What a message! Feliz día #silentsunday
3.11.2024 10:53What a message! Feliz día #silentsundayLife #juxta #photography
29.10.2024 14:28Life #juxta #photographyProbably the last sea sunrise of the season. I am very greatful for all the experiences and connections. #sailing #sunrise #photography
24.10.2024 06:07Probably the last sea sunrise of the season. I am very greatful for all the experiences and connections. #sailing #sunrise #photographyNature’s color palette is fabulous. #maritime #photography #sailing
11.10.2024 22:38Nature’s color palette is fabulous. #maritime #photography #sailingGreen points of view #photography #alicante #spain
8.10.2024 15:58Green points of view #photography #alicante #spainThe best part of the sunrise in my opinion is shortly before it. The colors are so much more intense. #spain #photography #sailing
7.10.2024 06:34The best part of the sunrise in my opinion is shortly before it. The colors are so much more intense. #spain #photography #sailingThat‘s why a lee shore is not a good thing #sailing #photography #waves #power
4.10.2024 22:08That‘s why a lee shore is not a good thing #sailing #photography #waves #powerColors of the sea. Sometimes I forget about sailing when I see this #sailing #photography #offshore
4.10.2024 14:09Colors of the sea. Sometimes I forget about sailing when I see this #sailing #photography #offshoreMorning Trilogy #photography #sunrise #offshore #sailing
1.10.2024 05:59Morning Trilogy #photography #sunrise #offshore #sailingIt is less than 100 days to the end of 2024. I started my venture to photograph every day until new years eve. So, who wants to join me. What are your ideas? https://www.thomasbaertl.com/100-days-till-years-end/
29.9.2024 08:20It is less than 100 days to the end of 2024. I started my venture to photograph every day until new years eve. So, who wants to join me....Adios Mallorca, off for a 50 nm passage to Ibiza. Conditions look great and I hope for a exciting sailing and fishing day #sailing #maritime #photography #offshore
29.9.2024 07:59Adios Mallorca, off for a 50 nm passage to Ibiza. Conditions look great and I hope for a exciting sailing and fishing day #sailing #maritime...A storm rolls in #sailing #storm #maritime #photography
23.9.2024 13:25A storm rolls in #sailing #storm #maritime #photographyTwo ours later… #maritime #sailing #Weather #photography
21.9.2024 17:44Two ours later… #maritime #sailing #Weather #photographySimple and soothing #photography #sailing #maritime
21.9.2024 17:05Simple and soothing #photography #sailing #maritimeBosa, Sardinia is a hidden gem for yachties! 🛥️ Not only is the town rich in history and charm, but you can also dock on the communal berth close to town for *one night free*! Perfect for a relaxing stop on your sailing adventures. ⛵️ #Sardinia #sailing #traveltips #maritime
20.9.2024 11:19Bosa, Sardinia is a hidden gem for yachties! 🛥️ Not only is the town rich in history and charm, but you can also dock on the communal...Into the unknown #sailing #photography #passage
20.9.2024 08:59Into the unknown #sailing #photography #passageSettle into the night. The first shift is waiting #sailing #sea #photography
20.9.2024 08:26Settle into the night. The first shift is waiting #sailing #sea #photographyLongterm consistent work of water #sardinia #abstract #nature
16.9.2024 07:18Longterm consistent work of water #sardinia #abstract #natureCarloforte Shadows #streetphotography #sardinia
14.9.2024 20:05Carloforte Shadows #streetphotography #sardiniaSunday morning sail #silentsunday
25.8.2024 09:11Sunday morning sail #silentsunday