FYI - I'm transferring my account from to is a wonderful community, but I feel that the instance is not the best fit for me..
7.5.2023 23:06May 07, 2023, 23:06I'm in the process of setting up a #Jenkins cluster for the first time in a while and I'm really impressed by how much easier it is now. The Helm chart is excellent and the job-dsl and CasC plugins are the final pieces that the ecosystem has needed for years.
3.5.2023 20:50May 03, 2023, 20:50Content warning: docker rant, oh what fresh hell is this
More fun from Redmond! They also decided to subtly break the API of the #DotNet SqlClient package. So that's another fun way they ruined my afternoon this week:
21.4.2023 20:58Apr 21, 2023, 20:58@digginjazz 😳 thanks for the follow!
20.4.2023 18:39Apr 20, 2023, 18:39I've happily made the switch from #Docker to #Podman and it's nice to see a new release:
20.4.2023 13:40Apr 20, 2023, 13:40Content warning: US Politics, Jan 6 and corporate support
"Many others [in addition to Comcast] are back in the fold as well, including Amazon, Walmart, Visa, Capital One, MasterCard, Intuit, Walgreens, General Motors, Altria, Home Depot and JPMorgan Chase’s PAC. Even the University of Phoenix, having pulled its donation, is filling RAGA’s coffers once again."
20.4.2023 13:38Apr 20, 2023, 13:38I'm glad it's not my job to teach business students how Youtube makes money by force feeding videos to me that I didn't ask to see so they can interrupt said videos at the worst possible time to show me intelligence-insulting ads for things that i would never buy. Oh, and I forgot about the whole "gleefully destroying democracy" thing.
You know, because they love money and want to serve their customers.
20.4.2023 01:42Apr 20, 2023, 01:42Content warning: docker rant, oh what fresh hell is this
Seriously, why did Microsoft decide out of the blue to stop supporting Powershell on #Fedora? They supported it on Fedora 36 as of last month. And Fedora's kindof popular. And I have to use it for complicated reasons.
If MS supported it last month on Fedora 36 then couldn't they just keep on supporting it until Fedora 36 is no longer supported by Red Hat? Hell, 36 is EOL in 2 months.
18.4.2023 20:03Apr 18, 2023, 20:03Content warning: docker rant, oh what fresh hell is this
Sometimes I just wish that I could build the exact same #Dockerfile today as I successfully did last month, instead of worrying that one of numerous third-parties decided to break something that used to work for no good reason.
18.4.2023 19:56Apr 18, 2023, 19:56Yikes. I just did about 4 milliseconds of research on the Shark Tank guy (Kevin O’Leary) and what a repulshive sack of pig vomit. I honestly don't know how some people sleep at night.
17.4.2023 20:41Apr 17, 2023, 20:41I'm listening to CBC's 'Naked Emperor' #podcast and one of the victims of the fraud states that he invested some much in #FTX because "lots of people he trusted were investing in it". At the top of his list of trusted investors was some shithead on a TV show called Shark Tank.
I studied business and finance in college, have consumed a considerable amount of media regarding financial scams, and was there for both the dot-com bust and the mortgage crisis. I'm not pretending that this shit is easy, and the cons have only gottenr worse. Therefore, here's some tips that will never fail you:
- #Crypto is *not* an investment, it is a gamble. Actually it's worse than gambling because gambling has much more government oversight and occassionally you get a free meal at a casino.
- DO NOT EVER TRUST ADVICE FROM ANYONE ON TV. Shark Tank is a game show. So is Mad Money. So are all of the others. And none of these "gurus" will give two shits if you make your family destitue.
If my name was Dorothy i would take martial arts lessons and force everyone to call me Dotty Karate.
17.4.2023 02:20Apr 17, 2023, 02:20Please remember that "effective altruism" is bullshit. If the mega-wealthy people of the world really wanted to help change the world for the better for *everyone*, then they would do the same thing that they do every time they want to protect their assets: use their tremendous wealth and power to directly affect the biggest cogs in the political machine.
They would change things at the top, not throw crumbs at the bottom.
14.4.2023 13:58Apr 14, 2023, 13:58Oh, and it's a video #game where you run a country in the Caribbean. I probably should have mentioned that.
11.4.2023 02:58Apr 11, 2023, 02:58Playing it makes me say "thank GOD that I majored in International Business" for the first time ever.
11.4.2023 02:57Apr 11, 2023, 02:57Tropico 6 is just a liberal arts degree "wolf" in a glossy and funny "sheep's clothing". And I love it.
11.4.2023 02:56Apr 11, 2023, 02:56This article is a fantastic example of how incredibly powerful the #Emacs and #org-mode ecosystems are. Here, shows you how to create a "spellbook" in #Minecraft using org-mode tables:
10.4.2023 13:32Apr 10, 2023, 13:32Content warning: Lessons Learned Re Gaps in NixOS Docs
Finally, for a little bit of context here's a few things about my general technical knowledge:
- I'm currently employed as a DevOps engineer.
- I've been using Unix since 1995 and have been an admin since 2001.
- I've been using various flavors of Linux as my "main" home OS since 2001.
Content warning: Lessons Learned Re Gaps in NixOS Docs
Now, having said all of that, I do very much appreciate the work that the *NixOS Documentation Team* and Tweag have done to improve the situation
7.4.2023 21:23Apr 07, 2023, 21:23Content warning: Lessons Learned Re Gaps in NixOS Docs
If I had a magic wand then I would love to see some books that walk you through some common sysadmin tasks.
A blog post with a couple of code snippets is nice, but a full, well-explained chapter or two would be much more helpful.
7.4.2023 21:14Apr 07, 2023, 21:14