I don’t think the lesson of the Terminator was to be afraid of the killer robots(they were indeed scary), it was very much a warning that if given the opportunity to use technology to oppress one another there will be some who are absolutely willing to do it.
14.3.2025 18:11I don’t think the lesson of the Terminator was to be afraid of the killer robots(they were indeed scary), it was very much a warning that...Seeing OpenAI and Google confidently claim that copyright should play no part in their ability to train their AI models is hilarious. It’s even funnier that they are then positioning it as, “Oh if we aren’t allowed to steal as much information possible, our adversaries in China will just do it!”
What a thinly veiled digital land grab, it’s disgusting.
14.3.2025 18:09Seeing OpenAI and Google confidently claim that copyright should play no part in their ability to train their AI models is hilarious. It’s...Mental Health, work/life balance
Truly I wish I was in a position to quit my job like today. Every single element of living being attached to whether or not I get a paycheck is slowly killing me, but being without it would probably mean a much faster death.
No matter the strides I make in my personal wellbeing, the stress of my job makes it impossible to continually focus on my personal improvement.
I’m not sure how to break this vicious cycle, but I’m confident if I don’t figure it out, there will be consequences for me.
12.3.2025 18:39Mental Health, work/life balanceTruly I wish I was in a position to quit my job like today. Every single element of living being attached to...What I’m learning as I get older is how much nonsense I was told in my childhood about the ways of the world that just bled into my own view over time.
I’ve gotten a lot more critical when it comes to my own beliefs, thoughts, and feelings about things like marriage, relationships, work, hobbies, sexuality, etc.
I very often feel behind the times because in a lot of ways I wasn’t afforded the freedom to explore who I was without some form of oppressive bias being layered on top.
Who I am seems for the most part to be a moving target, and the uncertainty of that is both very scary and very comforting.
9.3.2025 19:17What I’m learning as I get older is how much nonsense I was told in my childhood about the ways of the world that just bled into my own...AI never had a chance. The corpus of information and those in control of disseminating that information are compromised by so many ism’s that it would be too lengthy to list them all. How could we expect a system that consumes only what it’s given to be anything but deleterious towards the general human condition? We only ever had to look to its creator to understand how the creation would be flawed.
27.2.2025 04:57AI never had a chance. The corpus of information and those in control of disseminating that information are compromised by so many ism’s...I think it’s weird that the assumption in some post-apocalyptic media is that more selfish characteristics are somehow more beneficial to survival. I think if anything they would be severely detrimental to one’s survival. Community and the sharing of resources are what lifted humanity out of nature in the first place, why would it be any different the second time?
26.2.2025 13:53I think it’s weird that the assumption in some post-apocalyptic media is that more selfish characteristics are somehow more beneficial to...Is the safest way to use a smartphone currently just using an android phone with GrapheneOS?
24.2.2025 18:44Is the safest way to use a smartphone currently just using an android phone with GrapheneOS?My ears are pierced. Let’s gooo!!!
14.2.2025 00:08My ears are pierced. Let’s gooo!!!Severance is probably among my favorite pieces of television ever.
8.2.2025 13:08Severance is probably among my favorite pieces of television ever.Does anyone have any good reading recommendations on the history of gender identity/roles in ancient civilizations?
#History #BookRecs #AncientHistory #Gender #bookstodon
6.2.2025 14:11Does anyone have any good reading recommendations on the history of gender identity/roles in ancient civilizations?#History #BookRecs...Even as a cis dude, gender norms definitely hindered my ability to express myself. It’s only as a grown adult and a ton of work did I arrive at truths that now seem so simple to me.
All this to say, I’m probably going to get a tattoo and pierce my ears (Something I wanted since I was kid). Very vanilla I know, but that’s what very gendered and oppressive religious indoctrination can do.
4.2.2025 17:39Even as a cis dude, gender norms definitely hindered my ability to express myself. It’s only as a grown adult and a ton of work did I...I’ve gotta follow more people on here.
25.1.2025 20:18I’ve gotta follow more people on here.He is a sleeper
#caturday #CatOfMastodon #AltText
25.1.2025 19:43He is a sleeper#caturday #CatOfMastodon #AltTextSo, we aren’t even pretending with ICE now right? I’m unsure how you spin this any other way than what it is.
24.1.2025 13:43So, we aren’t even pretending with ICE now right? I’m unsure how you spin this any other way than what it is.US Pol Thoughts
Terrifying is almost too small of a word to describe yesterday. Somewhere in the range of 40 executive orders all with the intention of harming a marginalized group or population.
I will keep fighting because I have to. I will never truly be free until my trans friends are affirmed and protected. I will never truly be free until indigenous people are protected and lifted up. I will never truly be free until human rights are afforded to all. There is no half measure, all are required for this to succeed. If you don’t “belong” to any of these groups your responsibility only intensifies.
21.1.2025 15:12US Pol ThoughtsTerrifying is almost too small of a word to describe yesterday. Somewhere in the range of 40 executive orders all with the...Samwise’s preferred nap location.
19.1.2025 14:59Samwise’s preferred nap location.#Caturday #FediCatsSo, today I bought a domain, and found a decent email provider in runbox. Now I have to slowly change everything of relative importance to this new email address. What a day!
17.1.2025 03:05So, today I bought a domain, and found a decent email provider in runbox. Now I have to slowly change everything of relative importance to...The Switch 2 felt very much like a, "If it ain't broken, don't fix it" type of situation. I guess I'm fine with it since it doesn't invalidate my existing library of switch games and still makes meaningful improvements to the console.
#videogames #Gaming #nintendo #NintendoSwitch
16.1.2025 17:23The Switch 2 felt very much like a, "If it ain't broken, don't fix it" type of situation. I guess I'm fine with it...The insane monetization of video games really turned a lot of them into jobs of another flavor.
If it’s not your wallet directly, it’s your time. The amount of psychology at work to make sure you login everyday, do certain things in-game, or buy this limited time thing is wild.
If I played games to have another job, I would just get another job.
15.1.2025 19:54The insane monetization of video games really turned a lot of them into jobs of another flavor. If it’s not your wallet directly, it’s...It’s one of those days where all of my moods coalesce into one. It’s both very existential and also very personal. It’s tremendously difficult to put to words how I’m feeling, but let’s try:
Imagine a balloon and string caught on a fence where one side is a bunch of feral cats and the other is a beginners dart throwing competition. The balloon of course is not concerned about either side, but rather what will happen when it dislodges from this fence.
13.1.2025 18:00It’s one of those days where all of my moods coalesce into one. It’s both very existential and also very personal. It’s tremendously...