"Astute readers will have already recognised that this does, indeed, bring us precisely to where we are now – looking at the possibility of a *de facto* referendum in 2024. Which means that the above satisfies the definition of a plan set out earlier. Neat, huh?
Just one more thing is required. Our political elite must be ‘persuaded’ to follow this plan. Or something very similar. That must be the mission of the Yes movement."
24.9.2023 13:25"Astute readers will have already recognised that this does, indeed, bring us precisely to where we are now – looking at the..."Stepping out of his dad’s shadow we can see he is just as far-right in his politics as his dad, assuming anybody on the right has any politics or philosophy above accumulating wealth, and power to protect it."
24.9.2023 12:51"Stepping out of his dad’s shadow we can see he is just as far-right in his politics as his dad, assuming anybody on the right has...**"On the aftermath of his much publicised suspension,** **we invited readers to send in questions for MacNeil. He answers all but three. Only torturers and jailers claim silence is a point of view. Readers will have to make up their own minds over why he leaves questions unanswered. Those that MacNeil has explained at length will remain on the historic record."**
"Short and sweet, but helps explain Scotland’s continued lack of economic growth, under-development in the world of commerce, and our colonial role as a bystander, as an observer, whilst ‘our procurer’ plunders our assets and resources. It was put together by members of the SNC Steering Committee. India got rid of the coloniser. We must do the same."
"**The political economist and tax reformer, Richard Murphy, is a good friend to Scotland. He professed openly that he found the colonially imposed GERS system of calculation gobbledygook. As he began to research the issue he became by default a defender of Scotland’s democratic rights, disliking the tax laws and evasions Scotland suffers under colonial rule. He can be best described as a demolisher of economic myth and magic.** **Here he tackles Scotland’s pensions."**
15.9.2023 12:16"**The political economist and tax reformer, Richard Murphy, is a good friend to Scotland. He professed openly that he found the..."Tomorrow (Saturday 16 September from midday), the Hope Over Fear rally is an opportunity for the Yes movement to demonstrate its strength and to take confidence from that strength.
Tuesday 19 September is an opportunity for the people of Scotland to assert our sovereignty by intervening directly to command our government, bypassing the political parties altogether."
15.9.2023 12:14"Tomorrow (Saturday 16 September from midday), the Hope Over Fear rally is an opportunity for the Yes movement to demonstrate its..."**This is a very interesting news item that should intrigue Grouse Beater readers here & abroad. It concerns how the offices of the monarch control the message & the image.** **The former boss of SKY News, John Ryley, spills the beans & says British Television broadcasters allowed the monarchy to edit & censor aspects of the coronation coverage. The royal spin doctors imposed “extraordinary restrictions**” **on covering King Charles III’s accession and went further."**
15.9.2023 12:12"**This is a very interesting news item that should intrigue Grouse Beater readers here & abroad. It concerns how the offices of..."The Stirling Directive will be delivered into the hands of a representative of the Scottish Government on Tuesday 19 September 2023. It is important that as many people as can possibly manage come along to witness this event and assert their sovereignty in person. We will assemble outside the Scottish Parliament at 11:00 then make our way to St Andrew’s House, where we will deliver the Stirling Directive."
"**The Stirling Directive** gives notice to the Scottish Government as well as all Scotland’s politicians and political parties that they are ultimately accountable to the sovereign people of Scotland."
"Organisers want a chain of an estimated 77,000 people – around 1% of the total population of Scotland – to line up on the 66 miles of canal paths linking Scotland’s largest city and its capital.
The gesture is inspired by a peaceful demonstration across Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in 1989, close to the collapse of the Soviet Union, when two million people joined hands across 430 miles to protest against the repressive authoritarian state."
"It’s all a con-trick, of course. We are being manipulated with our own money. Every penny spent in Scotland by the British state is money it has extracted from Scotland. And every penny spent in Scotland by the British state represents but a fraction of what has been extracted. Our nation is being simultaneously bled dry and starved of its lifeblood. The British ruling elite is a parasite that will kill its host if not prevented from doing so."
1.8.2023 12:53"It’s all a con-trick, of course. We are being manipulated with our own money. Every penny spent in Scotland by the British state is..."The Stirling Directive has struck a chord with people. It has awoken the spirit of the Yes movement. It is not entirely fanciful to say that it has awoken long-dormant memories of a time when the relationship between the governed and the governors in Scotland was markedly different from what has prevailed since the imposition of the accursed Union."
25.7.2023 11:50"The Stirling Directive has struck a chord with people. It has awoken the spirit of the Yes movement. It is not entirely fanciful to..."I confess at the outset that I find it difficult to look back at the events of Saturday 22 July 2023 with a cold eye. The launch of the Stirling Directive was a hugely significant development for Scotland’s cause. I cannot help but be affected by it."
24.7.2023 10:04"I confess at the outset that I find it difficult to look back at the events of Saturday 22 July 2023 with a cold eye. The launch of..."Here is the printer’s copy of Liberation’s first leaflet. It was inspired from an Independence leaflet from a successful Independence campaign organised in a close neighbouring country to Scotland around 100 years ago.
Hubs can order quantities from Salvo.Scot or they can request a printer pdf to arrange printing locally if that is more suitable. Please share this far and wide."
19.7.2023 11:37"Here is the printer’s copy of Liberation’s first leaflet. It was inspired from an Independence leaflet from a successful..."To understand why Keir Starmer has abandoned every pledge he made to become Labour leader, ‘follow the money.’ This reveals with surprising accuracy the motivation for his political decisions (U-turns) in this plutocratic age."
18.7.2023 13:39"To understand why Keir Starmer has abandoned every pledge he made to become Labour leader, ‘follow the money.’ This reveals with..."The most obvious reason is twofold, firstly most branches don’t meet in July so at a stroke a huge section of the Party is denied the opportunity to submit any resolution. Secondly, this timescale completely eliminates branches getting together and agreeing resolutions with other branches."
15.7.2023 10:46"The most obvious reason is twofold, firstly most branches don’t meet in July so at a stroke a huge section of the Party is denied..."Independence for Scotland; that is the restoration of Scottish national sovereignty by restoration of full powers to the Scottish Parliament so that its authority is limited only by the sovereign power of the Scottish People to bind it with a written constitution & by such agreements as it may freely enter into with other nations or states or international organisations for the purpose of furthering international cooperation, world peace and the protection of the envi."
15.7.2023 10:43"Independence for Scotland; that is the restoration of Scottish national sovereignty by restoration of full powers to the Scottish..."A contemporary example of a nation where the People are sovereign in practice, is Switzerland. Scotland could learn much from their model of direct democracy and I urge you to look into this."
30.6.2023 13:26"A contemporary example of a nation where the People are sovereign in practice, is Switzerland. Scotland could learn much from their..."Yousaf talks of transferring sovereignty from Westminster. This can **only** mean that this is where he believes sovereignty resides. Scotland’s First Minister and leader of the self-styled “party of independence” doesn’t believe the people of Scotland are sovereign. If you are not shocked by this then you bloody well should be!"
26.6.2023 11:47"Yousaf talks of transferring sovereignty from Westminster. This can **only** mean that this is where he believes sovereignty resides...."This is the letter I sent to the Moderator of the Church of Scotland on the date shown. I had hoped to publish both this letter and any reply but regretfully no answer has thus far been received and I am concerned, given the topic involved, that officialdom may prefer to ignore rather than replying and becoming possibly embroiled in constitutional matters."
26.6.2023 11:44"This is the letter I sent to the Moderator of the Church of Scotland on the date shown. I had hoped to publish both this letter and...