I thought souvenirs couldn't get worse than the low effort "made in china" fridge magnets that have nothing to do with the place they are supposed to remind you of. Today I was proven wrong. Now you can purchase AI generated art to take home to your mom.
I guess this was inevitable...
10.11.2024 20:13I thought souvenirs couldn't get worse than the low effort "made in china" fridge magnets that have nothing to do with the...Just received my prize for participating in @jlengstorf's Web Dev Challenge hackathon. I had a lot of fun building Nomsters (https://github.com/spiroka/nomsters) and urge everyone to join the Discord and take part in the fun!
29.10.2024 08:23Just received my prize for participating in @jlengstorf's Web Dev Challenge hackathon. I had a lot of fun building Nomsters...Article with very nice visualizations for understanding different kinds of queueing strategies.
4.7.2024 10:35Article with very nice visualizations for understanding different kinds of queueing strategies. https://encore.dev/blog/queueingNew post: showcasing my demos.
25.3.2024 20:20New post: showcasing my demos.https://www.gergotakacs.dev/blog/showcasing-my-demos/"You don’t ask a computer if it is sure of the answer it disgorges"
Asimov got a lot of things right in The Caves of Steel, this is not one of them. #ChatGPT #LLMs
22.3.2024 22:03"You don’t ask a computer if it is sure of the answer it disgorges" Asimov got a lot of things right in The Caves of Steel, this...