Forever in each of us:
BOOK 07./50 editions
of #skulleth serie 8: #koa
by #treeskulltown
only on #objkt
18.2.2023 11:58Forever in each of us:BOOK 07./50 editionsof #skulleth serie 8: #koaby #treeskulltown only on #objkt...Simulacrum
BOOK 06./50 editions
of #skulleth serie 8: #koa
by #treeskulltown
only on #objkt
#nft #tezos #art #glitch #gif
Arbora Magicalis:
BOOK 05./50 editions
of #skulleth serie 8: #koa
by #treeskulltown
13.2.2023 13:04Arbora Magicalis:BOOK 05./50 editionsof #skulleth serie 8: #koaby #treeskulltown...the creative mother machine
BOOK 04./50 editions
of #skulleth serie 8: #koa
#treeskulltown #gif #tezos #objkt
8.2.2023 22:19the creative mother machineBOOK 04./50 editionsof #skulleth serie 8: #koa...I trust my choices:
BOOK 03./50 editions
of #skulleth serie 8 #koa
In this half-awake dream I see a distant landscape... (read on link)
#treeskulltown #art #nft #artist #gif #objkt
4.2.2023 09:01I trust my choices:BOOK 03./50 editionsof #skulleth serie 8 #koaIn this half-awake dream I see a distant landscape... (read on...guts of knocked irony
BOOK 02./50 editions
of #skulleth serie 8 #koa
- Are you looking for the key?
Look deep into my eyes and follow the path...
#treeskulltown #nft #tezos #art #gif
2.2.2023 09:46guts of knocked ironyBOOK 02./50 editionsof #skulleth serie 8 #koa- Are you looking for the key?Look deep into my eyes and follow the...looking for the key:
BOOK 01./50 editions
of #skulleth serie 8 #koa
today I feel that something is wrong,
why am I saying this...
I have everything one could wish for,
and far beyond,
one could say that I am on top...
but yet this morning and I am taking hindsight,
thinking about the recurring dream that haunts my nights,
my mind is like an endless corridor of shimmering colors,
and a voice resounds in my head "looking for the key"
- treeskulltown
31.1.2023 09:53looking for the key:BOOK 01./50 editionsof #skulleth serie 8 #koatoday I feel that something is wrong,why am I saying this...I have...noble crypto fungus Ascomycota
"from a noble variety of superior mushrooms, some of the illustrious members of my family are used to make your bread or your wine"
50./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
#tezos #nft #gif #objkt
"no longer look for the origin of super heroes and machine men, you have found me"
49./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
#objkt #nft #tezos #gif #art
cyber subjectivity of art
"any work is a gestation here of the spirit, a projection of this one on the virtual matter"
48./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
#tezos #nft #objkt #gif #artist
Data Binder´s:
"I transfer your data and classify it in order exposes for the good sense of humanity synthesizes"
47./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
24.1.2023 10:16Data Binder´s:"I transfer your data and classify it in order exposes for the good sense of humanity synthesizes"47./50 verse copy...MetaCaligula:
"I'm made of artificial intelligence, glitch and hand stroke, paint and glue, a few lines of code brings me to life"
46./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
#nft #tezos #gif #art
the traveler passage of papaya salad:
"unbelievable that you haven´t seen movie of my life yet, i wouldn´t be ready where to start"
45./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
#gif #art #glitch #tezos #objkt
"one day i'll be a perfect machine, my cogs sweating to nirvana"
44./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
#objkt #tezos #teia #gif #art
Philippe is appalled:
"no matter how much we explain to him, he does not understand the rules"
43./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
#gif #art #nft #tezos #animation
16.1.2023 08:41Philippe is appalled:"no matter how much we explain to him, he does not understand the rules"43./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie...Princess Strongine Diamond Bee:
"this princess is stronger than iron"
42./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
14.1.2023 21:37Princess Strongine Diamond Bee:"this princess is stronger than iron"42./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by...path to enlightenment:
"guide our steps in the unilateral movement of the sacred token"
41./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
12.1.2023 09:49path to enlightenment:"guide our steps in the unilateral movement of the sacred token"41./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7:...The Truth Glitch for Xol:
"Maybe we'll never know the truth, but we know it exists and that's the most important thing,
maybe you don't know the price of the truth,
me neither,
but we say that it's 3 million Xol,
in tezos crypto conversion it's probably a price around"
40./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
10.1.2023 09:52The Truth Glitch for Xol:"Maybe we'll never know the truth, but we know it exists and that's the most important thing,maybe you...Spina Go XXII
"I feel the fluid of time flowing through my mind in a luminescent flash"
39./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7: #CybeRoot by #treeskulltown
8.1.2023 16:07Spina Go XXII"I feel the fluid of time flowing through my mind in a luminescent flash"39./50 verse copy of #skulleth serie 7:...Yoru no niwa no genzai no michi:
"The current way of the garden at night - 夜の庭の現在の道 "
#nft #tezos #gif #manga #treeskulltown #skulleth #japan