reminder that
nature kills
nature subjugates
no one is an exception
but I hope for "women"
to wake
and walk free
as strings of a new code
#smallpoems #cyborg #feminism #antinatalism #gender #queer
17.6.2021 21:39reminder thatnature killsnature subjugates no one is an exceptionbut I hope for "women"to wakeand walk free as strings of a imitates art
if I do not see myself in art
t o
e x i s t
23.2.2021 05:14life imitates artif I do not see myself in artI ceaset o e x i s t#smallpoemsfriends are delusions
our mind a drug in itself
I synapse alone
is it so wrong
that I am a cyborg
forged in ancient bone bricks
and programmed in formalized New World education?
am I not still an Earthly symbiote?
I care not if I screech into the void --
my words are of healing essences
and my power to listen
rivals your soiled hands
19.1.2021 18:50is it so wrongthat I am a cyborgforged in ancient bone bricks and programmed in formalized New World education?am I not still an Earthly...I keep holding my breath
waiting for the world to evaporate
so you can turn around
and catch me in your arms
but I forgot
you forgot me
the reuptake instigator
sits like a stone
low in the dependent zone of my stomach:
a new superego to haunt me
9.1.2021 19:42the reuptake instigatorsits like a stonelow in the dependent zone of my stomach:a new superego to haunt me#smallpoemsmay I take a gander at your goose?
2.1.2021 19:02may I take a gander at your goose?media can get at me when it celebrates brown bodies with remotely the same sincerity
19.4.2020 02:15media can get at me when it celebrates brown bodies with remotely the same sincerityhow can I make the Ocean look at me
when all he wants
is to talk
to the Moon ?
greetings, mastodwellers. queer sad brown cat over here who already loves you.
...please be my friend?
24.10.2019 00:04greetings, mastodwellers. queer sad brown cat over here who already loves you. ...please be my friend?how many hums
must sum
to potentiate my speech ?
Content warning:human crystals
if I am a solid under pressure
what will I become ?