If anyone feels like gifting an autistic content creator something during Disability Pride Month, as well as there being a massive Steam Sale, I will make you your own customized banner! Here is just a bit of what I can do!
2.7.2023 11:28If anyone feels like gifting an autistic content creator something during Disability Pride Month, as well as there being a massive Steam...What the fuck is going on with all these social medias lately? First Reddit is acting all sorts of fucky because they hiked up the prices for third party APIs, and now Twitter is limiting the rate at which people can scroll tweets? Jesus fucking christ on a bike. These CEOs are money hungry and power obsessed.
1.7.2023 18:30What the fuck is going on with all these social medias lately? First Reddit is acting all sorts of fucky because they hiked up the prices...Hey, so my birthday is tomorrow. I turn a big age and I've been dealing with a whole lot psychologically due to losing two close family members in the span of December. My stepfather, and my grandmother. I've been using video games as a way to cope with everything.
You're 100% not obligated but it would mean the absolute world to me if someone got something off my Steam wishlist for my birthday.
Here's the account if you need to add me:
Happy Pride Month to those in the LGBTQIA+! Think about how far all of you have come now, but how much we have to destigmatize and embrace.
Please make sure to listen to Black Trans Neurodivergent/Disabled folk during this Pride Month, as most of the policies made globally affect them most. Listen to their experiences. Celebrate their happiness. #pride #pridemonth #pride2022
2.6.2022 09:12Happy Pride Month to those in the LGBTQIA+! Think about how far all of you have come now, but how much we have to destigmatize and...I've been very burnt out the last few days so I apologize. I can only do so much interacting.
21.5.2022 18:10I've been very burnt out the last few days so I apologize. I can only do so much interacting.It seems I was $200 short in my counting for my PC Fund. I guess I have to wait until the end of this month to afford everything.
11.5.2022 17:20It seems I was $200 short in my counting for my PC Fund. I guess I have to wait until the end of this month to afford everything.Listening to Junya Nakano's personal work is extremely relaxing. Especially the song "Sampo". Pure bliss.
9.5.2022 03:37Listening to Junya Nakano's personal work is extremely relaxing. Especially the song "Sampo". Pure bliss.So I've been seeing people be able to type extravagantly long paragraphs on Mastodon. I'm wondering. Is that some kind of perk or something? How do I unlock this ability to type past 500 characters? I've got a lot of things to say!
5.5.2022 04:04So I've been seeing people be able to type extravagantly long paragraphs on Mastodon. I'm wondering. Is that some kind of perk or...I don't know if it was a technical error but when I ordered delivery today, the double cheeseburgers were the same price as the triples. So I decided I'd go with the triples because hey. More for less.
3.5.2022 01:47I don't know if it was a technical error but when I ordered delivery today, the double cheeseburgers were the same price as the triples....Been completely off the Bird App for 7 Days, and I'm actually feeling so much better. No more extremely stressful trending alt-right and very fascist-esque topics. I can finally just relax.
3.5.2022 00:12Been completely off the Bird App for 7 Days, and I'm actually feeling so much better. No more extremely stressful trending alt-right and...It's that time again.
30.4.2022 23:39It's that time again.Something to know about autism is that we are not emotionless, or unable to show empathy. It's actually quite the opposite. We're so unbelievably empathic, but neurotypicals have made it so unbelievably difficult for us to show that empathy. So we suppress it.
We care, and a whole lot more than you think.
29.4.2022 14:14Something to know about autism is that we are not emotionless, or unable to show empathy. It's actually quite the opposite. We're so...Some ramen from Tondou Ramen in Toronto, Canada. Absolutely hands down the best ramen in Toronto. Highly recommend.
28.4.2022 08:07Some ramen from Tondou Ramen in Toronto, Canada. Absolutely hands down the best ramen in Toronto. Highly recommend.So I bought a pop socket for my new Mous phone case. Unfortunately, I didn't put it in the right place, and if I take it off... it won't stick again, and I'll be out $20 bucks.
28.4.2022 07:40So I bought a pop socket for my new Mous phone case. Unfortunately, I didn't put it in the right place, and if I take it off... it...Honestly, the fact that Mastodon calls it "Toot", is just the most hilarious thing to me. I love it.
28.4.2022 05:47Honestly, the fact that Mastodon calls it "Toot", is just the most hilarious thing to me. I love it.Made some "Graf"! Absolutely amazing stuff. #foodporn #foodie #food #soup #stew #beanstew #yum
27.4.2022 02:29Made some "Graf"! Absolutely amazing stuff. #foodporn #foodie #food #soup #stew #beanstew #yum#guitar #cooking #music #recording #memes
26.4.2022 12:12#guitar #cooking #music #recording #memesFirst full day of Mastodon ahead of me. Let's hope this new platform sticks, everyone!
26.4.2022 12:10First full day of Mastodon ahead of me. Let's hope this new platform sticks, everyone!Alright! Time for an #introduction of this old bag of bones. I'm Devin, but most people call me Guitar Guy. I play guitar and I am planning on building my own home studio where I can record music in the quality I've always dreamed of!
I also love cooking, memes and traveling about the local city for cool places to shop and eat! 😊
If I sound cool to ya, feel free to give me a follow. I'd love to chat!
25.4.2022 23:34Alright! Time for an #introduction of this old bag of bones. I'm Devin, but most people call me Guitar Guy. I play guitar and I am...Thought I'd start out on a new platform in the case that a particular one has a certain centi-billionaire at the table making decisions.
14.4.2022 14:27Thought I'd start out on a new platform in the case that a particular one has a certain centi-billionaire at the table making decisions.