the ;P stands for ;Pawky
"If somebody presented English to me as a conlang they had created, I would punt them out of a window. "
<pinhook> surprisingly often drinking water can help build the level of enthusiasm
the year 10,800,000,000,000,000,000,002,025 problem
if you gave a uuid to every microsecond starting now, you'd have 10,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years until you ran out
sometimes you fit perfectly, but it's not the right place:
I scream; "sandwiches are so addicting!" / "hold 'em in your palm and lunch!" / I want to finish my mild dream...
mmm ice cweam
del shoutout to pussies for being valid rust code
"investigate obvious a to problem call is, for indeed, specific to enumeration. solve it.""
Obfuscating vernacular portends infelicitous misconstruals
advice I should follow more: "Never miss a chance to keep your mouth shut."
[...] "so now i have a dream, to get a free time" -- pinhook talklike, 2025
a computer cannot be horny
note: mayonnaise may expire before mustard in mustardomayonnaise
mustard ... and mayonnaise
The only meaning an utterance has in the real world is the meaning the listener understands it to have.
Every language interaction is an interactive feedback loop.
it a is force a that victor is triumphing
debian is the johnny cammareri of linux distros