#BENEFIZKONZERT ! zu Gunsten der Initiative Queere Nothilfe
Infos & #Tickets
👉 https://www.theater-im-palais.de/event/felix-martin-and-friends/
WE AID page:
ℹ️ https://www.we-aid.org/initiatives-2/queere-nothilfe-uganda/
#WEAIDfamily #BENEFIZ #musical #konzert #GutesTun #queerenothilfe #gutenachrichten #sonntag #musicwednesday #gutenachrichten #gutestun #beneffit #benefiz #musicalnews #felixmartin #news
19.3.2025 23:02#savethedate#sonntag #Berlin 23.03.2025#BENEFIZKONZERT ! zu Gunsten der Initiative Queere NothilfeInfos & #Tickets👉...Today is #MLKday
and also #MartinLutherKing´s birthday.
WE remember
More in our posting over there on #bluesky
🦋 👉 https://bsky.app/profile/we-aid.org/post/3lg6fxht27c2h
#getinspired #quoteoftheday #songoftheday #monday #mondaywisdom #news
20.1.2025 16:14Today is #MLKday and also #MartinLutherKing´s birthday.WE rememberMore in our posting over there on #bluesky 🦋 👉...you also find us on BLUESKY - feels good, all the way like back then #twitter, but #fresher, #better and: NEWS and #SCIENTIFIC content are now also abundant as back in the good old days.
See you there: 🦋 👉 https://bsky.app/profile/yesweaid.bsky.social 😉
#WEAIDfamily #humanitarian #bluesky #news #goodnews #gutenachrichten
9.1.2025 19:34you also find us on BLUESKY - feels good, all the way like back then #twitter, but #fresher, #better and: NEWS and #SCIENTIFIC content are...@TheGuardian on the #lafires https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/jan/09/los-angeles-wildfires-climate-disasters #disasterrelief #humanitarian #emergencyaid #news
9.1.2025 19:31@TheGuardian on the #lafires https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/jan/09/los-angeles-wildfires-climate-disasters #disasterrelief...Our thoughts are with the people of #LosAngeles rightnow
We only knew this kind of devastation from conflict zones & the Maui fires last year
For those in Germany - if you want to #start YOUR OWN INITIATIVE, WE AID supports you:
👉 https://www.WE-AID.org or in
👉 english https://www.WE-AID.org/en/
#WEAIDfamily #LAfires #LAstrong #losangeles #cityofangels #kindness #compassion #emergencyaid #rightnow #disasterrelief #forbes #unitedway #liveunited #news
9.1.2025 19:22Our thoughts are with the people of #LosAngeles rightnowWe only knew this kind of devastation from conflict zones & the Maui fires last...Not only on #humanrightsday or #christmascardday
Each one of you who is about to change things for the #better
...You matter.
https://www.WE-AID.org/en/ wishes anyone reading this a beautiful week :)
#WEAIDfamily #humanitarian #mitgefühl #nikolaus #nikolauslauf #stnicolaus #running #runnninggroup #grouporunning #sport #fit #runner #laufen #fit #childhoodmemories #kindheitserinnerungen #advent #weihnachtszeit #einanderhelfen #sunday #christmas #kindness #sport #goodnews #inspire #motivate #news
10.12.2024 13:41Not only on #humanrightsday or #christmascardday Each one of you who is about to change things for the #better...You...PS.. If you like our work you can support WE AID itself too:
👉 https://www.we-aid.org/en/support-we-aid-2/
you´re welcome :)
Have a beautiful #christmas time and - maybe you consider to help one of our supported initiatives or START YOUR OWN INITIATIVE with WE AID. You´re welcome!
About WE AID – switch to subtitles in your language:
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra1zPrIS2to
Come together
#WEAIDfamily #nothilfe #gutestun #humanitarian #relief #disasterresponse #goodnews #gutenachrichten #engagement #helfen #einanderhelfen
4.12.2024 23:44PS.. If you like our work you can support WE AID itself too: 👉 https://www.we-aid.org/en/support-we-aid-2/you´re welcome :)Have a...HELP one another.
WE help YOU make it happen. With a professional organizational structure on demand.
