If you give a complete day, no time, as deadline, without mentioning a timezone, I /will/ use that to my advance if needed and submit the thing next morning while the deadline day is not over yet in all timezones...
15.3.2025 08:16If you give a complete day, no time, as deadline, without mentioning a timezone, I /will/ use that to my advance if needed and submit the...Dragon
14.3.2025 22:58DragonIk moet morgen denk ik maar weer een claim indienen bij de NS om geld terug te vragen, want ik had vandaag meer dan een halfuur vertraging!
14.3.2025 21:59Ik moet morgen denk ik maar weer een claim indienen bij de NS om geld terug te vragen, want ik had vandaag meer dan een halfuur vertraging!Am draic
14.3.2025 07:17Am draicGood night, Fedi!
13.3.2025 21:31Good night, Fedi!And now a third time!
That makes the second time it happened today, out of all two phone calls today.
Huh. I have been called 'madam' during phone-calls two times now in a few weeks time. And I did maybe four, no more than five phone calls...
Does my Nokia distort my voice so much that it "sounds feminine"?
Not that it really bothers me personally, but I do find it interesting...
13.3.2025 10:47Huh. I have been called 'madam' during phone-calls two times now in a few weeks time. And I did maybe four, no more than five phone...Ik heb net toch nog maar even in het klein een vertaling op mijn protestbord geschreven.
#StopDeSloop #DoeHetNiet #WOInActie
11.3.2025 07:05Ik heb net toch nog maar even in het klein een vertaling op mijn protestbord geschreven.#StopDeSloop #DoeHetNiet #WOInActieFarith Pangur Ban!
11.3.2025 06:42Farith Pangur Ban!Today, much staff of Universiteit Leiden will strike and protest against the budget cuts on higher education. Tomorrow the strike will be continued by Universiteit Utrecht!
10.3.2025 09:13Today, much staff of Universiteit Leiden will strike and protest against the budget cuts on higher education. Tomorrow the strike will be...Selwel an tavosow Keltek!
10.3.2025 09:01Selwel an tavosow Keltek!Good night!
9.3.2025 21:58Good night!What is a good XML editor with auto-complete and validation that is not too big in size and runs on Windows or Mac? Or in the browser?
7.3.2025 09:20What is a good XML editor with auto-complete and validation that is not too big in size and runs on Windows or Mac? Or in the...Hmm...
I need a proper MP3 player whereon I can easily select which album to play.
So that I can still listen to music without having to take my smartphone with me.
I guess that alternatively a walkman and copies of my CDs is also an option if I obtain one.
6.3.2025 08:58Hmm...I need a proper MP3 player whereon I can easily select which album to play.So that I can still listen to music without having to take...Note to self: Do transcribing in XML.
And something something XML-transcriptions to WAP.
@DIAS_Dublin Hope your servers are okay!
5.3.2025 16:25@DIAS_Dublin Hope your servers are okay!Good night!
4.3.2025 22:39Good night!Also, why does Merecat seem to mess up my output?
4.3.2025 18:47Also, why does Merecat seem to mess up my output?Ugh. Why can't I convert UTF-8 strings to ISO-8859-5 strings in D?
4.3.2025 18:44Ugh. Why can't I convert UTF-8 strings to ISO-8859-5 strings in D?Oh no!
I just spotted a second-hand Nokia 7110 for €25, but it appears to be sim-locked to KPN, rendering it useless for testing purposes, I think...