Morning... #roathpark
14.11.2024 12:01Morning... #roathparkThis is still relevant...
Not been on here for a while.... but FYI My book "How to build a Metro" is now on-line and free to access. Covers the Metro back story, the future, TOD, car dependency and the UKs constitutional failings vis a vis capital investment (esp rail in Wales!)
17.10.2024 15:47Not been on here for a while.... but FYI My book "How to build a Metro" is now on-line and free to access. Covers the Metro back...An updated blog re cars, congestion, health impacts, carbon and road pricing!
I did a quick blog on Cardiff Airport.....and Severnside?!?!
Should bus fares be free...or not? Not such a straightforward question....
Given the LUF announcement re Cardiff yesterday, I updated my 2019 Cardiff Crossrail blog...
Wanted to try and "simply" explain the issues related to UK Gov rail Investment in Wales and the failings of the Barnett formula...still draft/WIP!
7.1.2023 13:47Wanted to try and "simply" explain the issues related to UK Gov rail Investment in Wales and the failings of the Barnett...To follow up my Metro Blogs yesterday (Moans and Hopes for 2023) I have also prepared a "Political, Economic and Environmental Hopes for 2023" blog....
2.1.2023 13:50To follow up my Metro Blogs yesterday (Moans and Hopes for 2023) I have also prepared a "Political, Economic and Environmental Hopes...A couple of Metro blogs for the new year....
#1 some "moans" and
#2 some "hopes"...(prob naïve!)
1.1.2023 12:52A couple of Metro blogs for the new year....#1 some "moans" and #2 some "hopes"...(prob...Nearly 2 years old....but this "paper" still encapsulates what a possible PT future could look like in the Cardiff Capital Region
Some of this vision has been subject to further development via Transport for Wales
Cant believe its over 4 years since I put on the "Metro and Me" Event with Cardiff Uni Capital Law CCR IWA ChrisNott Arup DCFW & others. Probably ran it 4 yrs too early!
Worth a look ?? The Cardiff Central - Newport Rd section of the "Cardiff Crossrail" is now open to formal public consultation....
12.12.2022 08:27Worth a look ?? The Cardiff Central - Newport Rd section of the "Cardiff Crossrail" is now open to formal public...#KeirStarmer & #RishiSunak are mistaken if they think today's #SupremeCourt decision settles the #Scottishquestion. On the contrary it exposes how utterly dysfunctional & compromised #Westminster UK "democracy" has become- big changes needed in #britains constitutional architecture...for #scotland, for #wales and for #england ... #confederation #federation
I still remember the Joe Jordan handball, the floodlights failing at the vetch, Paul bodin and the crossbar...the what might have beens and the nearlys...but at 59 yrs of age in 2022, I get to see Cymru at #cwpanybyd #ymaohyd #poblwc
21.11.2022 18:51I still remember the Joe Jordan handball, the floodlights failing at the vetch, Paul bodin and the crossbar...the what might have beens and...A cold #cardiffbay this morning
19.11.2022 12:54A cold #cardiffbay this morning@irishtimes
More coverage, this time from @washingtonpost
#cymru #wales #cwpanybyd
This from the Irish Times is very good @irishtimes #wales #football #cwpanybyd
Something lighter for a friday pm...always enjoyed this #wales #cardiff #accent
Something else I wrote a few months ago...this time #transportplanning in #wales and the challenges of tough choices...