You want to turn that #city #run into a donation #rallye, #help
victims of disasters after a #torrentialrain #flashflood & do a #benefit #concert, a #vernissage or collect humanitarian aid, restore that #habitat with funds & (wo)manpower, help people after a storm? Let´s talk & contact us via WE-AID.org & check together, if we can support you:
it´s ALSO
the 40 year anniversary of #WHAM #GeorgeMichael´s hit "#lastchristmas"
( @billboard has the 10 #best #covers for you: https://www.billboard.com/culture/lifestyle/best-versions-last-christmas-8489021/ )
George was ALSO famous or his quiet donations helping MASSIVE:
🎥⏯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cgMwh0HC9M
Btw. We are here for you if you´d like to START YOUR OWN INITIATIVE helping others.People even did #benefitconcerts with us
💛 ➡️ https://www.WE-AID.org/en/
#generosity #musichistory #benefitconcert #giveback #smile #news #rt
3.12.2024 13:14#TODAY is #givingtuesdayit´s ALSOthe 40 year anniversary of #WHAM #GeorgeMichael´s hit "#lastchristmas"( @billboard has the 10...WE´d like to continue supporting the awsome initiatives, that are changing thousands of lifes worldwide with WE AID. Support us
What we do in a short video
👉 🎥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra1zPrIS2to
(switch subtitles to your language)
Besides the many initiatives you can support OUR work for them too - you´re welcome
👉 https://www.we-aid.org/en/support-we-aid-2/
Thank you :)
#WEAIDfamily #GutesTun #nothilfe #emergencyaid #relief #disasterresponse #humanitarian #givingtuesday #monday #goodnews #gutenachrichten #news
2.12.2024 16:40WE´d like to continue supporting the awsome initiatives, that are changing thousands of lifes worldwide with WE AID. Support usWhat we do...Our thoughts are with the people of spain #Valencia- as of now mourning 95 victims of the #torrentialrain #floods in Spain.
We also think of all the people affected by #floods worldwide last week.
Those of you who want to help & organize #emergencyaid and disaster #elief - just contact us via WE-AID.org with your idea and feel free to start an emergency aid initiative:
#WEAIDfamily #spain #flashflood #extremeweather #flut #spanien #news
30.10.2024 23:41Our thoughts are with the people of spain #Valencia- as of now mourning 95 victims of the #torrentialrain #floods in Spain.We also think of...#Today is #InternationalEWasteDay
WE support an initiative saving lifes since years & making times during #blackouts safer:
U2P is a #circulareconomy initiative providing #offgrid energy #solutions
MADE from old EV batteries. ... the systems help in disasterzones and are used in hospitals like in ICUs, schools & kindergardens.
Support them here:
💛➡️ https://www.WE-AID.org/en/initiatives-2/ua2p-ukraine-to-power/
#WEAIDfamily #humanitarian #reuse #generationrestoration #EWasteDay #care #strom #circulareconomy #offgrid #news
14.10.2024 17:59#Today is #InternationalEWasteDayWE support an initiative saving lifes since years & making times during #blackouts safer: U2P is a...Smiles for kids and elders:
#BerlinOdessaExpress starts collecting for their 2024 #christmas #humanitarian aid transport – christmas parcels and humanitarian aid. Also within the recent transport: Sets that can turn any regular table into a #tabletennis table
⏯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6UN1K6SbD4
You can support them here:
💛 https://www.we-aid.org/en/initiatives-2/berlinodessaexpress/
#WEAIDfamily #humanitarian #emergencyaid #giftideas #gutestun #weihnachtsgeschenke #news
14.10.2024 16:46Smiles for kids and elders:They became FINALISTS in the #iconic SMILEY CHARITY FILM #AWARDS.#BerlinOdessaExpress starts collecting for their...Yesterday Oct. 9th 1989 was both:
A day to REMEMBER & HONOUR the AWSOME brave 70.000 of LEIPZIG 1989
4 weeks before the wall came down. Peaceful.
Also Oct 9th would have been the 84th birthday of #johnlennon
Here is our #SongOfTheDay from our #inspiring #playlist:
⏯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLiWFUDJ95I&list=PLH8KJMQjXlbuZP7EncIw12BP-EJ6Trb7z&index=22
At WE AID we support even an #orchestra for #diversity
... and maybe YOUR OWN INITIATIVE?
#WEAIDfamily #yesweaid #gutenachrichten #goodnrews #news
10.10.2024 00:09Yesterday Oct. 9th 1989 was both: A day to REMEMBER & HONOUR the AWSOME brave 70.000 of LEIPZIG 1989 4 weeks before the wall came down....Unsere Gedanken sind bei den von der Flut betroffenen Menschen, auch in unseren Nachbarländern & Übersee.
