#PersonalStudy #BookOfMormon #testimony #miracles The right reason for testimony isn't angels and wall-shattering miracles (which Nephi had experienced)
A good #BYUDevo by Michelle Bennett, one of the chiefs from BYU's business sector, on the importance of being brave and stalwart in keeping to a foundation on Christ. As a Humanities person I did take a little exception to her unquestioning statement about the ideal path being from studies to job using those studies; I mean, that's true, but that's not the most healthy perspective. But overall I enjoyed the devotional greatly.
14.5.2024 18:16A good #BYUDevo by Michelle Bennett, one of the chiefs from BYU's business sector, on the importance of being brave and stalwart in...Now listening to the highly relevant Currently tuning in to
10.4.2024 17:59Now listening to the highly relevant Currently tuning in toComing soon:
- Jesus Christ is the Lord of the vineyard.
- The Lord invites me to labor with Him in His vineyard.
- The Lord remembers His people in love and mercy.
- I can stand strong when others challenge my faith in Jesus Christ.
The parable of the vineyard is one of the dense chapters of the #BookOfMormon, in some ways rivaling any Isaiah chapter. But #ComeFollowMe this week has a clear principle we can draw: we only work in a limited area, and God works beside us.
The incompatibility of an intellectual and faith-based exploration is a false dichotomy. We can and must put both our minds AND our hearts to work in exploring the principles of eternity. #BYUDevo #RickAnderson
2.4.2024 17:43The incompatibility of an intellectual and faith-based exploration is a false dichotomy. We can and must put both our minds AND our hearts...#BYUDevo #RickAnderson "But Rick, you're already a Nerd. You're a professional nerd!" "True. For I am a bowtie-wearing, banjo-playing nerd; for me the ship of "hipness" sailed a long time ago. So I may have less skin in the game than you do." The game is being socially accepted and being brave in representing the divine and the eternal.
2.4.2024 17:31#BYUDevo #RickAnderson "But Rick, you're already a Nerd. You're a professional nerd!" "True. For I am a...Time to give my full attention to #BYUDevo #RickAnderson. Eternity and the bypartite relation beteen Eternity and our current world. Eternity is not just a span of unlimited time, but an alternate place in its own right.
2.4.2024 17:25Time to give my full attention to #BYUDevo #RickAnderson. Eternity and the bypartite relation beteen Eternity and our current world....Today I am reminded that the difference between lazy "a la" and correct "à la" is called a "grave accent," not the pinyin 4th tone. We are doing french-english, not chinese-latin characters!
2.4.2024 16:06Today I am reminded that the difference between lazy "a la" and correct "à la" is called a "grave accent,"...#BYUDEVO #BrianKTaylor “if men do not comprehend the character of God, they do not comprehend themselves” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 39, 40).
19.3.2024 17:33#BYUDEVO #BrianKTaylor “if men do not comprehend the character of God, they do not comprehend themselves” (Teachings of Presidents of...As developing identity becomes more of a self-driven task without guidance and leadership, the distress is manifest in a proliferation of mental illnesses. #BYUDEVO #BrianKTaylor
19.3.2024 17:31As developing identity becomes more of a self-driven task without guidance and leadership, the distress is manifest in a proliferation of...#BYUDEVO #BrianKTaylor was a BYU basketball player back when the uniform shorts were basically superman-style underwear
19.3.2024 17:22#BYUDEVO #BrianKTaylor was a BYU basketball player back when the uniform shorts were basically superman-style underwearWhat's more introverted -- social media instead of in-person social, in-person but no social media, or neither (if possible?)?
18.3.2024 13:56What's more introverted -- social media instead of in-person social, in-person but no social media, or neither (if possible?)?#BYUDevo #StevenHafen If you remember any acronym, please remember this one -- not just because it spells "peace" but because covenants give all of this.
- Purifies
- Enables
- Assures
- Comforts
- Exalts
Daily repentance is the pathway to purity, and purity brings power. - President Nelson #BYUDevo #StevenHafen
12.3.2024 17:31Daily repentance is the pathway to purity, and purity brings power. - President Nelson #BYUDevo #StevenHafenHow many of you are experiencing peace in your lives? How often? #BYUDevo #StevenHafen
12.3.2024 17:26How many of you are experiencing peace in your lives? How often? #BYUDevo #StevenHafenListening to #BYUDevo #StevenHafen
12.3.2024 17:21Listening to #BYUDevo #StevenHafenI really appreciate how #Roku aggregates my various feed options, saying "this show is available on network XYZ"
8.3.2024 15:51I really appreciate how #Roku aggregates my various feed options, saying "this show is available on network XYZ"There is no Latter day Saint who dies after living a faithful life who will lose anything because of having failed to do certain things when opportunities were not furnished him or her. If a young man or a young woman has no opportunity of getting married, and they live faithful lives up to the time of their death, they will have all the blessings, exaltation, and glory that any man or woman will have who had this opportunity and improved it.
Lorenzo Snow #BYUDevo #DaleGRenlund
Eternal progression is not halted by lack of a spouse. #BYUDevo #DaleGRenlund
5.3.2024 18:38Eternal progression is not halted by lack of a spouse. #BYUDevo #DaleGRenlund