RIP, Emanuel Schegloff. #EmanuelSchegloff #Schegloff
25.5.2024 15:12RIP, Emanuel Schegloff. #EmanuelSchegloff #SchegloffI discovered this work (I'm a bit ashamed to say) by accident: I was trying to figure out what words Marian Gold (Alphaville) was using in the fourth verse of his “Song for No One”: (I'm not at all ashamed to be a longtime Alphaville fan, I don't care what any of you think of me because of that), and my web search quickly led me to Paul's work. I love these kinds of weird connections, because they make me feel that we are all, well, connected.
27.10.2023 18:11I discovered this work (I'm a bit ashamed to say) by accident: I was trying to figure out what words Marian Gold (Alphaville) was using...What a shame, on the other hand, that @paulbaker had his Mastodon account on the now defunct server and no longer seems to have an account in the Fediverse. I'm very much looking forward to meeting him: he's famous among corpus linguists for his corpus-linguistic work, of course, but he has also done fascinating work on #Polari, a secret language/slang used by gay men in Britain into the 1970s. 1/2
27.10.2023 18:02What a shame, on the other hand, that @paulbaker had his Mastodon account on the now defunct server and no longer seems to have...How cool is it, by the way, that @uniinnsbruck is running its own #Mastodon instance!
27.10.2023 11:44How cool is it, by the way, that @uniinnsbruck is running its own #Mastodon instance!I'm very honored to be joining @paulbaker, Gerlinde Mautner and Rachelle Vessey as a plenary speaker at next year's Corpora & Discourse conference at the @uniinnsbruck in the beautiful (if, to be honest, slightly claustrophobia-inducingly surrounded-by-mountains) town of Innsbruck!
27.10.2023 11:31I'm very honored to be joining @paulbaker, Gerlinde Mautner and Rachelle Vessey as a plenary speaker at next year's Corpora &...When students present papers from before about 2010, they often start with something like “I will present a very old study from 2009, The Nature of Generalization in Language by Adele Goldberg”, and then I feel like an ancient rock slowly being eroded by the elements. But today I received a term paper that started by saying “Grammaticalization is a very recent idea, introduced by Antoine Meillet in 1912”, and now I'm running and leaping through my apartment like a lamb across a meadow in Spring.
26.10.2023 14:46When students present papers from before about 2010, they often start with something like “I will present a very old study from 2009, The...Dear (linguist and non-linguist) native/highly-proficient speakers of English who are familiar with the phrase "trip the light fantastic", how would you normally pronounce it: With primary stress both on "LIGHT" and on the syllable "TAS" (Option 1); with secondary stress (or no stress) on "light" and primary stress on the syllable "TAS" (Option 2), or some other way (please describe in reply)? @linguistics
Just mistakenly typed “hidiom” instead of “idiom”, and I suggest we start using this as a term for hideous idioms, for example, “sell s.o. down the river”, “grow a pair”, “confined to a wheelchair”, etc.
20.10.2023 08:28Just mistakenly typed “hidiom” instead of “idiom”, and I suggest we start using this as a term for hideous idioms, for example,...Let me put the question differently: Any suggestions for search terms on Google scholar? If I try things like ["formal semantics" "antonymy"] or ["formal semantics" "derivational morphology"], I get very few relevant results... @linguistics
10.10.2023 05:34Let me put the question differently: Any suggestions for search terms on Google scholar? If I try things like ["formal semantics"...Are there no formal semanticists around (they could all be on λz [SKY(z) & BLUE(z)], I guess)? Or is there no such (recent) literature? I've looked at Katz (1972) of course, and Cann (1993) is nice, but both are a bit old school, no? There must be something more recent! @linguistics
9.10.2023 20:23Are there no formal semanticists around (they could all be on λz [SKY(z) & BLUE(z)], I guess)? Or is there no such (recent) literature?...Tach och, fellow linguists! I've been looking for (recent) formal semantics treatments of #LexicalSemantics (particularly lexical relations) and/or #DerivationalMorphology, but I haven't been too successful so far (it's not my specialty and I may not know how to look properly). Any pointers would be highly appreciated! #followerpower @linguistics
9.10.2023 12:33Tach och, fellow linguists! I've been looking for (recent) formal semantics treatments of #LexicalSemantics (particularly lexical...Following up on yesterday’s post, here’s another terrible joke from The American Tyler (April 1st,1900), which linguists should appreciate:
A small boy in the juvenile grammar class, being told to compare the adjective “little” answered: “Little, small, nothing at all.”
