Here’s a toot of gratitude to @emitanaka for sharing her #quarto website codes which helped me embed and link to (non-quarto rendered) html slide decks on my page. I can finally get rid of those horrid pdf conversions destroying all animated features 🎺🙌😌
18.11.2022 20:52Here’s a toot of gratitude to @emitanaka for sharing her #quarto website codes which helped me embed and link to (non-quarto rendered)...Is the fact that there are no custom #emojis available on #Fediscience a valid reason to move to another instance? Asking for a friend 🫠
15.11.2022 13:10Is the fact that there are no custom #emojis available on #Fediscience a valid reason to move to another instance? Asking for a friend 🫠My most recent talk (and the first in-person one since 2019) took place last week @ Centre Marc Bloch where I presented a framework for using multigraph representations to analyze social networks. For anyone interested, the presentation slides are now up on my personal webpage 🤓
8.11.2022 20:27My most recent talk (and the first in-person one since 2019) took place last week @ Centre Marc Bloch where I presented a framework for...Hello fellow tooters 👋, here’s my #introduction.
I’m a statistician working on methods and models for analyzing social networks. I’m also the developer and maintainer of two #rstats packages on that topic (‘netropy’ and ‘multigraphr’). My interdiscplinary collaborations are primarily within branches of #ComputationalSocialScience and #DigitalHumanities.
Here for scientific exchange, LOLs and community capacity building. Any cat related content is a welcomed bonus 🐈
7.11.2022 22:05Hello fellow tooters 👋, here’s my #introduction. I’m a statistician working on methods and models for analyzing social networks....