Pro tip: Start with the softwoods. Hardwood ukeleles may look great but they easily splinter when chewed.
13.5.2023 15:00Pro tip: Start with the softwoods. Hardwood ukeleles may look great but they easily splinter when chewed.Pretty sure paper already was gluten free
11.5.2023 15:03Pretty sure paper already was gluten freeI sure would hate to be the guy lining up behind the strongest guy in #rugby. I think he's called the sniffer back.
3.5.2023 17:32I sure would hate to be the guy lining up behind the strongest guy in #rugby. I think he's called the sniffer back.@StudioCaroline Greetings from a little further up the coast. Powell River, BC
11.4.2023 04:33@StudioCaroline Greetings from a little further up the coast. Powell River, BCErm, end of what Buddy?
7.4.2023 14:57Erm, end of what Buddy?It sure can get confusing. The Starbucks barista even spelled my name correctly! - Just a friendly reminder that today is the first of April. Take everything you see online with a big grain of salt
Good. I returned that library book. $600 in fines but it's for a good cause. - Oops. Time passed. How have things been here?
They used to call me this in high school. I had a band and people used to call me up all the time and say "yeah, wow! Dig you guys. You know who I could get answers to the math 11 quiz from?"
5.3.2023 00:35They used to call me this in high school. I had a band and people used to call me up all the time and say "yeah, wow! Dig you guys. You...I feel old
4.3.2023 16:55I feel oldBecause, as with most things in our colonialism, racists, misogynist past, we tell ourselves "things are better now." - idk... I've been playing rock&roll & studying its history at least since I could read, maybe even before that (so since 1980 anyway) & how that kind of deep study doesn't take more people (white rock&roll musicians cough cough) into an aggressively anti-racist stance continues to mystify me.
#Leafs were in a scoring drought. "Don't worry," coach tells fans. "We have an Apps for that." - On this day in 1946, Syl Apps scored four goals in a 9-4 victory over the Black Hawks #Leafs365 #LeafsForever
My Mom had a Chevette - Seriously, has there ever been a shittier car manufactured than the #Toyota Echo? I mean, it makes the Nissan Sentra look utterly luxurious.
It's a tin can with bicycle tires & a top speed of 50mph with brakes so bad, they're more like a 'suggestion' to the car frame. An total death trap.
1.3.2023 02:00My Mom had a Chevette - Seriously, has there ever been a shittier...Plutonic - Are the Twin Cities identical or fraternal?
Foreshadowing stops lazy readers from putting your book down. It's lazy writing.
Alternately you could just write really good book.
And yet ukeleles are still openly bought and sold in this country.
25.2.2023 07:02And yet ukeleles are still openly bought and sold in this country.Two each seems a little greedy. You can only drive one at a time. - The Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Ukraine receive the first four Leopard tanks from the Prime Minister of Poland.
Hackers broke through their wonderwall - This was discovered by Blockworks researchers and only acknowledged by Oasis after they published. Jump still hasn't acknowledged it. Would they have disclosed this if the researchers hadn't noticed? Good work to Dan Smith and team.
I agree, but in my experience finding a good vintage 'old school' amp will make any speaker sound better.
#oops - Good speakers are valuable. Good listeners are rare.
I live in ______nameofcity______. We have the worst traffic here, crime is worse than it ever was, no one can handle snow, and the league and refs are out to get us.
- everyone
aka reinventing Facebook - Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything
#Programming #JavaScript #Privacy #Chrome #Chromium #WebExtension #Blogs #Technology #IT
22.2.2023 19:34aka reinventing Facebook - Let's build a Chrome extension that steals...