Comcast is working on the lines today so the internet keeps going down.
Here in 2024, Apple OSes still can’t handle the WiFi being up, but the Internet being down. I have to keep manually turning off WiFi on my iPhone to keep data working.
But, hey! They’re going all in on AI in the next release, so I’m sure that’ll be nice. Who needs basic functionality?
6.5.2024 19:06Comcast is working on the lines today so the internet keeps going down.Here in 2024, Apple OSes still can’t handle the WiFi being up, but...Because we all wake up in the morning thinking “You know what I need my mouse driver to do? Make AI prompting easier!”
17.4.2024 17:18Because we all wake up in the morning thinking “You know what I need my mouse driver to do? Make AI prompting easier!”Here I was, watching Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and thinking “Wow, this is actually a lot less silly than The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” and then the final bit happened and then I was thinking "Well, at least Shia LaBeouf isn't in it.”
13.12.2023 02:38Here I was, watching Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and thinking “Wow, this is actually a lot less silly than The Kingdom of the...Little did we know that all those shows where someone is viewing a badly pixellated photo and tells the computer to "enhance" were really predicting the future.
We just didn't realize that it was simply an AI making stuff up when it does it. To be fair, they never ask for any specifc level of REALITY. They just assume it.
12.12.2023 14:39Little did we know that all those shows where someone is viewing a badly pixellated photo and tells the computer to "enhance" were...I apologize to this timeline for the existence of The Bad Guys Christmas Special.
I'm not responsible for it or anything, but feel like SOMEONE needs to apologize for it.
8.12.2023 00:37I apologize to this timeline for the existence of The Bad Guys Christmas Special.I'm not responsible for it or anything, but feel like...If any of you would have passed this and NOT bought it immediately, you are a stronger individual than I…
28.11.2023 20:05If any of you would have passed this and NOT bought it immediately, you are a stronger individual than I…I grow weary of the insistence that pessimism about our economy is because people “are not getting the message.”
No, we're not BUYING the message! There's a difference.
You can point at corporate-profit linked indicators and intentionally misleading job numbers all day long. We have seen through the shell game. We know there’s no ball there for us to find.
We hear your carnival barking. We're just not playing anymore.
25.11.2023 15:35I grow weary of the insistence that pessimism about our economy is because people “are not getting the message.”No, we're not BUYING...I can buy wireframe light-up Christmas moose for my front yard, but without a pack of wireframe light-up Christmas wolves to surround them, I don't see why I would.
21.11.2023 00:28I can buy wireframe light-up Christmas moose for my front yard, but without a pack of wireframe light-up Christmas wolves to surround them,...It probably never REALLY existed, but I still miss the illusion of a time when the entire planet was not simply a giant corporate Hellscape of endless ens**tification of every aspect of joy in life.
This sentiment brought to you by the dimwitted &assholes at Discovery+ shuttering GCN+ and once again leaving Americans without the ability to watch cycling events.
15.11.2023 15:30It probably never REALLY existed, but I still miss the illusion of a time when the entire planet was not simply a giant corporate Hellscape...I have a hard time seeing what is going on with The Previous President in his many criminal trials as “proof that the justice system is working” when he continues to flaunt and subvert the process at every step and is treated with a level of deference that no one else will ever receive.
It’s this sort of behavior that is not only responsible for his ever being President in the first place, but the vast majority of both parties' dysfunction. Justice is terminally blinded by wealth and power.
7.11.2023 17:27I have a hard time seeing what is going on with The Previous President in his many criminal trials as “proof that the justice system is...Finally watched Hocus Pocus II last night, and speaking as someone who was never a HUGE fan of the first one, it felt to me like it held up. It struck the delicate balance of callbacks to the original without being a complete retread, and all the new characters felt like they "fit" the story.
1) The child actors at the beginning should get awards for how well they portrayed the older sisters.
2) Bette Midler is kind of like Duane Johnson in that they both magically elevate anything they’re in.
1.11.2023 15:06Finally watched Hocus Pocus II last night, and speaking as someone who was never a HUGE fan of the first one, it felt to me like it held up....My otherwise great enjoyment of Back to the Future III was always tempered by the doubt that making a few gallons of gasoline would have been more difficult for Doc Brown than hijacking a train and stuffing it with chemicals to make it go 88 miles per hour.
23.10.2023 01:39My otherwise great enjoyment of Back to the Future III was always tempered by the doubt that making a few gallons of gasoline would have...Politics Warning (if I must…)
“A proposed gag order…puts the judge overseeing his federal election interference case in a tricky position: She must balance the…integrity of the legal proceedings against the First Amendment rights of a presidential candidate to defend himself in public.”
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the 1st Amendment was never intended to protect the rights of a former President being charged by the Federal Government for attempting to subvert the election.
14.10.2023 14:20Politics Warning (if I must…)“A proposed gag order…puts the judge overseeing his federal election interference case in a tricky...I am currently mentoring a former Boss's Boss (VERY former, like from 10 years ago) on things which I have learned in the last month of digging into Fractional Leadership career building.
And he's calling ME the experienced one!
What even IS this reality?
11.10.2023 15:37I am currently mentoring a former Boss's Boss (VERY former, like from 10 years ago) on things which I have learned in the last month of...Annoyed at myself... I got hooked on yet another online comic project that is bollux about regular updates.
Artists, please don't do this. If you say “updates every X" then do so. If you need to take a break then tell us. If you know you're going to be bollux about updating, say so (or maybe just don't post it at all).
Just because something is free doesn't mean there isn't a reasonable expectation of quality. Costco doesn't hand out frozen egg rolls…
9.10.2023 13:46Annoyed at myself... I got hooked on yet another online comic project that is bollux about regular updates.Artists, please don't do...Throughout this long, awful job search I have been baffled by the plethora of articles bemoaning “the need to attract talent;” and the fact that every posted job gets 5,800 applicants in the first hour and all my rejection letters speak of the “huge response of quality applicants.”
I have decided that corporate America has just grown so used to telling itself whatever it wants to hear that it is just incapable of existing in reality anymore.
18.9.2023 01:09Throughout this long, awful job search I have been baffled by the plethora of articles bemoaning “the need to attract talent;” and the...I have continued to lurk on The Former Birdsite to watch a couple accounts of specific interest to my developing business niche; but lately I have been starting to question the wisdom of this.
It has begun to take on the feeling of a sad, half-empty shopping mall where the stores that remain are too entrenched in the space to change, and too scared of change to try.
I'm beginning to suspect they aren't the voices of innovation I thought they were.
17.9.2023 13:47I have continued to lurk on The Former Birdsite to watch a couple accounts of specific interest to my developing business niche; but lately...For those of you not on the bleeding edge of Hip Tech, there is a transcription/note-taking service called which has a bot they call your “Otter Pilot” that asks to join Zoom calls alongside me to take notes.
It's handy and does a pretty good job, but mostly I like the little bit of joy I get when folks say something like “Oh hang on, let me let your Otter into the call and then we can start.”
Most business meetings would benefit from the presence of an Otter.
11.9.2023 20:49For those of you not on the bleeding edge of Hip Tech, there is a transcription/note-taking service called which has a bot they...Monday morning mood, compliments of Gypsy.
11.9.2023 14:21Monday morning mood, compliments of Gypsy.Courtesy of a minor bicycle mishap today, I now possess the wisdom that a handlebar end to the nipple is one of those things that hurts all out of proportion to the actual seriousness of the injury.
I hear ya, Drax.
10.9.2023 21:08Courtesy of a minor bicycle mishap today, I now possess the wisdom that a handlebar end to the nipple is one of those things that hurts all...