Deprecated: Frdlweb\Contract\Autoload\GeneratorInterface::withClassmap(): Implicitly marking parameter $classMap as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 104

Deprecated: Frdlweb\Contract\Autoload\RemoteClassmapGeneratorInterface::withClassmap(): Implicitly marking parameter $classMap as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 134

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::withSalt(): Implicitly marking parameter $salted as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 450

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::withDefaultValidators(): Implicitly marking parameter $dir as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 548

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::withDefaultValidators(): Implicitly marking parameter $increaseTimelimit as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 548

Deprecated: {closure:frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::withDefaultValidators():679}(): Implicitly marking parameter $increaseTimelimit as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 679

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::withWebfanWebfatDefaultSettings(): Implicitly marking parameter $dir as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 707

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::withWebfanWebfatDefaultSettings(): Implicitly marking parameter $increaseTimelimit as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 707

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::fetchHttp(): Implicitly marking parameter $headers as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1702

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::fetchHttp(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1702

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::fetchHttp(): Implicitly marking parameter $httpOpts as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1702

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::unparse_url(): Implicitly marking parameter $overwrite_parsed_url_array as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1773

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::unparse_url(): Implicitly marking parameter $merge_query_parameters as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1773

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::transport(): Implicitly marking parameter $headers as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1814

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::transport(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1814

Deprecated: frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::transport(): Implicitly marking parameter $httpOpts as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1814
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📣 react-native-test-app 4.2.2* Android: add support for android manifest meta-data (thanks* visionOS: declare...

📣 react-native-test-app 4.2.2

* Android: add support for android manifest meta-data (thanks
* visionOS: declare support for 0.78

Other fixes since 4.1.4:

* Apple: fix third party components on 0.77+/New Arch (thanks
* support Bun's text-based lockfile

4.3.2025 12:52📣 react-native-test-app 4.2.2* Android: add support for android manifest meta-data (thanks* visionOS: declare...

📣 react-native-test-app 4.1.4Declare support for React Native 0.78 and macOS/Windows 0.77Features:- Apple: support disabling Metal...

📣 react-native-test-app 4.1.4

Declare support for React Native 0.78 and macOS/Windows 0.77


- Apple: support disabling Metal validation

Other fixes since 4.0.9:

- Build fixes for 0.78
- Handle remote debugging being removed in 0.79
- Windows: fix `CppWinRTIncludes.h` not being found

24.2.2025 10:45📣 react-native-test-app 4.1.4Declare support for React Native 0.78 and macOS/Windows 0.77Features:- Apple: support disabling Metal...

React Native Core Contributor Summit 2024 Recap:...

React Native Core Contributor Summit 2024 Recap:

6.2.2025 09:43React Native Core Contributor Summit 2024 Recap:...

#NintendoSwitch2 #Nintendo #Switch2

16.1.2025 13:49#NintendoSwitch2 #Nintendo #Switch2

This speedrun of Batman Forever was indescribably fun to watch:

This speedrun of Batman Forever was indescribably fun to watch:

8.1.2025 16:51This speedrun of Batman Forever was indescribably fun to watch:

📣 react-native-test-app 4.0.9Declare support for React Native 0.77 (Android, iOS, visionOS)Other fixes since 4.0.0:* Android: fix...

📣 react-native-test-app 4.0.9

Declare support for React Native 0.77 (Android, iOS, visionOS)

Other fixes since 4.0.0:

* Android: fix autolinking under some hoisting conditions
* Android/Windows: support ESM config files
* Windows: fix New Arch build
* Reanimated: plugin is no-op from 3.4.0 on

8.1.2025 15:15📣 react-native-test-app 4.0.9Declare support for React Native 0.77 (Android, iOS, visionOS)Other fixes since 4.0.0:* Android: fix...

Been trying to use @openvibe for a couple of days now and I love having everything gathered in the same timeline. But the micro stuttering...

Been trying to use @openvibe for a couple of days now and I love having everything gathered in the same timeline. But the micro stuttering and occasional jumps when posts are rendered off-screen or fetched are too much to ignore. @ivory is still the gold standard in this regard.

20.12.2024 11:00Been trying to use @openvibe for a couple of days now and I love having everything gathered in the same timeline. But the micro stuttering...

It’s been an okay year in code, I suppose. #GitWrapped

It’s been an okay year in code, I suppose.

19.12.2024 12:12It’s been an okay year in code, I suppose. #GitWrapped

It’s extra funny (for me) because I *am* an Arch user and that is how I prepare my cups...

It’s extra funny (for me) because I *am* an Arch user and that is how I prepare my cups ☕️

16.11.2024 13:25It’s extra funny (for me) because I *am* an Arch user and that is how I prepare my cups...

Other fixes since 3.10.17:- fix pnpm related errors when on 0.76- Android: always include ReactNative-application.cmake on 0.76- Android:...

Other fixes since 3.10.17:

- fix pnpm related errors when on 0.76
- Android: always include ReactNative-application.cmake on 0.76
- Android: avoid loading legacy autolinking script
- Apple: use core's autolinking script
- macOS: declare support for 0.76
- visionOS: fix build failing when Hermes is enabled

12.11.2024 08:39Other fixes since 3.10.17:- fix pnpm related errors when on 0.76- Android: always include ReactNative-application.cmake on 0.76- Android:...

📣 react-native-test-app 4.0.0Breaking Changes- bump minimum `react-native` version to 0.70- init: deprecate `—flatten` option- Android:...

📣 react-native-test-app 4.0.0

Breaking Changes

- bump minimum `react-native` version to 0.70
- init: deprecate `—flatten` option
- Android: bump `minSdkVersion` to 24
- Apple: bump iOS/macOS deployment target to 15.1/12.0
- Apple: enable Hermes by default in new projects
- Apple: remove deprecated `:turbomodule_enabled` option

Other fixes since 3.10.17 👇

12.11.2024 08:39📣 react-native-test-app 4.0.0Breaking Changes- bump minimum `react-native` version to 0.70- init: deprecate `—flatten` option- Android:...

This is probably the funniest thing I’ve read all week:«As for the changes, Falodun says that YouTube is “reducing elements on the ads...

This is probably the funniest thing I’ve read all week:

«As for the changes, Falodun says that YouTube is “reducing elements on the ads player” so that “viewers can engage more deeply with the ad through a cleaner experience.”»

10.10.2024 16:45This is probably the funniest thing I’ve read all week:«As for the changes, Falodun says that YouTube is “reducing elements on the ads...

📣 react-native-test-app 3.10.1* Apple: add `:build_setting_overrides` to options* macOS: declare support for 0.74, 0.75Other fixes since...

📣 react-native-test-app 3.10.1

* Apple: add `:build_setting_overrides` to options
* macOS: declare support for 0.74, 0.75

Other fixes since 3.9.0:

* fix `configure-test-app` crash on 0.75
* Android: handle `minSdkVersion` bump to 24 in nightlies
* Android: improve orientation change handling
* Apple: fix `setImmediate` not being called on 0.75
* iOS: match deployment target on 0.76
* macOS: add anchor points for `applicationWillFinishLaunching(_:)`
* Windows: fix missing images on New Arch

9.9.2024 12:25📣 react-native-test-app 3.10.1* Apple: add `:build_setting_overrides` to options* macOS: declare support for 0.74, 0.75Other fixes since...

📣 @rnx-kit/align-deps 2.5.1- Added profile for `react-native` 0.75- Allow exact and version range subsets with `--diff-mode...

📣 @rnx-kit/align-deps 2.5.1

- Added profile for `react-native` 0.75
- Allow exact and version range subsets with `--diff-mode allow-subset`

5.8.2024 16:43📣 @rnx-kit/align-deps 2.5.1- Added profile for `react-native` 0.75- Allow exact and version range subsets with `--diff-mode...

Incidentally, we totally just broke 10k weekly downloads for the first time! We were hovering between 6-9k downloads for a while, then...

Incidentally, we totally just broke 10k weekly downloads for the first time! We were hovering between 6-9k downloads for a while, then suddenly 12k. No idea what happened.

🧵 4/3

2.8.2024 08:45Incidentally, we totally just broke 10k weekly downloads for the first time! We were hovering between 6-9k downloads for a while, then...

* init: print quick start instructions after init* init: use `@react-native-community/template` starting with 0.75* visionOS: add `visionos`...

* init: print quick start instructions after init
* init: use `@react-native-community/template` starting with 0.75
* visionOS: add `visionos` entry to `app.json` template
* Windows: do not set `ReactNativeDir` unless building from source

🧵 3/3

1.8.2024 18:51* init: print quick start instructions after init* init: use `@react-native-community/template` starting with 0.75* visionOS: add `visionos`...

* fix compatibility with `@expo/config-plugins` v8* Android: bridgeless mode should be enabled by default on 0.74* Android: fix bundle being...

* fix compatibility with `@expo/config-plugins` v8
* Android: bridgeless mode should be enabled by default on 0.74
* Android: fix bundle being loaded twice in bridgeless mode
* Android: fix loading last/single component on startup
* Android: fix switching between dev server and embedded JS bundle
* Android: make sdk versions configurable
* Android: update Gradle version check during build
* Android: use debug signing config for release builds

🧵 2/3

1.8.2024 18:51* fix compatibility with `@expo/config-plugins` v8* Android: bridgeless mode should be enabled by default on 0.74* Android: fix bundle being...

📣 react-native-test-app 3.9.0- React Native 0.75 is now officially supported - This also includes visionOS and Windows in addition...

📣 react-native-test-app 3.9.0

- React Native 0.75 is now officially supported
- This also includes visionOS and Windows in addition Android/iOS
- macOS support for config plugins
- More details here:

Other fixes since 3.8.0: 🧵👇

1.8.2024 18:50📣 react-native-test-app 3.9.0- React Native 0.75 is now officially supported - This also includes visionOS and Windows in addition...

Checking for updates in Android Studio does not check for updates to Android Studio itself? Has this always been the case? I seem to recall...

Checking for updates in Android Studio does not check for updates to Android Studio itself? Has this always been the case? I seem to recall having to decline updates because it used to break my setup with every release.

16.7.2024 05:41Checking for updates in Android Studio does not check for updates to Android Studio itself? Has this always been the case? I seem to recall...

*sigh*For anyone looking for a solution, this worked for me:- Quit Xcode and Simulator- Open System Settings and navigate to General >...


For anyone looking for a solution, this worked for me:

- Quit Xcode and Simulator
- Open System Settings and navigate to General > About > Storage Settings > Developer (click on the little “i” icon)
- Delete Xcode Cache (you can keep Project Build Data and Indexes)

15.7.2024 08:13*sigh*For anyone looking for a solution, this worked for me:- Quit Xcode and Simulator- Open System Settings and navigate to General >...
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