Charlotte Couderc’s Game Font Library is basically a @FontsInUse for video game interfaces.
17.2.2025 23:00Charlotte Couderc’s Game Font Library is basically a @FontsInUse for video game interfaces. sure about “Glyphs”, “Python”, and “Crash” appearing in the same sentence.
4.12.2024 21:13🤔! That’s us!
Calling @delve …
How on earth does @typecon only have 83 followers here?
5.7.2024 23:53How on earth does @typecon only have 83 followers here?@typecon No updates for nearly three weeks. Surely there’s some news to share with your fediverse friends?
26.6.2024 14:38@typecon No updates for nearly three weeks. Surely there’s some news to share with your fediverse friends?@NWD 👋
21.5.2024 15:35@NWD 👋Found at the Calgary Reads Book Sale.
14.5.2024 15:59Found at the Calgary Reads Book Sale.Does anyone know what’s happened to Nicole Arnett Phillips’ Typograph.her site? Both it and her personal site have been offline for quite a while.
8.5.2024 22:40Does anyone know what’s happened to Nicole Arnett Phillips’ Typograph.her site? Both it and her personal site have been offline for...Hmmm … there certainly are a lot of Bitstream faces in this repository … and apparently released under GPL.
28.4.2024 20:15Hmmm … there certainly are a lot of Bitstream faces in this repository … and apparently released under...These folks. Seriously.
30.3.2024 04:08These folks. Seriously.https://www.bamff.caConcaves
Photo by @splorp
27.2.2024 19:38ConcavesBeatersRotorsRubbarsPhoto by @splorp sidebearings, Batman! The #WhatTheFont app has been updated after three years in stasis.
25.2.2024 02:41Holy sidebearings, Batman! The #WhatTheFont app has been updated after three years in...Kenneth Trueman’s QuickDraw GX Fan Club (1997)
6.1.2024 17:19Kenneth Trueman’s QuickDraw GX Fan Club (1997) I’ll just say “wayzgoose” quietly to myself.
9.11.2023 21:51Sometimes I’ll just say “wayzgoose” quietly to myself.The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!) by @nikitonsky
6.10.2023 15:41The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!) by...Due to various complicated “reasons”, I’m missing my first @typecon in 20 years. Have a splendid time in my absence, type kids! Learn some something!
17.8.2023 16:13Due to various complicated “reasons”, I’m missing my first @typecon in 20 years. Have a splendid time in my absence, type kids! Learn...@theresa Well, hello there! This may be relevant to your social media scheduling interests.
1.2.2023 13:36@theresa Well, hello there! This may be relevant to your social media scheduling interests....Any sign of the Society of Typographic Aficionados or TypeCon in the fediverse yet? Maybe we all need to give ‘em a friendly nudge.
19.1.2023 13:18Any sign of the Society of Typographic Aficionados or TypeCon in the fediverse yet? Maybe we all need to give ‘em a friendly nudge.