Embracing the Plastic Ban and Moving Beyond
Let yourself be inspired - to act. With short presentations by Roncy Reduces and Toronto Environmental Alliance and the film PLANETARY.
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Registration is open!
Talks, workshops, panels and excursions in Toronto's urban landscape.
A collaboration with the Critical Zones Environmental Humanities Network.
22.3.2023 13:15Registration is open! Talks, workshops, panels and excursions in Toronto's urban landscape. A collaboration with the Critical Zones...Save the date!
31.1.2023 20:52Save the date!Looking for a Mastodon home for Critical Zones, an Environmental Humanities initiative at the U of Toronto. @EnvHumUofT.
Suggestions for an appropriate instance? Thank you!
You can still submit a proposal to this event at the University of Toronto, organized by the School of the Environment and Critical Zones Environmental Humanities Network. Infos and submission form: https://www.environment.utoronto.ca/events/2023-beatrice-and-arthur-minden-symposium-environment
#envhum #urbanism #climatejustice #sustainability
16.12.2022 20:40You can still submit a proposal to this event at the University of Toronto, organized by the School of the Environment and Critical Zones...Reposting with a translation by popular demand haha. “So, wie man den strahlenden Kern des Urans nicht sofort erkennt, ist auch der positive Kern des Menschen oft verschüttet und verdeckt.” / In the same way that one does not immediately recognize the radiant core of uranium, the possible core of a person is often buried and hidden.
Quoted from the licensing documentation of the GDR film “Sonnensucher” - great to be back at the BArch!
“So, wie man den strahlenden Kern des Urans nicht sofort erkennt, ist auch der positive Kern des Menschen oft verschüttet und verdeckt.”
Quoted from the licensing documentation of the GDR film “Sonnensucher” - great to be back at the BArch!
As seen on the street in Berlin: the state of German History now. #histodon folks need to up their game.
22.11.2022 21:30As seen on the street in Berlin: the state of German History now. #histodon folks need to up their game.This is so awesome. Incompetent on multiple platforms now!
20.11.2022 22:30This is so awesome. Incompetent on multiple platforms now!Content warning:Owl box in a tree.
Seeing some whitewash and hearing screeches. Someone is checking out the accommodations!
20.11.2022 00:16Content warning:Owl box in a tree.Seeing some whitewash and hearing screeches. Someone is checking out the accommodations!A collaboration between the School of the Environment and the Critical Zones Environmental Humanities Network at the University of Toronto
#envhum #urbanecology #sustainability #urbanindigeneity #equitabletransition
11.11.2022 17:23A collaboration between the School of the Environment and the Critical Zones Environmental Humanities Network at the University of...