Lots of instances doing server migrations over the weekend. Can't wait to read the blog posts about it throughout the week
1.5.2022 12:20Lots of instances doing server migrations over the weekend. Can't wait to read the blog posts about it throughout the weekWhile looking through some files here I found a script that I wrote a few months ago trying to replicate that NY Times serpent chart from earlier this year (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/06/opinion/omicron-covid-us.html).
Plotted some time series with it to check out if they are any good. Although it's really hard to extract much information from them, turns out that the serpent chart was quite useful for detecting seasonal patterns!
29.4.2022 08:12While looking through some files here I found a script that I wrote a few months ago trying to replicate that NY Times serpent chart from...Hello everyone! My name is Otavio, I'm a data scientist and ML engineer based in Brazil.
I usually talk about #datascience and #MLOps, but sometimes I might also post about some other passions like #physics, #jazz and #generative_art
26.4.2022 09:28Hello everyone! My name is Otavio, I'm a data scientist and ML engineer based in Brazil.I usually talk about #datascience and #MLOps,...