The news coming out of Libya is horrifying. Up to 20000 drowned in floods. Climate change is bringing out more and more extreme weather events. Donate here to help the Libyan Red Crescent on the ground.
30.8.2023 10:28 Day Cork have kindly published an extract from the Planter's Daughter, my eco-crime novel with a Civil War back story. Am currently seeking a publisher.
26.8.2023 14:21Good Day Cork have kindly published an extract from the Planter's Daughter, my eco-crime novel with a Civil War back story. Am currently...Short story publication: Recent launch of Channel literary magazine Issue 8 online. I read my story “Rosa at Garryvoe, January ‘22” starting 5.48 in the below clip, it’s 3 minutes long. For those who like sea swimming and trans positivity 🙂
18.8.2023 20:31Short story publication: Recent launch of Channel literary magazine Issue 8 online. I read my story “Rosa at Garryvoe, January ‘22”...Just gonna put something wholesome here. Recently I made a notebook out of origami paper my sister gave me. Hand threaded it and all :)
24.7.2023 18:56Just gonna put something wholesome here. Recently I made a notebook out of origami paper my sister gave me. Hand threaded it and all :)I'd like to thank people here who supported me at the time and stood shoulder to shoulder with me, as they saw the extent of what these people felt free to say to me, under the guise of anonymity. Your support meant a lot then and continues to now.
16.7.2023 11:05I'd like to thank people here who supported me at the time and stood shoulder to shoulder with me, as they saw the extent of what these...Just wanted to put a quick post here because I've neglected mastodon. Part of it was that I got pulled back to twitter but also a bad experience with the abusive Irish writers here unfortunately and wasn't able to post. I'm seeking and getting healing for my experience since 2020 and last November and the continuing intermittent abuse as I speak up. It's been enormously stressful for me, and my health demands I clear it from my energy.
16.7.2023 11:02Just wanted to put a quick post here because I've neglected mastodon. Part of it was that I got pulled back to twitter but also a bad...Quick update to say my chemo is ALL DONE.
Hidden photo for those squeamish about needles / cannulas / etc
14.7.2023 16:46Quick update to say my chemo is ALL DONE.Hidden photo for those squeamish about needles / cannulas / etcWandering on the Barrow Way
2.7.2023 18:26Wandering on the Barrow Way
2.7.2023 18:17 fuck cancer anyways :) #BikeTooter #3000km
21.5.2023 15:26Well fuck cancer anyways :) #BikeTooter #3000kmWhen I started draft 4 of my latest novel (after realising I'd submitted too early) the word count was 135k (yikes!) In 1 week I have reduced it to 126K. I want to get it down to 100k or fewer words. It's an eco-crime novel with Civil War backstory. Keep crossing fingers for me!
20.5.2023 12:22When I started draft 4 of my latest novel (after realising I'd submitted too early) the word count was 135k (yikes!) In 1 week I have...The 2009 Defamation Act urgently needs revising and repealing. Please listen to this activist performance of my short story "The Defamation Suit", shortlisted for the Mairtin Crawford Award 2021, and published in Cork Words 3 collection
19.5.2023 07:44The 2009 Defamation Act urgently needs revising and repealing. Please listen to this activist performance of my short story "The...I recite my story The Defamation Suit here. Starts about 3 minutes in, where I stand up, takes about 15-20 min :)
The story is published in Cork Words 3 anthology and was shortlisted for the Martin Crawford Award in 2021.
18.5.2023 19:55I recite my story The Defamation Suit here. Starts about 3 minutes in, where I stand up, takes about 15-20 min :)The story is published in...Tonight at 7pm!
18.5.2023 17:33Tonight at 7pm!
16.5.2023 20:01
Am going to have a live on Thursday eve 7pm on Insta, reading a published short story of mine called "The Defamation Suit". Have a listen to find out why!
16.5.2023 19:52 going to have a live on Thursday eve 7pm on Insta, reading a published short story of mine...This week I have made 3 bike pick-ups which the previous week I would have had to make by car. Delighted to be able to be a #BikeTooter again, and be part of the solution rather than the problem :)
10.5.2023 16:59This week I have made 3 bike pick-ups which the previous week I would have had to make by car. Delighted to be able to be a #BikeTooter...I was a total crank so took a walk. Sweated like a pig but felt so much calmer afterwards. Sweat till the poison is gone :)
8.5.2023 18:52I was a total crank so took a walk. Sweated like a pig but felt so much calmer afterwards. Sweat till the poison is gone :)Late to the party with this but the Music Professor explains why Zadok the Priest is, indeed, a banger.
7.5.2023 20:30Late to the party with this but the Music Professor explains why Zadok the Priest is, indeed, a...