Dingen die ik leer dankzij de hobbies van mijn kinderen, hoeveel bakken bier kunnen er in onze auto…
26.11.2022 11:15Dingen die ik leer dankzij de hobbies van mijn kinderen, hoeveel bakken bier kunnen er in onze auto…I'm considering using an #atem device. That would mean I also need to buy an camera with a #cleanHDMI output.
If you have an atem, what cameras are you using?
my friends from #leanpub have a large #BlackFriday sale going on including my #TipsFromTheagileTrenches book https://leanpub.com/TipsFromTheTrenches/c/LeanpubMonthlySale2022BlackFriday
25.11.2022 11:15my friends from #leanpub have a large #BlackFriday sale going on including my #TipsFromTheagileTrenches book...The difference between being introvert and being shy
David Spink & Glaudia Califano
in #WhoIsagile #WIa045 #agile
Communication is hard.
I learn so much every day, and yet still make mistakes. It's tempting to beat myself up on it, yet today I want to celebrate that someone I hardly know, made the time to give me realy valuable feedback.
Thank you (you know who you are)
On the birdside/site, my following was not as diverse as I wanted it to be. Here I don't know any tools to check, yet I want to actively work on a more diverse group right from the start:
- more women
- more non western people
- more BIPOC
- more neurodiversity
(in agile, tech, etc)
Will you boost this so I can find more of these people?
23.11.2022 10:39On the birdside/site, my following was not as diverse as I wanted it to be. Here I don't know any tools to check, yet I want to actively...New version of 89 hybrid tips published. Today I added the tip from Martin Van Aken: We need to talk https://leanpub.com/89hybridtips
22.11.2022 21:19New version of 89 hybrid tips published. Today I added the tip from Martin Van Aken: We need to talk https://leanpub.com/89hybridtipsRemember if you want this place be better than the last, be the change you want to see. #IfYouTolerateItYouInsistOnIt
22.11.2022 10:56Remember if you want this place be better than the last, be the change you want to see. #IfYouTolerateItYouInsistOnItFeels wrong that I have here more followers then @lisacrispin . Lets boost her a bit…
15.11.2022 14:49Feels wrong that I have here more followers then @lisacrispin . Lets boost her a bit…Mastodon doet me denken aan mijn grootouders, als ze in discussies zeiden: toot toot (als in: toch wel)
12.11.2022 07:10Mastodon doet me denken aan mijn grootouders, als ze in discussies zeiden: toot toot (als in: toch wel)Who Is agile #WIa043 Nono Donsa talks about bodylanguage differences between school and home https://youtube.com/watch?v=LHzUpyTI3V4
(Important message for those who still think they can read body language in 2022)
11.11.2022 09:58Who Is agile #WIa043 Nono Donsa talks about bodylanguage differences between school and home...Content warning:Restaurant service culture
In what countries do they prefer to remove plates while guests are still eating?
11.11.2022 08:53Content warning:Restaurant service cultureIn what countries do they prefer to remove plates while guests are still eating?Content warning:Mastodon
I understand the safety effect for not having DM here. Yet I also do miss the fact that I can no longer privately share a link or anything with people who I don’t have phone numbers with …
10.11.2022 20:00Content warning:MastodonI understand the safety effect for not having DM here. Yet I also do miss the fact that I can no longer privately...I wonder are there tool where I can check the diversity of the people I am following on the fediverse?
8.11.2022 10:40I wonder are there tool where I can check the diversity of the people I am following on the fediverse?Patrick Debois talks about how he improved the quality of life of others in #WhoIsagile #WIa042 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngQRcxBnTJk
4.11.2022 08:34Patrick Debois talks about how he improved the quality of life of others in #WhoIsagile #WIa042 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngQRcxBnTJk