“The US took nearly a century to craft its rich scientific ecosystem; if the unraveling that has taken place over the past month continues, Americans will feel the effects for decades to come.”
23.2.2025 00:48“The US took nearly a century to craft its rich scientific ecosystem; if the unraveling that has taken place over the past month...From a footnote in @rmondello’s excellent post on Passkeys and Magic Sign-In links:
“The incentives, economics, and privacy considerations around in-app web browsers is a fascinating and important story, but one I am not able to tell.”
That sounds very intriguing. Is anyone telling this story?
2.1.2025 18:02From a footnote in @rmondello’s excellent post on Passkeys and Magic Sign-In links:“The incentives, economics, and privacy...I'll be speaking at the iOSoho meetup on Tuesday, December 3. The talk is on adopting SwiftUI in a large engineering org:
Hope to see you there!
1.12.2024 19:52I'll be speaking at the iOSoho meetup on Tuesday, December 3. The talk is on adopting SwiftUI in a large engineering org:...Next Wednesday in Mexico City, see some excellent mobile engineers (who happen to be my coworkers) talk about iOS and Android development. Topics range from AR to Design Systems and more
#iosdev #androiddev #cdmx #meetup
15.11.2024 15:17Next Wednesday in Mexico City, see some excellent mobile engineers (who happen to be my coworkers) talk about iOS and Android development....Photos from Mexico City, taken in October
4.11.2024 13:45Photos from Mexico City, taken in OctoberNow online: a video of 8 lighting talks recorded a few months ago, including a talk by me on new zoom transitions in iOS 18
30.10.2024 16:46Now online: a video of 8 lighting talks recorded a few months ago, including a talk by me on new zoom transitions in iOS...Voted!
28.10.2024 21:38Voted!A new set of design-focused Do Not Reply Cards dropped a few days ago. My favorite one: https://donotreply.cards/design/do-not-forget-that-edge-cases-are-people
23.10.2024 01:46A new set of design-focused Do Not Reply Cards dropped a few days ago. My favorite one:...Next week I’ll be speaking at a mobile development meetup in Mexico City 🇲🇽
If you’d like to hear talks in Spanish and English from my fellow speakers and me about SwiftUI, Flutter, and Apple Intelligence, please sign up https://www.meetup.com/es/mobile-development-mexico/events/303689997/
8.10.2024 12:45Next week I’ll be speaking at a mobile development meetup in Mexico City 🇲🇽If you’d like to hear talks in Spanish and English from...And more: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wka/collections/72157723080483711/
7.9.2024 19:29And more: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wka/collections/72157723080483711/Some photos from the San Juan Islands from last month
7.9.2024 19:23Some photos from the San Juan Islands from last month"Chronic issues harm our most vulnerable co-workers first" — Lesley Cordero on Psychologically Safe Reliability Management
brittleness is profitable only when everything is working
— Barath Raghavan and Bruce Schneier, “The CrowdStrike Outage and Market-Driven Brittleness”
26.7.2024 00:14brittleness is profitable only when everything is working — Barath Raghavan and Bruce Schneier, “The CrowdStrike Outage and...“expertise builds system safety, but doesn’t guarantee the safety of the experts”
Some thoughts on the intersection of safety, systems, and layoffs from @gallego
24.6.2024 00:30“expertise builds system safety, but doesn’t guarantee the safety of the experts”Some thoughts on the intersection of safety, systems,...TIL iOS StandBy mode has its own timer view
3.5.2024 01:41TIL iOS StandBy mode has its own timer viewTired of replying to unsolicited text messages with STOP? This looks super-useful: how to automatically reply with STOP via iOS Shortcuts
More: https://flickr.com/photos/43675529@N00/sets/72177720315507631
19.3.2024 12:34More: https://flickr.com/photos/43675529@N00/sets/72177720315507631Photos from skiing in Whistler last week
19.3.2024 12:33Photos from skiing in Whistler last weekI think about this all the time when I encounter bad UX and user-hostile systems.
The purpose of a system is what it does