Dads everywhere after we managed to get “dad sneakers” accepted as “stylish”
26.5.2024 15:19Dads everywhere after we managed to get “dad sneakers” accepted as “stylish”Hey can we, as a society, engage in a dialogue about the state of oatmilk containers? I have some notes.
23.4.2024 19:11Hey can we, as a society, engage in a dialogue about the state of oatmilk containers? I have some notes.Sometimes I wonder if SaniTaco was an idea that was just too far ahead of its time
5.1.2024 02:05Sometimes I wonder if SaniTaco was an idea that was just too far ahead of its timeI think if targeted advertising actually worked I’d have known ahead of time that Wonka is a musical comedy from the Paddington 2 people co-starring Rich Fulcher.
31.12.2023 00:30I think if targeted advertising actually worked I’d have known ahead of time that Wonka is a musical comedy from the Paddington 2 people...My wife sent me this and I don’t know what she’s trying to tell me
29.12.2023 16:00My wife sent me this and I don’t know what she’s trying to tell me...“Borderline” by Madonna is now officially inducted into Yacht Rock canon. I will not be taking questions at this time.
19.10.2023 15:38“Borderline” by Madonna is now officially inducted into Yacht Rock canon. I will not be taking questions at this time.This was a very good build.
28.9.2023 04:16This was a very good build.After 105 hours of research I can confirm that Baldur’s Gate 3 is very good
21.9.2023 05:10After 105 hours of research I can confirm that Baldur’s Gate 3 is very goodWe moved to Colorado with one bike 3 months ago 😂
17.9.2023 17:16We moved to Colorado with one bike 3 months ago 😂Me, upon embarking on my Baldur’s Gate 3 journey: “ugh I have no patience for the dating sim aspects of this game”
Me, today: “I suppose my character should end his dalliance with Shadowheart and pledge his love to Lae’zel, even though I can tell there is a spark between him and Halsin”
4.9.2023 16:49Me, upon embarking on my Baldur’s Gate 3 journey: “ugh I have no patience for the dating sim aspects of this game”Me, today: “I...I still do Wordle basically daily. I am finding a statistically significant improvement in my game by asking “what word would I have chosen if I were a total asshole?” I got to show this to my spouse in real time today which was immensely satisfying.
22.7.2023 18:11I still do Wordle basically daily. I am finding a statistically significant improvement in my game by asking “what word would I have..."And here's something else, Bob: I have eight different auth factors right now."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Eight factors."
"Eight, Bob. So that means that when I get logged out, I have eight different hoops I have to jump through."
My brother, a former meth addict (which I believe he used to self-medicate for severe ADHD), has said Mounjaro has dramatically curbed his compulsions for eating, smoking, and even spending. Lots we don’t know about these drugs but it seems to get wilder as we discover more.
(via @kottke)
22.5.2023 21:21My brother, a former meth addict (which I believe he used to self-medicate for severe ADHD), has said Mounjaro has dramatically curbed his...T-Minus 4 days until Texit. It gets worse before it gets better: we are stopping in Amarillo overnight.
21.5.2023 18:33T-Minus 4 days until Texit. It gets worse before it gets better: we are stopping in Amarillo overnight.AUS 🛬 SEA
16.5.2023 00:33AUS 🛬 SEARemember actual goddamn journalism? ProPublica remembers.
10.5.2023 00:17Remember actual goddamn journalism? ProPublica remembers.’re just about wrapping up our time in Texas after just shy of 11 years (not to mention having been born and raised here). I’m tired. I could “stay and fight” but also “leave and fight” is an option. Off to new adventures in the Denver area in late May.
18.4.2023 23:58We’re just about wrapping up our time in Texas after just shy of 11 years (not to mention having been born and raised here). I’m tired....@caleb dude congrats! We are going to be house hunting on Friday (we close on our sale next Thursday). Best wishes for baby times and we’ll find a way to get together once things settle down!
30.3.2023 18:59@caleb dude congrats! We are going to be house hunting on Friday (we close on our sale next Thursday). Best wishes for baby times and...God I’m annoying
22.3.2023 00:07God I’m annoyingWired: “efficiency”
Tired: “metaverse”
Expired: “Sweet Baby Ray’s”