Two of my #grandcats. Bennie and Jet caught in a rare moment of cuddling. #caturday #catsofmastodon
25.2.2023 21:56Two of my #grandcats. Bennie and Jet caught in a rare moment of cuddling. #caturday #catsofmastodonWeekend of culture. First , Les Mis with Amanda and Trevor, then Shrek with Donna and Taylor. No playbill for Shrek but we did have breakfast with Shrek (aka Shrekfast)
25.2.2023 17:59Weekend of culture. First , Les Mis with Amanda and Trevor, then Shrek with Donna and Taylor. No playbill for Shrek but we did have...Riley knows that good things come in this box #caturday #catsofmastodon
11.2.2023 16:35Riley knows that good things come in this box #caturday #catsofmastodonRobots are taking over! Here is The little garbage droid at OHare. It even says “thank you” when you throw something away.
10.2.2023 14:12Robots are taking over! Here is The little garbage droid at OHare. It even says “thank you” when you throw something away.One reason I love my local book store. They won’t hide the #BannedBooks
5.2.2023 13:52One reason I love my local book store. They won’t hide the #BannedBooksHaving a nice walk in downtown #DownersGrove looking at the #IceSculptures especially like this one sponsored by #EqualityDownersGrove #Pride
4.2.2023 22:33Having a nice walk in downtown #DownersGrove looking at the #IceSculptures especially like this one sponsored by #EqualityDownersGrove...Funny how you can go into the #CellPhone store for a minor repair and come home with a new phone, better plan, and of course, a higher monthly bill. I don't remember that happening with our #LandLines
30.1.2023 22:35Funny how you can go into the #CellPhone store for a minor repair and come home with a new phone, better plan, and of course, a higher...Miss Bliss the Genie Swan is ready for today’s class. #Slig2023 #SligFun #SligAnimals
25.1.2023 15:28Miss Bliss the Genie Swan is ready for today’s class. #Slig2023 #SligFun #SligAnimalsWinter has finally come to the chicago area. #snow
25.1.2023 13:12Winter has finally come to the chicago area. #snowAnd here we go! #SligFun #Slig2023
23.1.2023 15:08And here we go! #SligFun #Slig2023Busy with last minute tasks before I spend the week in class. Things like laundry, cooking, pencil sharpening, etc etc.
Can't wait to learn from Michael Hait at #Slig2023 #Sligfun #SligElevated #SligExperience
It was a rainy celebration at #ChalmetteBattlefield on the 208th anniversary of the #BatttleOfNewOrleans.
9.1.2023 12:33It was a rainy celebration at #ChalmetteBattlefield on the 208th anniversary of the #BatttleOfNewOrleans.I’m staying at this lovely old hotel in the #FrenchQuarter and there are three cats in charge #caturday #catsofmastodon
7.1.2023 22:42I’m staying at this lovely old hotel in the #FrenchQuarter and there are three cats in charge #caturday #catsofmastodon#Cabildo where the #LouisianaPurchase was signed
7.1.2023 20:53#Cabildo where the #LouisianaPurchase was signed#Creole style building from the 1840s
7.1.2023 18:08#Creole style building from the 1840s#UrsulineConvent built ca 1740s. During the #BattleOfNewOrleans the nuns were gathered here praying that they weren’t raped and pillaged
7.1.2023 18:02#UrsulineConvent built ca 1740s. During the #BattleOfNewOrleans the nuns were gathered here praying that they weren’t raped and pillagedOn an architectural tour of #NewOrleans. Here is #BourbonStreet before things get too crazy
7.1.2023 17:59On an architectural tour of #NewOrleans. Here is #BourbonStreet before things get too crazy#StLouisCathedral and #AndrewJackson today in #NOLA
6.1.2023 21:27#StLouisCathedral and #AndrewJackson today in #NOLALovely weather here in New Orleans to learn about the #Warof1812 at the #Chalmette #Reenactment
6.1.2023 18:31Lovely weather here in New Orleans to learn about the #Warof1812 at the #Chalmette #ReenactmentInteresting crowd at the mall this morning ahead of the #WinterStorm and #christmas. Lots of men with panicked looks who were clearly out of their element.
22.12.2022 18:58Interesting crowd at the mall this morning ahead of the #WinterStorm and #christmas. Lots of men with panicked looks who were clearly out of...