html
Congress could soon erase Biden rules on archaeology, climate, and the environment
Seldom used law could enable Republicans to repeal numerous regulations