I'm also stunned at how Harris is not saying anything on Twitter (not calling it X, ever) but news outlets are reporting there will be a speech from her today. Not linking it here because I don't want to give Elon more traffic and money. #trump
The fact that the orange guy won ruined my sleep tonight and my hopes for the future where we have best in class science and education with critical thinking and protections/opportunities regardless of our race and gender.
Statistics on wisconsin show no turnaround... I calculated earlier this morning if there were a remaining % of democratic votes in Milwaukee (or one of the counties) (3%) and if it were all dem, it would be 9,000 vs the 22,000 needed. I fear the future and am considering going to an international grad school for research. RIP US democracy. #electionday
6.11.2024 13:14The fact that the orange guy won ruined my sleep tonight and my hopes for the future where we have best in class science and education with...Windows Recall is too far! Please protect yourself from Microsoft's spyware and get #linux now!
21.5.2024 18:56Windows Recall is too far! Please protect yourself from Microsoft's spyware and get #linux now!Although hallmark greeting cards come with an envelope for their custom card size (A7, A6, or A2), it's free - I thought it cost more. How I should have known this lol. And not everyone even knows this because I see many existing envelopes with no cards 🤷♂️ #paper #random
18.4.2024 14:04Although hallmark greeting cards come with an envelope for their custom card size (A7, A6, or A2), it's free - I thought it cost more....
TIL: How you can just solder usb headers to a motherboard, hook up a molex and adjustable power supply to the end of a dc barrel jack connector, find pinouts using multimeter voltages or continuity. Also love this guy's sense of humor. I recommend part 2 as well #circuits #reverseengineering
Opinions on fedora and wayland
I am glad that Fesco reached a compromise regarding wayland and F40. It's good for users who absolutely need compatibility, and Wayland is kept first-class enough by keeping it as the default on install and upgrade. However, people reading blogs to fix their apps would still install X11 thinking it's not much of a security risk, but the default and install breaker can deter people and still get packages to migrate #fedora #kde #wayland
In FDA guidelines, the margin of error on nutrition labels is 20% higher for calories, fat, saturated fat, and sugars, but 20% less for nutrients e.g. carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins. So, a 500 calorie food can be 600 max.
Overall, this selection of nutrients helps the junk food/healthcare industry by e.g. telling people that a protein bar with sugar is "healthy" #food #nutrition #capitalism
Disclaimer: not advice
In my Abbott covid test box, if you want to report test results, it still advertises the binax app, which does not exist anymore. Instead, you can report US test results here (and doesn't require a lot of personal info): (though I might be getting a biased sample of Mastodon users, it's better than nothing lol!) #covid
14.1.2024 16:41In my Abbott covid test box, if you want to report test results, it still advertises the binax app, which does not exist anymore. Instead,...Fedora plasma wayland and virt manager are seeming to have issues right now 😞. I waited and waited and it turns out it just got weird and it "fixed itself" when I changed ports from auto to a specific port on another vm. 🤷 Same thing happens with remmina and other SPICE clients #fedora #virtualization
26.12.2023 15:58Fedora plasma wayland and virt manager are seeming to have issues right now 😞. I waited and waited and it turns out it just got weird and...The standard diagram for recipe steps is a Gantt chart:
A lot easier than reading paragraphs on a recipe website and eyeballing multiple steps
#food #projectmanagement
Played some baldurs gate 3 with the downtime from work I had this week and noticed the resemblance to the menu music of halo mcc
20.12.2023 03:54Played some baldurs gate 3 with the downtime from work I had this week and noticed the resemblance to the menu music of halo mccexcellent coverage of a vintage computer con including an LGR appearance at ~3:47!
25.11.2023 03:35excellent coverage of a vintage computer con including an LGR appearance at ~3:47!...Opinions on fedora
The fedora 40 release effectively mandating wayland, I am for it because of better security. Though according to the forum, input about the change was determined by fesco rather than the public. It's good for me because I'm adapting to wayland but this precedent is alarming 🫤
25.11.2023 01:46Opinions on fedoraThe fedora 40 release effectively mandating wayland, I am for it because of better security. Though according to the...