But I agree...this is the arrangement they have, so the dude needs to kick in.
4.3.2022 16:21Mar 04, 2022, 16:21What is with kids these days? I married my wife and everything I have is 100% hers and everything she has is 100% mine and we have 5 kids, but maybe I'm just too trad... https://twitter.com/redditships/status/1499467974704603141/
4.3.2022 16:17Mar 04, 2022, 16:17"The bottom of Pattinson's face deserves its own Academy Award."
2.3.2022 11:43Mar 02, 2022, 11:43"Kia provided two nights in a hotel and a flight from San Francisco to Washington DC so we could drive the new EV6. Ars does not accept paid editorial content."
I think we have different definitions of "paid."
24.2.2022 11:09Feb 24, 2022, 11:09Is there anywhere to buy a #raspberrypi that is not out of stock?
I ended up buying a 4GB rpi4 kit from CanaKit. I didn't necessarily want all the extras, but it was the only way to get a board.
22.1.2022 11:50Jan 22, 2022, 11:50I don't think "respectful" conversations are enough. You can be respectful while still seeing your conversation as a debate and other participants as enemies.
I use the term "meaningful" because I want to listen and understand and expect the same from others.
29.12.2021 22:37Dec 29, 2021, 22:37I'm a (middle aged, mid-career) software engineer working in a functional #programming language on the #JVM.
I'm in the US and caught in the middle of its culture war. I'm a #conservative, #evangelical #Christian who is too right to be left and too left to be right 🤷♂️.
I just want to live at peace with others.
I just want to engage authentically with other humans who share my interests, and maybe even have some meaningful conversations about topics on which we disagree.
I'm always open to boosts and replies, but I will mute or block anyone harassing, meanspirited, or belligerent.
Because I'm an individual my interests are varied and changing. I can say they are generally: #technology, #space, #freespeech, #science (but not #scientism), #christianity, #philosophy, free-market #capitalism, #decentralization (mostly autonomy; not necessarily #cryptocurrency)...
I'll stop there for now. Ultimately, you'll just have to spend time in my feed and get to know me, as I hope to do with you.
I hope we can be mutuals. ❤️
29.12.2021 21:50Dec 29, 2021, 21:50