bit over the days of skiping rope for me, still can but not as good, and so recently found there are even people shuffle dancing and skipping rope same time, which makes skipping more fun? 🤔
I think it would be really cool to learn shuffle dance been thinking about this for almost a year now, venting might just push me
thanks to somebody i know I learnt recently about Glenn Underground, fascinating! had no idea House could sound as magical as that
2.3.2025 17:13thanks to somebody i know I learnt recently about Glenn Underground, fascinating! had no idea House could sound as magical as thatBack at the running tracks of my home Threadmill 😅 🤘 hope not to die this time
alla nos vemos :)
22.2.2025 18:58alla nos vemos :)OMFG Lorna Shore Berlin 5 Juni! los conoci hace menos de un año q maquinas, no me lo podre perder.
22.2.2025 18:16OMFG Lorna Shore Berlin 5 Juni! los conoci hace menos de un año q...dont listen to the doc=pay the price
2 weeks ago had covid flu vaccines sametime, doctor told me very clear NO sports next 48h, I said to me ok pilates is not though, then had one middle level class the next day, cause i cannot fu*ing wait. now Im sick for almost 2 weeks, dont know if its because of vaccines maybe not, but now i have not been able to do sport, exercise for almost 7 days 🤬. went to doctor today cause cough is killing me, she told me NO SPORT UNTIL YOU ARE GOOD AGAIN 😭
back to asics this week, managed to convince my bosses for an asic, hopefully we make an asic with the IHP open pdk. Im taking part of a training this week at the IHP an Frankfurt (Oder), really nice to meet people in events again after almost 2 years. took this pic while leaving today. this is the coolest portrait i found there, specially now with all the ongoing madness that crashes my entire being, im finding this the most relevant, regardless of your nation you are in a Team. 27 countries! ❤️
11.2.2025 18:19back to asics this week, managed to convince my bosses for an asic, hopefully we make an asic with the IHP open pdk. Im taking part of a...Rofl 🤣🤣🤣 This is basically deathpacito 🤣🤣. Friend sent it to me.
19.1.2025 04:55Rofl 🤣🤣🤣 This is basically deathpacito 🤣🤣. Friend sent it to me.Probably the best Reggaeton ever made , just recently got to know Nanowar of steel did a trolling song dedicated to DarkThrone 🤣 simply the best. Mandatory concert
18.1.2025 20:52Probably the best Reggaeton ever made , just recently got to know Nanowar of steel did a...Still so happy about this, regardless of the results I have spent tons of time learning this damn language, filled out grammar books, attend more than 100 classes online, have personal german teacher, read entire books and watched tons of tv in German. and Im still not there to feel as good as Spanish or English. of course will continue but wow at least I dont have to present a test again for further German paperwork. Against all my predictions I passed on the first try ❤️
17.1.2025 05:24Still so happy about this, regardless of the results I have spent tons of time learning this damn language, filled out grammar books, attend...Ich hab gerade meine B2 Zertifikat abgeholt! verdamn, erlich gesagt hatte ich keine Hoffnung, Vor allem gegen der schritliche Ausdruck. aber trotzdem habe ich der Prüfung bestanden
Now in Spanish, pasamos el puto examen de Aleman!
extreme music
Going with a friend to see #cradleoffilth tomorrow, very nervous
my last metal concert was more than 20 years ago, this one would be also my first time to see them and my first concert ever sober :) #berlin
El lenguage de a mordisquitos 😅
17.11.2024 08:37El lenguage de a mordisquitos 😅#SchlechtDeutsch Ich hab gerade gelernt: bisschen ist ein dimunitive von biss, ganz cooles Ding und in so viele Rahmen geth.. gib mir ein bisschen,.. Ich hatte gerne ein bisschen, mache ich ein bisschen... es kling wie ein Hund, Tiere sogar Vampire Sprache lol 🤣 wir beißen alles ab, aber nur ein bisschen
Dear Community,
A colleague of mine urgently needs help for her 6-year-old daughter Noemi from Berlin. She suffers from spastic paraplegia and is hoping for gene therapy. 🙏 Please support Noemi and her family on their path to recovery!
More info in the article:
Direct support:
Further information on gene therapy:
#Berlin #fediverse #gofundme #fundraiser #GeneTherapy
28.9.2024 12:23Dear Community,A colleague of mine urgently needs help for her 6-year-old daughter Noemi from Berlin. She suffers from spastic paraplegia...Liebe Community, eine Kollegin von mir braucht dringend Hilfe für ihre 6-jährige Tochter Noemi aus Berlin. Sie leidet an spastischer Paraplegie und hofft auf eine Gentherapie. 🙏 Bitte unterstützt Noemi und ihre Familie auf ihrem Weg zur Genesung
Direkt zur Unterstützung
Weitere Informationen zur Gentherapie:
#Berlin #fediverse #gofundme #fundraiser #Gentherapie
28.9.2024 12:20Liebe Community, eine Kollegin von mir braucht dringend Hilfe für ihre 6-jährige Tochter Noemi aus Berlin. Sie leidet an spastischer...@misc{hannemoselena, author = {Morten Rieger Hannemose}, title = {Recreated Lena Picture}, year = {2019}, url = {} }
27.9.2024 23:37@misc{hannemoselena, author = {Morten Rieger Hannemose}, title = {Recreated Lena Picture}, year = {2019}, url =...Lenas Morten Hannemose photo
I remember Lenas photo from imagemagik when studing (back then) img processing algos in their website but now im thinking maybe im just making it up in head, cant find it anymore there, maybe it was corrected and removed :) also i think is worth to share the Morten Hannemose photo replacement of Lenas photo. and history behind also from source link
27.9.2024 23:36Lenas Morten Hannemose photoI remember Lenas photo from imagemagik when studing (back then) img processing algos in their website but now im...Erfolgreich :) Jetz bestätigt, nun ich brauche das gleich für Telc b2 :thisisfine: