#Today has already been so long and it's not even 9 am. I've been up for 24 hours already, so maybe I'll get tired soon, I hope!
I had to give Sir Valentino a bath a bit ago and he got out right after I had him all lathered up. He was so slippery and I had a really hard time getting him back in the tub. (he's a large #Boxador #Doggo and he hates baths!) I think I should have gotten an award since he weighs half of what I do, lol! It was quite funny, although the entire bathroom was drenched by the end.
He's sparkly clean now, and is snoring next to me. Damn, I love this mutt.
Wow, it's been since February since I've been on here. How's it going, #Mastodon? LIfe has been really tough year. I am trying to climb out from under my mossy rock. *waves shyly*
27.8.2024 14:17Wow, it's been since February since I've been on here. How's it going, #Mastodon? LIfe has been really tough year. I am trying...Oh SIGH, I just finished #Reading my book, and it's the end of the trilogy. I will be in mourning until I can find the next great #Read
The Locked Tomb Trilogy by Tamsyn Muir. It's not for everyone, but I loved it. What a treat! Alas, though, I will miss those quirky odd characters.
Good morning, world! Ok, it's the middle of the night, but it is technically morning. And I'm wide awake but not in the mood to work. So here I am seeing what is going on out there.
#Today, I really have to make cookies for my dear husband (and for me, lol!). Life is better with fresh baked cookies!
I'm trying to think about what to make for me so that I don't end up eating all of his.
For someone who is an #Artist, I sure do suck at being #Creative.
I am so close to the end of The Locked Tomb Trilogy by Tamsyn Muir. What a delight! It's witty, so well written, fantastic characters, grotesque but not in a way that is off-putting somehow. I love the characters! The plot is wild, too. All over the place, but somehow it works.
The second book did something I have never seen before. It was written talking to You. Like, you did this then you did that. I've never seen a book written like that.
Anyway, I highly recommend the trilogy. Gideon the Ninth, Harrow the Ninth, then Nona the Ninth.
Definitely unique writing in some ways. A real delight and I will be sad to say goodbye to these characters!
#Bookstodon #Reading #AmReading #RecommendBooks
20.2.2024 23:54I am so close to the end of The Locked Tomb Trilogy by Tamsyn Muir. What a delight! It's witty, so well written, fantastic characters,...I think it's been many months since I've been on Mastodon. I always feel so self conscious about just tooting stuff. Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say?
It's like, going into a room full of strangers. Right to the middle, and starting to talk about stuff.
It seems weird. Apparently I am very old now, and can't comprehend the world as it is anymore.
Today I was so lucky! I saw a monarch butterfly on my walk with my doggo, AND I saw a hummingbird moth!
I tried to get a picture of the butterfly, but it was too far away. Neither of these little marvels of Nature were willing to take a photo. But at least I got to see them!
#Today #MonarchButterfly #HummingbirdMoth #Insects
I participate in different studies, and I am asked often to rate my quality of life, my health level, mood, etc.
Yesterday I said my quality of life was Good but then said my health is Poor, my Depression is High and my Anxiety is Very High.
Lol. Not sure how that works out. I blame #Meditation for making me way happier than I would be. (thanks Meditation!)
16.7.2023 21:12I participate in different studies, and I am asked often to rate my quality of life, my health level, mood, etc. Yesterday I said my quality...Regarding #F1 this season, is it just me, or are there mullets sprouting up everywhere? Even before #ValterriBottas started sporting both a #mullet and a 70s cop mustache (especially noted from the erm... "film" industry, pardon my indelicacy).
Why is this happening? Didn't we learn our lessons about mullets and pron 'staches???
I can't handle it.
#Today was #F1 race day. That was exciting! I spent the rest of the day besides all the F1 playing a game I am addicted to called #Equilinox.
Now I am trying to get myself to work again. I did a bunch of work last night, but it would be easier if I weren't so terrible at what I'm doing. Ack!
#Today is just starting, and I figured I'd check in here to see if I missed anything by sleeping all day. Well, of course I haven't seen #Qualifying from #F1 today, & my beloved said it's too late. He wants to sleep, like a normal person since it's now night.
But now I can't read my feed because #Spoilers! Damn!
My plan now is to work feverishly on the #Illustration of the book I'm doing, until he finally gets up and we watch all the F1's!
#Today is crawling along, reminding me in a very insistent and urgent tone, that I am a terrible #Artist and I can't do this current job, and I really need to tell the author of the book that I am an incompetent #Illustrator and to find someone else.
I am pressing on, trying to just accomplish one little bit of this fiasco. So far, not so good.
Here is a painting from late 1800s Korea. It's called Tiger Family.
I have 3 notes:
1. The spotted one hasn't been told they are adopted yet. 2. These "beastes" are Terrifying! Yellow eyes and SO FIERCE!
3. Even though they are monstrous... they still have....
Yesterday I found out there there are several territories & countries with 30 & 45 minute shifts in time zone.
I then fell into a spiral of imagining what life would be like to LIVE in one time zone and WORK in another. Or cross it daily for different reasons.
I mean, this has to happen to millions of people daily, right? It sounds CRAZY.
It's like daylight savings time EVERY DAY or something!?
Does anyone know anyone who has to do this? What is it like?????
3.5.2023 01:04Yesterday I found out there there are several territories & countries with 30 & 45 minute shifts in time zone.I then fell into a...#Today. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the night. I didn't wake up until my husband got home at 5:30 pm. (hey, I was tired!)
I need to make progress on my #Illustration of the adult picture book I'm working on. I am so stuck on it.
My goal is to refrain from #Procrastination by playing video games, lol.
I wish I could just dip into Mastodon for a bit each day instead of diving in headfirst, losing hours and hours, then thinking, OMG I need to do work and stuffs! And then close the tab and avoid it for a couple months.
I love this place. I need to learn to moderate myself, lol.
I have 2 #Laptop #Computers and hate them both for different reasons. I have a desktop that I hate to sit at. I just realized I don't want a laptop. I want my desktop to be more powerful and I want the peripherals to be able to go to different rooms in my house. I'm thinking like an umbilical, lol.
Is this a thing? Or is it a fever dream sort of idea?
#today is the first day of the #F1 season. Can't wait! I am just trying to get through the days lately. Here is another one. But looking forward to sharing #Formula1 with my husband this weekend.
3.3.2023 14:00#today is the first day of the #F1 season. Can't wait! I am just trying to get through the days lately. Here is another one. But looking...#today I'm still trying to make up for yesterday, in which I slept 23.5 hours, till 3:30 pm (from saturday afternoon). It's very discombobulating to wake up after sleeping for an entire day. And I still feel tired, which is annoying, lol. I was so sleep deprived. But I missed a meeting with my #author for the book I'm #Illustration -ing. We rescheduled for tonight. At least we have become good friends! I hate missing appts!
6.2.2023 23:41#today I'm still trying to make up for yesterday, in which I slept 23.5 hours, till 3:30 pm (from saturday afternoon). It's very...