Updated #Mastodon to v4.3.5
🏷️ #HomeLab
11.3.2025 19:01Updated #Mastodon to v4.3.5https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v4.3.5🏷️ #HomeLabOh no.. went down the themes rabbit hole again...
8.3.2025 16:45Oh no.. went down the themes rabbit hole again...#GhosttyOkay, I installed #Ghostty now.
Not sure yet what the advantages are compared to Konsole for example..
Chromium feels pretty fast.. much faster than Firefox..
7.3.2025 22:19Chromium feels pretty fast.. much faster than Firefox..Thinking about what I really love, need from using macOS... first things would be @bbedit for sure and the seamless copy/paste from/to iPhone.
7.3.2025 19:16Thinking about what I really love, need from using macOS... first things would be @bbedit for sure and the seamless copy/paste from/to...Time to update #Fedora #Asahi on my MacBook again..
It's interesting that sometimes I totally forget to be on a Linux machine instead of using macOS. I wonder what my next notebook would be actually..
7.3.2025 19:08Time to update #Fedora #Asahi on my MacBook again.. It's interesting that sometimes I totally forget to be on a Linux machine instead of...Time to power the #goCoax Ethernet via coxial adapters again to get WiFi coverage in the garden. 🪴
🏷️ #Unifi
7.3.2025 13:09Time to power the #goCoax Ethernet via coxial adapters again to get WiFi coverage in the garden. 🪴 🏷️ #UnifiNetzbezug #PV #Photovoltaik #energiewende
4.3.2025 17:07Netzbezug #PV #Photovoltaik #energiewendeLäuft. #PV reicht fürs ganze Haus samt Heizung; und das Anfang März kurz vor 18 Uhr.
4.3.2025 16:57Läuft. #PV reicht fürs ganze Haus samt Heizung; und das Anfang März kurz vor 18 Uhr. #Photovoltaik #energiewende22°C… time for a nap 😴
2.3.2025 14:4622°C… time for a nap 😴This morning I was grocery shopping. During my ride to the store by car a not so tiny spider with a thick body and strong legs appeared right on the middle mirror. This was shocking to me. 🕷️
Was stopping on the road to handle this, but the spider actually crawled in a space between the windshield and the mirror where all the electronics is located (rain sensors etc.).
So I continued my way to the store always looking at the little slots.
At the next traffic light, Mr. Thicclegs left the car.
1.3.2025 13:58This morning I was grocery shopping. During my ride to the store by car a not so tiny spider with a thick body and strong legs appeared...Zahlen zum Februar 2025:
LW #Wärmepumpe, elektrischer Verbrauch:
- Heizen: 403 kWh, COP 4.4
- Warmwasser: 96 kWh, COP 2.7
#Photovoltaik (Ost + West)
- Erzeugung: 327 kWh (29,2 kWh/kWp)
- Autarkie: 35%
- Eigenverbrauch: 98%
=> Ersparnis ~ 105 EUR im Vergleich zu ohne PV
Updated #OPNsense to 25.1.2
Required a reboot
docker pull ghcr.io/mastodon/mastodon:v4.3.4
docker pull ghcr.io/mastodon/mastodon-streaming:v4.3.4
#Mastodon update
🏷️ #HomeLab
27.2.2025 16:30docker pull ghcr.io/mastodon/mastodon:v4.3.4docker pull ghcr.io/mastodon/mastodon-streaming:v4.3.4#Mastodon...We are watching „AI“ and there is a scene when they are visiting Dr. Know.... I was reminded on a calculator like device I used when I was a kid.
Does anybody also remember „Little Professor" calculator? 👨🏼🏫 I think this was the device.
26.2.2025 19:24We are watching „AI“ and there is a scene when they are visiting Dr. Know.... I was reminded on a calculator like device I used when I...Hm.. Element is showing me just a plain white window.. great.
26.2.2025 18:38Hm.. Element is showing me just a plain white window.. great.Just updated my M1 #MacBookAir to
#Fedora #Asahi 41...
Plasma 6.3 looks pretty nice!
Setting up some notifications for my #photovoltaics and #heatpump in #homeassistant
I‘m thinking about total silence all these systems, but somehow I like to get infos about the state changes.
23.2.2025 10:18Setting up some notifications for my #photovoltaics and #heatpump in #homeassistantI‘m thinking about total silence all these systems, but...