Appreciate the @nytimes discussing the new vaccines and the challenges we're going to face both with acceptance as well as in having support to reduce the barriers to getting them.
Full disclosure, I was quoted in there as well 😅
“We don’t have the community push or diffusion of vaccines the way we once did,” said Dr. Zeke McKinney, who organized vaccinations at a local barbershop until funding disappeared. “It’s mostly up to everyone on their own to figure it out.”
23.8.2024 04:16Appreciate the @nytimes discussing the new vaccines and the challenges we're going to face both with acceptance as well as in having...Thanks to Vineeta Sawkar at @wccoradio for chatting with me about allergy season this morning! 💚👍🏾
It was also a great opportunity to talk about my clinical expertise around environmental exposures when a caller asked about symptoms after moving into a new building!! 😊
30.4.2024 16:51Thanks to Vineeta Sawkar at @wccoradio for chatting with me about allergy season this morning! 💚👍🏾It was also a great opportunity...First publication from our new Environmental Medicine/Exposure clinic!
Congratulations to our #OccEnvMed senior resident, Dr. Race Creeden on this excellent case report on aerotoxic syndrome! Importantly, it discusses the long-term implications of workability/disability with this complex condition.
8.12.2023 15:31First publication from our new Environmental Medicine/Exposure clinic! Congratulations to our #OccEnvMed senior resident, Dr. Race Creeden...Ghost-Spider is here at @confluence_mn helping me with vaccine education and hesitancy! Come get COVID and flu vaccines today with a $100 incentive!! 💉👍🏾
19.11.2023 22:02Ghost-Spider is here at @confluence_mn helping me with vaccine education and hesitancy! Come get COVID and flu vaccines today with a $100...Explaining to the nurse that I'm cool with "taking shots" 😂
Yay new #COVID vaccine! Go get vaccinated! 💉
24.10.2023 16:26Explaining to the nurse that I'm cool with "taking shots" 😂Yay new #COVID vaccine! Go get vaccinated! 💉Go get vaccinated! 💉
20.10.2023 14:43Go get vaccinated! 💉The rare 2!
Wordle 767 2/6*
Yay! New data showing genetic variation as source of asymptomatic #COVID infection in up to 20% of folks! Maybe this can direct new research! 😍
Yes, but... here's another reason for people to provide why they won't get a vaccine or wear a mask 😭😂
Still convinced the only lesson #wordle is trying to teach me is to be better at guessing specifically-bizarre and nonrepresentative-of-normal-word/letter-frequency words. Is that considered strategy? To psychologically anticipate the "author's" (being generous) choices?
So then what does it say when I get there by asking myself: "what would be the dumbest word to pick?"
Or just think normally and end up like this 😂😭
Wordle 746 5/6*
More on #Minnesota outdoor #AirQuality, but with good discussion of #HealthEquity, which is appreciated and common from the Sahan Journal 👍🏾
Feat. great #EnvironmentalJustice folks like Dr. Laalitha Surapaneni from the @umnmedschool and myself 😊
16.6.2023 20:42More on #Minnesota outdoor #AirQuality, but with good discussion of #HealthEquity, which is appreciated and common from the Sahan Journal...Also on @wcco - but really a small amount of what I said 😅
16.6.2023 00:45Also on @wcco - but really a small amount of what I said...Catch me talking about recent poor outdoor #AirQuality on #Minnesota Public Radio:
15.6.2023 21:36Catch me talking about recent poor outdoor #AirQuality on #Minnesota Public Radio:...Bad outdoor #AirQuality right now, particularly in #Minneapolis #Minnesota (US)! Stay indoors if you can!
Right now mostly due to Canadian wildfires... 😬
15.6.2023 14:42Bad outdoor #AirQuality right now, particularly in #Minneapolis #Minnesota (US)! Stay indoors if you can!Right now mostly due to Canadian...One of my favorite #AI / #humanfactors topics: the uncanny valley!!
14.6.2023 20:15One of my favorite #AI / #humanfactors topics: the uncanny valley!! 722 1/6*
My 10 year old daughter did that, so eat that #wordle
11.6.2023 16:00Wordle 722 1/6*🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧My 10 year old daughter did that, so eat that #wordleUnpopular opinion: stop using the word "marijuana."
It's imprecise/unscientific at least, pejorative at worst.
Simplified: "marijuana" is to "cannabis" as "blow" is to "cocaine"
Using "marijuana" in contexts like legislation or news seems crazy. Would we talk about "blow" legislation?
6.6.2023 16:01Unpopular opinion: stop using the word "marijuana." It's imprecise/unscientific at least, pejorative at worst.Simplified:...Recent article I wrote for #MinnesotaPhysician about healthcare #underutilization and #overutilization:
TL;DR - business people design systems based around the perception that people behave based on financial costs, and this is often true. Healthcare is fairly divergent from that at least because cost is opaque and folks behave in lots of ways based on their health and their own goals.
6.6.2023 15:14Recent article I wrote for #MinnesotaPhysician about healthcare #underutilization and...Beautiful morning at the Northeast Farmer's Market in #Minneapolis #NE_FM
27.5.2023 15:24Beautiful morning at the Northeast Farmer's Market in #Minneapolis #NE_FMThe legacy of our brother #GeorgeFloyd is very real to us here in #Minneapolis.
If you still don't know what's up, let me direct you to a couple places to start, both from Black faculty in the University of Minnesota School of #PublicHealth (one of whom is me).
Stolen Breaths (Hardeman):
Law Enforcement Violence in the Black Community: A Catalyst for Clinician Engagement in Social Justice (Rushing):
"Over a recent 22-year period, the Black population in the US experienced more than 1.63 million excess deaths and more than 80 million excess years of life lost when compared with the White population. After a period of progress in reducing disparities, improvements stalled, and differences between the Black population and the White population worsened in 2020." 😬
C/o @jama_current
24.5.2023 23:08"Over a recent 22-year period, the Black population in the US experienced more than 1.63 million excess deaths and more than 80 million...