Meldet Euch gern via
wenn Ihr Betroffenen helfen möchtet.
WE AID in 2 min erklärt:
💛⏯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AKazDwaafw
🆒 WE AID gibt es kostenfrei, schnell & nach Bedarf
#WEAIDfamily #nothilfe #Wetterberichte #Hochwasser #extremeweather #jahrhunderthochwasser #jahrtausendhochwasser #überschwemmungen #fotomontag #gutenachrichten #disasterresponse #monday #news
16.9.2024 17:32Unsere Gedanken sind bei den von der Flut betroffenen Menschen, auch in unseren Nachbarländern & Übersee. Meldet Euch gern via 👉...GUTE NACHRICHTEN!
#DANKE an die Deutsche Postcode Lotterie – denn auch WE AID ist auf Unterstützung angewiesen.
Wir bedanken uns für die #Förderung – mehr dazu auf Linkedin:
WE AID macht gemeinnützige Hilfe einfach. Schnell. Unbürokratisch. On Demand:
#WEAIDfamily #humanitarian #GutesTun #Postcodeeffekt #postcodeeffect #yesWEAID #nothilfe #emergencyaid #disasterresponse #disasterrrelief #inklusion #goodews #freude #gutenachrichten
22.8.2024 19:36GUTE NACHRICHTEN! #DANKE an die Deutsche Postcode Lotterie – denn auch WE AID ist auf Unterstützung angewiesen. Wir bedanken uns für die...WE AID Gute Nachrichten!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl4bQ6bznc4
Die von WE AID unterstützte Initiative #BerlinOdessaExpress hat erfolgreich einen #Krankenwagen fundraised - einst ein Traum zum Start der Initiative Infos auf den Seiten der Initiatve.
Ihr könnt sie auf Ihrer WE AID page gerne unterstützen (Link in der VIdeobeschreibung)
Like it? Start your own initiative with us!
#WEAIDfamily #nothilfe #GutesTun #goodnews #yesWEAID #humanitarian #krankenwagen #spenden #kindness #liveunited #news
23.7.2024 10:36WE AID Gute Nachrichten!👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl4bQ6bznc4Die von WE AID unterstützte Initiative #BerlinOdessaExpress hat...Wir gedenken der Opfer der #Extremwetter-Lage mit #TiefBernd 2021 - in Deutschland als #Ahrtalflut bekannt.
In Europa –- Belgien & Deutschland – kamen 230 Menschen ums Leben.
WE AID wurde auch unter dem Eindruck dieser Katastrophe gegründet, um SCHNELLE Hilfe UNBÜROKRATISCH = EINFACH möglich zu machen.
Seit Gründung 2022 haben von WE AID unterstützte Initiativen hunderttausenden Menschen helfen können:
#WEAIDfamily #nothilfe #gutenachrichten #flut #Ahrtal #news
15.7.2024 21:44Wir gedenken der Opfer der #Extremwetter-Lage mit #TiefBernd 2021 - in Deutschland als #Ahrtalflut bekannt.In Europa –- Belgien &...Watch 60 seconds of the recent #BENEFIT #CONCERT:
🎥 ⏯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=634Kb-VTooM
THIS TIME the Initiative Thelemann Savoniuk collected for another Initiative supported by WE AID:
This 10th #humanitarianaid transport is this time esp. aimed at helping children who got traumatized by the conflict.
#WEAIDfamily #nothilfe #kindness #peacedove #dove #birdphotography #birdwatching #birdphotography #taube #goodnews
26.6.2024 17:58Watch 60 seconds of the recent #BENEFIT #CONCERT:🎥 ⏯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=634Kb-VTooMTHIS TIME the Initiative Thelemann...Weitersagen bitte: DWD #UNWETTERWARNUNG
VIDEO ⏯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDwKzvYwQEo
Meldung 👉 https://www.dwd.de/DE/wetter/wa...
➡️ lokal Hagelkörner bis 5cm möglich
➡️ lokalen #Wetterbericht beachten
➡️ Tornados möglich (kein Scherz - siehe DVD Bericht)
➡️ in mehreren Städte #Fanmeilen bereits geräumt
#amtlicheunwetterwarnung #extremeweather #hagel #wetter #extremeweather #hailstorm #thunderstorm #wetterbericht #wetternews #weathernews #news
18.6.2024 17:24Weitersagen bitte: DWD #UNWETTERWARNUNGVIDEO ⏯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDwKzvYwQEoMeldung 👉...