Happy Thanksgiving! In the US, it always falls before the end of the semester, and many conference deadlines or final exams. For international scholars who often don't get to visit family, you're not alone! And IT'S OKAY TO NOT DO A FRIENDSGIVING AND JUST SPENDING SOME ME TIME!
I'll be binging anime with a fresh batch of Thai red curry today. Thankfully it's beautiful weather in LA and yes I'm taking advantage of no traffic on the 405.
DL research during the weekdays: I need to run with 50 sets of hyperparameters and scale to larger datasets, hog 4 GPUs so I can submit to X conference by Y date.
DL research during the weekends: Why did I use this kernel size? What if I change the activation function? Maybe I should rewrite the entire model architecture.
It's only the first day back from #sfn
16.11.2022 20:14It's only the first day back from #sfnI love working on #generative models for #neuroimaging but these tend to have slower iterations than prediction/classification models that some of my lab mates work on. Evaluation are often not straightforward and very data/task specific.
I'm trying not to let myself fall into the publish or perish mindset at only 2nd year of PhD, but I can't help feeling a bit behind when I can't submit to as many conferences.
Joining a hybrid conference session I'm presenting at @ 4am (I could not attend in person due to visa issues, and 4/6 people in the session joined virtually)
- No instructions or information given upon joining Zoom;
- No screen sharing or audio for in person presentations;
- No organizer answered the chat;
We didn't even know when the session started.
A bit disappointing to see conference unable to handle remote participation well, esp. when international scholars often struggle with visas.
Following people across servers is much easier on IOS than web 👀👀 Clicking on profiles through hashtags on web takes me to the other server entirely
7.11.2022 23:11Following people across servers is much easier on IOS than web 👀👀 Clicking on profiles through hashtags on web takes me to the other...terrible at writing posts so memes will have to do
7.11.2022 07:50terrible at writing posts so memes will have to dothe "choose your own server" has once again reminded me of how indecisive I am
7.11.2022 07:35the "choose your own server" has once again reminded me of how indecisive I amHi I'm Wendy, a second year Neuroscience PhD student at USC. My research is focused on deep learning methods for tract-based diffusion imaging analysis, to help understand changes in white matter tracts in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease progression.
Methods wise, I'm interested in the application of generative models for better interpretability.
I'm still active on Twitter @wendyfyx, but am hoping to make some connections on here too!
#intro #twittermigration #deeplearning #neuroimaging