Join Rep. Ilhan Omar, Steven Donziger, Spencer Ackerman, Daniel Ellsberg, VetsAboutFace, Jesselyn Radack, and others in calling on POTUS to commute drone #whistleblower Daniel Hale’s prison sentence this year!
Join the press conference on 12/15 @ 11 AM ET:
13.12.2022 19:44Join Rep. Ilhan Omar, Steven Donziger, Spencer Ackerman, Daniel Ellsberg, VetsAboutFace, Jesselyn Radack, and others in calling on POTUS to...I guess it's time for another news cycle of jingoistic "#natsec" liberals thinking it's a hilarious and original joke to cheer for expatriated dissidents like #Snowden to be subjected to horrific violence.
2.12.2022 19:41I guess it's time for another news cycle of jingoistic "#natsec" liberals thinking it's a hilarious and original joke to...More on this by Matthew Guariglia:
1.12.2022 03:24More on this by Matthew Guariglia:"I feel like I'm taking cRaZy pills!"
1.12.2022 03:20"I feel like I'm taking cRaZy pills!""I hope we continue not to need it, but thank God we have this weaponry!"
1.12.2022 03:19"I hope we continue not to need it, but thank God we have this weaponry!""Here in SF, we're in a place where people want to harm us. The stone-cold reality is that we need explosive robots to stop coups and hate crimes."
1.12.2022 03:19"Here in SF, we're in a place where people want to harm us. The stone-cold reality is that we need explosive robots to stop coups..."Look, I'm a reasonable guy, BUT:
If we don't use lethal robots, our city will become a soft target."
If you have concerns about giving police authority to use lethally armed robots, you must just be a cop hater.
1.12.2022 03:17If you have concerns about giving police authority to use lethally armed robots, you must just be a cop hater.The SFPD assistant chief actually raises the hypothetical of a suicide bomber as an instance they would need to use a robot armed with a bomb.
1.12.2022 03:16The SFPD assistant chief actually raises the hypothetical of a suicide bomber as an instance they would need to use a robot armed with a...Holy shit.
So after Matt Guariglia
bringing it to my attention, I watched the San Francisco Board of Supervisors hearing on the SFPD's request for authority to arm robots. It is totally, totally unhinged.
“This indictment sets a dangerous precedent, and threatens to undermine America’s first amendment and the freedom of the press.”
Pretty wild how Dems made border cruelty & dysfunction a key critique of Trump, then Biden leaves Magnus, possibly the most reformist chief in the country, to be thrown under the bus, and it's barely registering.
17.11.2022 21:56Pretty wild how Dems made border cruelty & dysfunction a key critique of Trump, then Biden leaves Magnus, possibly the most reformist...