Steve Lukather NFTs begone from the universe
9.5.2022 17:01Steve Lukather NFTs begone from the universethis morning i finally got my hands on one of my holy-grail records and the feeling of getting an album you've been searching for YEARS and it is EVERY BIT as good as you hoped, oooh baby it just makes everything better
28.4.2022 15:27this morning i finally got my hands on one of my holy-grail records and the feeling of getting an album you've been searching for YEARS...It's a great tragedy that "let's play contemporary hit music behind our tv show" was not invented until 1984 because a lot of early 80s cop shows would be improved by "ride like the wind"
22.4.2022 18:57It's a great tragedy that "let's play contemporary hit music behind our tv show" was not invented until 1984 because a lot...Apple Music editorial staff gets into wild opinions
31.3.2022 11:43Apple Music editorial staff gets into wild opinionsbest????? Album??????
31.3.2022 11:43best????? Album??????Really getting tired of Christian yacht rock, there is so much of it and yes, it sounds “right” for the era and style but it’s all soul saving and no soul
22.3.2022 11:51Really getting tired of Christian yacht rock, there is so much of it and yes, it sounds “right” for the era and style but it’s all...getting grumpy in the yacht rock discord and declaring that I will subtract 25 points on the yachtski scale from all CCM tracks
22.3.2022 11:51getting grumpy in the yacht rock discord and declaring that I will subtract 25 points on the yachtski scale from all CCM tracksimportant: a rare phototo (photo of toto)
24.2.2022 15:13important: a rare phototo (photo of toto)ken soto gave himself sole songwriting credit lol
18.2.2022 14:30ken soto gave himself sole songwriting credit lolbeen listening to more citypop to add to the @fm catalog and this is song is an absolutely shameless ripoff of Home At Last by Steely Dan (especially the beginning and end). I am actually astounded Becker and Fagen don't get songwriting credits. I think if DF heard this there'd be a court case
18.2.2022 14:27been listening to more citypop to add to the @fm catalog and this is song is an absolutely shameless ripoff of Home At Last by Steely Dan...i got this emoji for you @djsundog
13.2.2022 13:11i got this emoji for you @djsundogrichard marx is one of those guys who would absolutely have been one of the main yacht rock guys if he was like 5 years older
4.2.2022 14:55richard marx is one of those guys who would absolutely have been one of the main yacht rock guys if he was like 5 years olderi have already transcribed the lyrics
4.2.2022 14:48i have already transcribed the lyricsremove:
all the digital synth stuff (lead, bass, bells)
drum machine
live drums
live bass
clean rhythm guitar
a guitar solo before the last chorus and fadeout
my friends on the yacht rock discord brought this song to my attention which is a song that is only ever heard diagetically in the kevin costner vehicle No Way Out and was never released, it is too late to be yacht rock, the production and instrumentation are all wrong, but the song ITSELF is undoubtedly and extremely yachty and i am working myself up to recording my own cover that restores its rightful vibes
4.2.2022 14:29my friends on the yacht rock discord brought this song to my attention which is a song that is only ever heard diagetically in the kevin...i learned today that How Long by Ace and Tempted by Squeeze are the same guy!!!!!!!!!! ahhhh
16.1.2022 03:20i learned today that How Long by Ace and Tempted by Squeeze are the same guy!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhi have dedicated and unusual friends and because of this i now have CD-quality versions of the songs from that legendary mcgruff the crime dog tape from 1986 that has been so poured over and memed, including, yes, "alcohol," the song that inexplicably sounds like Hey Nineteen
15.1.2022 02:59i have dedicated and unusual friends and because of this i now have CD-quality versions of the songs from that legendary mcgruff the crime...i suppose it could just be that he's technically in the picture but connor is pretty online
10.1.2022 14:05i suppose it could just be that he's technically in the picture but connor is pretty onlinein 2022 we've got *actual members of steely dan* making steely dan memes and sending them to instagram meme pages
10.1.2022 14:04in 2022 we've got *actual members of steely dan* making steely dan memes and sending them to instagram meme pagesHappy birthday to Donald Fagen, who is exactly three days younger than Kenny Loggins
10.1.2022 12:35Happy birthday to Donald Fagen, who is exactly three days younger than Kenny Loggins