And we're back!
So sorry about that.. Somehow the downtime noti did not get through but it should be fixed now.
Also server for .coffee is upgraded ✅
24.6.2024 12:49And we're back! So sorry about that.. Somehow the downtime noti did not get through but it should be fixed now. Also server for .coffee has been updated to #Mastodon v4.2.7 ☕
Release notes:
16.2.2024 has been updated to #Mastodon v4.2.7 ☕ Release notes:⚠️ The Mastodon.Coffee servers will reboot within ~5 minutes
There seems to be an issue attaching new volumes to the server for backups.
2.2.2024 15:12⚠️ The Mastodon.Coffee servers will reboot within ~5 minutes There seems to be an issue attaching new volumes to the server for backups.⚠️ will also go offline for a few minutes so we can migrate to the new plan! ⚠️
19.9.2023 18:59⚠️ will also go offline for a few minutes so we can migrate to the new plan! ⚠️Time for a....
11.7.2023 20:15Time for a....Quick services restart for updates on! has been updated to v4.1.3
Also some obselte themes have been removed an new ones added!
6.7.2023 has been updated to v4.1.3 Also some obselte themes have been removed an new ones added!The new 'Elephant' theme is now also availble on .coffee!
Sidekiq also works more efficient now
Quick services reload on .coffee!
Translation is now also enabled on .coffee!
16.2.2023 13:41Translation is now also enabled on .coffee!Mastodon.Coffee now also has it's own status page is now also running Mastodon v4.1.0
14.2.2023 is now also running Mastodon v4.1.0Mastodon.Coffee will go offline for a few minutes so I can upscale the server 💪
.coffee is back up and the search is fixed ✅ ☕
4.2.2023 is back up and the search is fixed ✅ ☕So don't worry, get a cofe and we'll be right back!
4.2.2023 16:02So don't worry, get a cofe and we'll be right back!I'm gonna shut down the Mastodon services on for a few minutes so I can remove the current (far to small) SWAP file and setup a bigger one!
It seems ElasticSearch keeps crashing
4.2.2023 16:02I'm gonna shut down the Mastodon services on for a few minutes so I can remove the current (far to small) SWAP file and...Oh man.. trying to catch up with 2 instances now. is about 100K jobs behind and now around 600K..
I'm working on it! ❤️
18.11.2022 13:46Oh man.. trying to catch up with 2 instances is about 100K jobs behind and now around 600K..I'm working on it!...And done! ✅
Mastodon.Coffee is now also running the latest #Mastodon v4.0.2
16.11.2022 14:06And done! ✅ Mastodon.Coffee is now also running the latest #Mastodon v4.0.2