Material from Alpha Centauri (including, potentially, meteors) should be almost imperceptibly drifting into our solar system.
“Trump says Putin launching massive strike on Ukraine is ‘what anybody would do”
There has surely got to be a point where you’ve got to consider that you’ve maybe elected a Russian asset to run the most powerful country the world. Although I’m sure it’s entirely coincidence that destroying the USA infrastructure & economy, fracturing alliances, weakening Ukraine, reducing global influence and becoming isolationist are things that benefit Putin and China.
5.3.2025 22:31, Zelenskyy has probably just bought himself and Ukraine a pile of trouble by not pampering Trump and Vance’s egos, but, damn I like the guy. And he wasn’t wrong. If he’d gone along with it, US companies would have plundered Ukraine’s resources, and any troops deployed would have _only_ been there to defend US citizens whilst Putin marched into Kyiv.
28.2.2025 18:51So, Zelenskyy has probably just bought himself and Ukraine a pile of trouble by not pampering Trump and Vance’s egos, but, damn I like the...I saw M3GAN, it’s a fun and witty techno-horror (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️). But it’s got some pretty pointed mockery of the #LLM crowd. Don’t get me wrong, I’m 98% sure you can’t turn an LLM into a general #AI just by throwing more compute at it, no matter how many feedback loops you throw in there. You need multi-modal symbolic reasoning. They’re snake-oil salesmen. But if they weren’t, that’d be worse. Because they’d be phenomenally irresponsible: “You installed a learning model you could barely comprehend…”
24.2.2025 08:02I saw M3GAN, it’s a fun and witty techno-horror (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️). But it’s got some pretty pointed mockery of the #LLM crowd....I see Giorgia Meloni is busy Streisanding herself. Brian Molko made a throwaway comment about her being a “piece of shit, facist, racist” nearly two years ago. Everyone had probably forgotten. Now, because she’s prosecuting him, lots of people will again be asking themselves, “*Is* Meloni a facist, racist piece of shit?” I personally don’t know if Meloni *is* a “facist, racist piece of shit”, but I think it’s a question that needs an answer.
19.2.2025 12:21I see Giorgia Meloni is busy Streisanding herself. Brian Molko made a throwaway comment about her being a “piece of shit, facist,...The #Guardian wants to know why this #UFO picture was never followed up on…
11.2.2025 11:58The #Guardian wants to know why this #UFO picture was never followed up on…BECAUSE IT’S A BLOODY REFLECTION OF A ROCK IN A LAKE.Don’t panic about the asteroid, says the Guardian, whilst also heading the article with a *wildly*
inaccurate image. The asteroid is *90m* across, not the bloody size of Mexico.
Is it because it would actually be a blessing in disguise?
That’s very random. I need to know more.
“The Gateway Diner was a classic, all American restaurant established in 1939 in Philipsburg, New Jersey. After being toured around Germany, the diner found its final resting place in 2010, in the small town of Almere in the Netherlands. The town was founded in 1976, easily making it the oldest building in town.”
Damn*. Catch you in the Red Room, man.
(*…fine coffee)
16.1.2025 18:47Damn*. Catch you in the Red Room,...When the pavements are too icy to #run on, deciding to run in the dark, on the road, with zero reflective gear is basically natural selection at work.
13.1.2025 19:35When the pavements are too icy to #run on, deciding to run in the dark, on the road, with zero reflective gear is basically natural...C’mon, it can’t just be me that sees a long-game, #bitcoin pump-n-dump scheme here?
(It’s really hard to discuss the central conceit of the film without being really spoilery) #wicked #film #review
30.12.2024 16:42(It’s really hard to discuss the central conceit of the film without being really spoilery) #wicked #film #reviewI didn’t find the songs, on the whole, that affecting (again, maybe because I couldn’t always hear them!) apart from “What Is This Feeling?” which I thought was fun, and “Dancing Through Life”, which is a nice bit of characterisation. But that’s ok, because the rest of the film makes up for it. It’s a fun, candy-coloured ride, and even if “Defying Gravity” didn’t quite land with me, I still appreciated the showmanship.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
30.12.2024 16:40I didn’t find the songs, on the whole, that affecting (again, maybe because I couldn’t always hear them!) apart from “What Is This...Jon M. Chu does that weird thing again where he stages really elaborate, kinetic set pieces and then. won’t. stop. moving. the. camera. But that’s ok.
30.12.2024 16:39Jon M. Chu does that weird thing again where he stages really elaborate, kinetic set pieces and then. won’t. stop. moving. the. camera....I went into #wicked (part 1)_sort of_ cold. All I knew about it was the trailer. I didn’t know the plot, or the songs. And if there was one thing I could wish for, it’d be for clearer damn diction. I don’t know if it’s my partial hearing, my hearing aid topping out on treble, the cinema sound, the composition, the singers or the production, sometimes I couldn’t hear what they were singing, and in a musical that matters.
Rant over: that’s a hell of a production…
30.12.2024 16:38I went into #wicked (part 1)_sort of_ cold. All I knew about it was the trailer. I didn’t know the plot, or the songs. And if there was...I’ve been ovo-vegetarian for years now. In the interests of science, I wish to report that I just had to lick some Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream off of my fingers, and it now tastes *rancid* to me.
(Said ice-cream is being consumed enthusiastically by someone with reasonable taste-buds, so I think it hasn’t actually gone off)
30.12.2024 12:34I’ve been ovo-vegetarian for years now. In the interests of science, I wish to report that I just had to lick some Ben & Jerry’s...I’m still saying Eddie (the fake security guard) is secretly being played by Huey Lewis #diehard
24.12.2024 22:28I’m still saying Eddie (the fake security guard) is secretly being played by Huey Lewis #diehardIt’s #diehard time again, and I’ve only just realised that McClane just waltzed into the Nakatomi building by knowing Holly’s name. No ID, no escort. That’s… different from now.
24.12.2024 21:51It’s #diehard time again, and I’ve only just realised that McClane just waltzed into the Nakatomi building by knowing Holly’s name. No...