Released 0.49.0. Changelog:
A big one. A *lot* more FieldOccurrence support, filters, browse, DwC export and more. Batch manage Protocols (MachineObservations possible). Numerous new search facets. Many UI improvements including lockable table columns. Bug fixes galore.
19.3.2025 14:53Released 0.49.0. Changelog: big one. A *lot* more FieldOccurrence...Calm before the... calm? Our All-your-names-are-belong-to-us hackathon is kicking off in an hour. With participants from WoRMS, Open Tree of Life, Catalogue of Life, Global Names and friends of TaxonWorks all coming together to make taxon names more interoperable it should be an amazing couple days.
3.3.2025 14:12Calm before the... calm? Our All-your-names-are-belong-to-us hackathon is kicking off in an hour. With participants from WoRMS, Open Tree of...Released 0.48.0. Changelog:
Browse Field Occurrence task. A number of bug fixes.
Thanks to all the voices and developers that made this happen quickly.
15.2.2025 01:59Released 0.48.0. Changelog: Field Occurrence task. A number of...This years TaxonWorks Together is solidifying. We're excited to announce a series of conversations ( with guests on #biodiversityinformatics topics that spark our thinking.
Do reach out if you're interested in contributing, from lightning talk to demo, let's talk!
13.2.2025 17:17This years TaxonWorks Together is solidifying. We're excited to announce a series of conversations ...Released 0.47.0. Changelog:
Copy/paste edits from spreadsheets to custom DataAttributes. #CatalogueofLife Data Package improvements. Digitization optimizations. Multifurcating keys! Numerous bug fixes and backend updates (#Rails, #Ruby).
6.2.2025 22:12Released 0.47.0. Changelog: edits from spreadsheets to custom...Released 0.46.0 this week. Changelog:
Lots of taxonomic key love, 2 for-print versions, and an API endpoint the basis for a new reusable interface "pinpoint". FieldOccurrence customization and UI improvements. More vocabulary/filter integration. Export to Simplemappr format! More Unify objects goodness. Bug fixes!
6.12.2024 21:10Released 0.46.0 this week. Changelog: of taxonomic key love, 2...We're not moving, we're diversifying where diversity is appreciated:
23.11.2024 16:19We're not moving, we're diversifying where diversity is appreciated:...Released 0.45.0 this week. Changelog:
A big update. New generic functionality-unify data de-duplicating related objects and moving annotations automatically. "Confidence" (data quality metadata assertions) facets and batch operations throughout. Duplicate OTU prediction. Lots of QoL improvements and bug fixes.
2.11.2024 17:04Released 0.45.0 this week. Changelog: big update. New generic...Might as well call it the Hotel California at this point as we welcome a second insect collection from the golden state to TaxonWorks in about a week. Welcome SJSU and Fred Larabee's team.
You can check-in any time you want, and you can always leave thanks to all the ways to export your curatorial efforts.
4.10.2024 17:46Might as well call it the Hotel California at this point as we welcome a second insect collection from the golden state to TaxonWorks in...They may never have floated inside The Simpson's space program, but we, for one, welcome our new digital pollinators from the California Academy of Science Insect Collection to TaxonWorks.
27.9.2024 20:44They may never have floated inside The Simpson's space program, but we, for one, welcome our new digital pollinators from the California...We're making a big step towards upgrading the "managing-an-inventory" side of biodiversity informatics with some model improvements and a containerization experiment. From 96 well plates to cabinets and rooms, this generic but flexible system gives researchers the ability to organize their material as they as it matters to their work.
Bonus, as we aspire to here, the viz library we built stands alone as an agnostic interface for your creative use- (docs coming).
17.9.2024 14:28We're making a big step towards upgrading the "managing-an-inventory" side of biodiversity informatics with some model...Inter-generational message here. Thanks to @debpaul there is a lot of juicy ("zesty" for the kids) new content at So you can rewind, no, not the insulting "you failed, try again", but rather as the adults ("boomers") mean, "to repeat", the conference and enjoy some great conversations again, or for the first time. Highly recommend the #dataquality round-table, it had some great ("5-head/sigma") insights across the board.
