My seventh post in my 'Broken by Religion' series asks a provocative question. I make no apologies for that, because it is a question that has to be answered:
Is there grace for those who live outside heterosexual marriage?
Click below to find out π
Sexuality and gender are sensitive issues. Religious people haven't always handled them well.
But the Bible can help.
Read my seventh post in my 'Broken by Religion' series by clicking on the link below, or catch up on previous posts π
Does grace extend to people who are outside heterosexual marriage?
The Bible has the answer.
Read the seventh post of my 'Broken by Religion' series π
A real Christian cannot hate another person.
No matter who they are.
People are broken by teligion when that fact is forgotten.
Read more from my 'Broken by Religion' series belowπ
Needing some encouragement? Join us for this evening's service at Hamilton Baptist Church, Scotland. Our teaching is from Mark 4:1-20. π
The sixth post in my 'Broken by Religion' looks at the well-known Parable of the Good Samaritan and asks if somehow religious people have forgotten its meaning.
Read it here, or catch up on previous posts π
Why not join us for this morning's service at Hamilton Baptist Church, Scotland? This morning's teaching is from 1 Timothy 2:8-15. π
Live worship from Citichurch Cebu π
People are broken by religion when religious people disobey the command to love their neighbours and 'other' people they don't agree with.
Want to know why?
Read the sixth post in my 'Broken by Religion' series below π
My 'Brokem by Religion' series continued with a post that showed what Jesus thinks of religious rules that stop needy people receiving help from Him.
The answer?
Not a lot.
See more at the link below π
It's fine to have rules.
But when they prevent people from meeting Jesus, they have to go.
Read my fifth post in my 'Broken by Religion' series below, or catch up on previous posts π
People are broken by religion when rules are invented that block them from meeting Jesus.
There has to be a better way.
Read the fifth post in my 'Broken by Religion series here π
My latest post in my 'Broken By Religion' series talks about how Jesus treated sinners.
Because, like it or not, we are all sinners.
Even religious people.
Read more, and catch up on previous posts, here π
Join us live for the evening service at Hamilton Baptist Church, where we will receive teaching from Simon Turner on Mark 3:13-20π
Jesus was a friend of sinners, but one day He will be their judge.
All Christians should also be their friend, so the Judge will not condemn them.
Read why in the fourth post in my 'Broken by Religion' series here π
Join us at Hamilton Baptist Church this morning for a highly relevant message from 1 Timothy 2 π
People are broken by religion when religious people are quick to condemn sinners, but forget that Jesus was their friend.
A friend who wanted them to stop sinning.
How can both be true?
Read the fourth post in my 'Broken by Religion' series here π
My 'Broken by Religion' series has been a hard read so far, but making sure that God is really our God and being obedient to Him is critical for every Christian.
Read the three blogs I have posted so far at the link below π
People are broken by religion when a religion that consists just of rites and rituals consumes itself.
Want to know why?
Read the third of my 'Broken by Religion' series, or catch up on previous posts π
If all we have is an outward religion that makes no difference to our lives, then that religion will eventually destroy itself.
Want to know why?
Click below to read my third post in my 'Broken by Religion' series π