24.9.2023 07:53Following up on yesterday’s post, here’s another terrible joke from The American Tyler (April 1st,1900), which linguists should...…and he feared that such a billionaire would be “the boss of us all”. This hearing took place in 1885, and yet Swinton foresaw precisely what would happen and he knew exactly how it could be prevented. Sadly, nobody seems to have listened... 5/5
Read the passage on Google Books here:
23.9.2023 14:54…and he feared that such a billionaire would be “the boss of us all”. This hearing took place in 1885, and yet Swinton foresaw...And for the education: Another hit occurred in the transcript of a Senate hearing on the relations between labor and capital, where the publisher and journalist John Swinton talks about the problems related to the fact that soon, the first billionaire would exist in the US. He argues in favor for an income tax high enough to prevent this, as such a billionaire would be difficult to control; Swinton thought it could be done if the entire Army and Navy was put to the task… 4/
23.9.2023 14:50And for the education: Another hit occurred in the transcript of a Senate hearing on the relations between labor and capital, where the...“The angry father strode into the parlor.
‘Girls,’ he said, ‘who are these young men?’
‘Papa.’ replled one of the daughters, ‘this is Mr. Young and this is Mr. Yates.’ Whereupon the old gentleman invitingly opened the door.
‘Git!’ he thundered.
And they got. A word to the Y's was sufficient.” 3/
I found a four hits for "(be) the boss of us all", the earliest from 1864, and one for "the boss of them" from 1867. My curiosity was satisfied — the phrase did exist and could have been used. Now for the entertainment: One of the hits was on the humor page of the magazine “The American Tyler”, featuring some of the worst jokes I have ever read. Here's an example: 2/
23.9.2023 14:41I found a four hits for "(be) the boss of us all", the earliest from 1864, and one for "the boss of them" from 1867. My...Corpus-linguistic inquiry supplied me with serendipitous entertainment and wisdom again, today. I noticed the use of the phrase “be the boss of someone” in the Netflix Western drama series “Godless” and was interested to know if this phrase was already used in 1884 (when the series is set). The Oxford English Dictionary did not provide any citations, so I searched Google Books for "the boss of (him|her|you|me|us|them)", restricting the search to the 19th Century and earlier. 1/
23.9.2023 14:36Corpus-linguistic inquiry supplied me with serendipitous entertainment and wisdom again, today. I noticed the use of the phrase “be the...Got the following email: “I have been exploring your work with great interest, and I was particularly intrigued by your recent paper ‘Introduction’. I think it's a valuable and timely contribution to the field, and I believe that SciTube would be a great platform for sharing it with a wider audience.”
I am so happy, that finally someone saw the value and timeliness of my paper “Introduction”! I myself happen to think that “Introduction” constitutes the best 1½ pages of my recent oeuvre!
1.9.2023 18:33Got the following email: “I have been exploring your work with great interest, and I was particularly intrigued by your recent paper...The sixth day of #iclc16 begins! Looking forward to the plenary by… wait, where is everybody?!?
12.8.2023 07:30The sixth day of #iclc16 begins! Looking forward to the plenary by… wait, where is everybody?!?The third day of #iclc16 ends, like every day in the life of a cognitive linguist, with the brushing of teeth as a metonymy for getting ready for bed.
9.8.2023 20:55The third day of #iclc16 ends, like every day in the life of a cognitive linguist, with the brushing of teeth as a metonymy for getting...