#taxonomy #OpenSource #biodiversity #rails
3.8.2024 16:43Inter-generational message here. Thanks to @debpaul there is a lot of juicy ("zesty" for the kids) new content at...Released 0.43.0 Changelog:
New task to auto-attach images to the objects they depict based on identifiers in their filename (this is a terrible workflow btw, don't waste time to rename your files, just drop them in TW) during your imaging session, but it is useful for some legacy data). PDF exports of CSL formatted references. Better image nav when many images depict one thing. Improved API responses for bad params. Numerous bug fixes.
1.8.2024 15:38Released 0.43.0 Changelog: task to auto-attach images to the objects...Released 0.42.0 Changelog:
Life, the Universe, Everything!
Well, not quite. More cloning features though, and ways to visualize "the universe" (of data). Better indexing synchronization, more API endpoints, more built in #data_quality. Update to #Rails 7. Less need for a #towel ( many bug fixes), better babelfish (email authentication means far less false-positive spam).
29.6.2024 16:37Released 0.42.0 Changelog:, the Universe, Everything! Well, not...Excited to announce that Fungus Gnats Online, a #NHMUK #scratchpad on life-support, has now been ported to @TaxonWorks hosted by the #speciesfilegroup.
We hope this is the first of many (all?!) #Diptera nomenclature/taxonomy efforts finding a home with us.
Congrats to Vlad and @gdower for their hard work on this migration. Look for a #TaxonPage version in the mid term.
8.6.2024 15:48Excited to announce that Fungus Gnats Online, a #NHMUK #scratchpad on life-support, has now been ported to @TaxonWorks hosted by the...#phylogenetic studies peeps- the sandbox branch of TaxonWorks now includes the Nexus file importer for testing.
Level-up the #provenance trail of your complex datasets with the ability to cite, depict, tag, and add meta-data to any individual value in any matrix cell (or any other element of the matrix for that matter).
The matrix functionality in TaxonWorks is extremely useful if you're building super matrices from new and historical data.
28.5.2024 15:07#phylogenetic studies peeps- the sandbox branch of TaxonWorks now includes the Nexus file importer for testing.Level-up the #provenance...We've added some TaxonPages functionality to display the Darwin Core values for individual specimens via clicks on the distribution map.
Check it out in action at, and remember it takes minutes to setup your own site on Github if you have a TaxonWorks project, see
#Orthoptera #biodiversity #species #taxonomy
28.5.2024 15:01We've added some TaxonPages functionality to display the Darwin Core values for individual specimens via clicks on the distribution...If Jaws can have 3D, so can we!
We are developing a generic 2D/3D physical container handling viz library that we'll wrap in TaxonWorks. Think 96 well plates for DNA extraction with vouchers, collection cabinets, and Eppendorf storage boxes.
I.e., if you want to put boxes in boxes in boxes, with some boxes inside those boxes, in a box, this might ultimately be of interest.
21.5.2024 16:56If Jaws can have 3D, so can we!We are developing a generic 2D/3D physical container handling viz library that we'll wrap in TaxonWorks....@TaxonWorks Together 2024 is a wrap. With daily sustained numbers of 90, 70 and 50 people participating we think it went swimmingly.
This year we announced our inaugural #awards. Check out our t-shirt (and pride) winners at
Watch for our round-table discussion on #dataquality (or should it be #datafidelity?) and much more coming in the next couple weeks at
See you again May 2025!
13.5.2024 19:21@TaxonWorks Together 2024 is a wrap. With daily sustained numbers of 90, 70 and 50 people participating we think it went swimmingly. This...TaxonWorks Together 2024 starts tomorrow.
Registration remains free and open for these virtual conversations, as long as we can keep it open.
#taxonomy #biodiversity #OpenSource #species
6.5.2024 17:07TaxonWorks Together 2024 starts tomorrow. Registration remains free and open for these virtual conversations, as long as we can keep it...