Currently enjoying: user interface development
27.2.2025 23:26Currently enjoying: user interface developmentSummary of the morning so far:
I fixed the dishwasher before 7:30 AM!
When bored, I fold origami in my imagination.
14.2.2025 00:37When bored, I fold origami in my imagination.Had fantastic times talking with the Women in STEM Club at Los Altos High School on Monday and the Neuroscience Club at Homestead High School today!
☕️ Continuing to be happy carrying on with work with a caramel macchiato!
13.2.2025 23:20Had fantastic times talking with the Women in STEM Club at Los Altos High School on Monday and the Neuroscience Club at Homestead High...currently enjoying: hot green tea with lemon and honey
13.2.2025 03:04currently enjoying: hot green tea with lemon and honeyHappy to have small and steady hands,
which make it easier
to adjust small electronics
in small spaces!
20 years from today is 1/23/45
23.1.2025 22:4320 years from today is 1/23/45I used to say, "Oh my Tupperware!" as an exclamation.
But Tupperware filed for bankruptcy.
Considered replacing the phrase with, "Oh my Pyrex!"
I then learned that Pyrex also filed for bankruptcy.
What about container companies that are still in business?
I reckon the new saying is "Oh my Docker!"
23.1.2025 17:04I used to say, "Oh my Tupperware!" as an exclamation.But Tupperware filed for bankruptcy.Considered replacing the phrase with,...When in doubt for who to go to for services,
general principles I try to follow:
go to a car mechanic’s car mechanic,
a lawyer’s lawyer,
a dentist’s dentist,
a barista’s barista,
and so on
🟡 It is so hard to spear a sphere!
13.12.2024 23:33🟡 It is so hard to spear a sphere!Just floated out of an excellent meeting:
there were more people in the meeting
than minutes in the meeting!
Very happy:
coffee this morning,
talking with local high schoolers about neurotech during lunch,
gelato tonight
In biotech, based in the San Francisco Bay and enjoy hiking? Bay Area Biotech Hikes is this LinkedIn group, and you can join:
2.12.2024 02:41In biotech, based in the San Francisco Bay and enjoy hiking? Bay Area Biotech Hikes is this LinkedIn group, and you can join:...We moved some legs
to what really felt like the top of the morning!
Although cell reception was spotty,
reception of talking about cells in person was consistent!
Thank you, Bay Area Biotech Hikes,
for this chance to share a life's slice,
chatting about pharmaceuticals and medical device,
at the paradise
of Mount Tamalpais!
In East Hall at #UMich , I noticed a peculiar phenomenon: sometimes at the end a day, there would be a sealed/unopened bag of chips or bottle of soda freely available on top of a vending machine.
Don't know who did this nor why.
Glad someone was watching out for students
who might need them.
Hello from an ensemble of computers + me!
21.11.2024 00:52Hello from an ensemble of computers + me!Arrived home in the SF Bay from New Orleans at 1 AM, hustled to get things together!
Greetings from the Moffitt Library.
Excited to speak with Neurotech@Berkeley tonight!
Sending joy from my corner to yours!
11.11.2024 23:42Sending joy from my corner to yours!The 24th annual Neurotech Leaders Forum was a packed house,
where I wore the same as usual sweater and blouse,
sometimes discussed former research in mouse.
Panels were off the chain,
we could barely refrain
from thinking through nuances of interfaces with brain!
Thanks for discussions of innovations in innervations!
10.11.2024 16:37The 24th annual Neurotech Leaders Forum was a packed house,where I wore the same as usual sweater and blouse,sometimes discussed former...Boarded a plane to SFO, excited for Neurotech Leaders Forum!
7.11.2024 19:23Boarded a plane to SFO, excited for Neurotech Leaders Forum!